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  • Office 365 PowerShell Fun with Calendars

    F from https://blogs.msmvps.com/acefekay/tag/get-mailboxfolderpermission/


    Ace Fekay here again.

    You might say to yourself this is some really simple stuff. Sure, it might be, for the pro. As many of you know, I’m an avid Active Directory and Exchange server engineer/architect, and an MVP in Active Directory.

    Therefore with AD, Exchange, and Office 365, you will find that scripting comes into play more and more with your daily tasks.  The main reason I’m posting simple scripts is that to get the job done, I just needed an arsenal of simple quickie scripts when called upon a simple task, such as this one, dealing with mailbox permissions.

    I hope this blog and my future scripts blogs, especially with Office 365, help you out.


    These are a few examples of dealing with every day requests for calendar administration. Sure, you can do it from your web based, Office 365 tenant dashboard, but what fun is that?

    And yes, this is simple stuff. The main reason I’m posting this, and I will be posting much more, including Office 365 scripts, is that I had to look it up. I’ve found various websites that provide how-tos, but when it comes to handling variables and piping, I’ve found there is no one place to get various examples and have found myself looking at multiple places to get this info, including my colleagues, who are extremely adept at scripting. With many place, I also see elaborate scripts that do more than what I need. They are fabulous blogs and websites, but sometimes I need the simple one-liners to perform day to day stuff.

    Open PowerShell session and Login – Of course you first have to open a PowerShell session to your tenant account

    Open a PowerShell window.
    Run the following:
    $MySession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $AceCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

    This will prompt you to login using your credentials.
    Then run:
    import-pssession $MySession

    To be able to run Start-OnlineCoexistenceSync Dirsync – on a DC

    After you make any changes in your local AD, instead of waiting for the dirsync schedule to run, you can manually run a dirsync on your onprem AD to force a sync:

    Command Prompt
    cd “C:Program FilesMicrosoft Online Directory Sync”

    Or just run:
    “C:Program FilesMicrosoft Online Directory SyncDirSyncConfigShell.psc1”
    Then run:
    Start-OnlineCoexistenceSync  or invoke-dirsync

    To view the dirsync log, click on the DirSync icon in task bar that opens the Synchronization Service Manager. If it’s not on the task bar, it can be found in:

    “C:Program FilesMicrosoft Online Directory SyncSYNCBUSSynchronization ServiceUIShellmiisclient.exe”


    General Calendar Commands

    To view the rights on a calendar:

    get-mailboxfolderpermission MarySmith@contoso.com:Calendar

    To add rights to a calendar for a user, JohnDoe, and providing him “Editor” access rights:

    Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Office.Vacation.Calendar@contoso.com:Calendar -User JohnDoe@contoso.com -AccessRights Editor

    To remove JohnDoe’s rights from a calendar:

    remove-mailboxfolderpermission -Identity Office.Vacation.Calendar@contoso.com:Calendar -User JohnDoe@contoso.com

    Rule to move anything with subject, “Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2013” to a folder called, “Rejected Calendar Notifications”

    New-InboxRule “Sent by Exchange 2013” -Mailbox MarySmith@contoso.com -MyNameInToBox $true -FlaggedForAction Any -SubjectOrBodyContainsWords “Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2013” -MoveToFolder “Rejected Calendar Notifications” -StopProcessingRules

    New-InboxRule “SendOnBehalf Sent by Exchange 2013” -Mailbox JohnDoe -MyNameInToBox $true -FlaggedForAction Any -SubjectOrBodyContainsWords “Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2013” -MoveToFolder “Rejected Calendar Notifications” –StopProcessingRules

    Create a shared calendar in Office 365 without creating it in our Active Directory so we don’t get charged for a license.

    This is an example for creating a shared calendar called “Ace’s Cancelled Meetings” with a username of AceCancelledMeetings.

    1. New-Mailbox -Name “AceCancelledMeetings” -DisplayName “Ace’s Cancelled Meetings” -Share

    If required:
    2.  UserPrincipalName: AceCancelledMeetings@YourDomain.onmicrosoft.com

    Give permissions for Mary Smith (MarySmith) to access the calendar.
    3.  Add-MailboxfolderPermission AceCancelledMeetings:Calendar -user “MarySmith” -AccessRights editor  

    Give permissions for John Doe (JohnDoe) to access the calendar.
    4.  Add-MailboxfolderPermission AceCancelledMeetings:Calendar -user “JohnDoe” -AccessRights editor  

    Give permissions for John Smith (JohnSmith) to access the calendar:
    5. Add-MailboxfolderPermission AceCancelledMeetings:Calendar -user “JohnSmith” -AccessRights editor

    Get permissions Examples for a calendar:

    PS C:Windows> (Get-MailboxFolderPermission JohnDoe:Calendar) | select user


    User One
    User Two
    User Three
    User Four
    User Five
    User Six
    User Seven
    User Eight

    To display the accessrights for a calendar:

    PS C:> (Get-MailboxFolderPermission JohnDoe:Calendar) | select user,accessrights

    User                AccessRights
    —-                ————
    Default                {AvailabilityOnly}
    User One            {Reviewer}
    User Two            {Reviewer}
    User Three            {Reviewer}
    User Four            {Reviewer}
    User Five            {Reviewer}
    User Six            {Editor}
    User Seven            {Editor}
    User Eight            {Editor}
    User Nine            {Owner}

    PS C:> get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ConfRoom1:Calendar

    FolderName           User        AccessRights
    ———-           —-        ————
    Calendar             Default        {AvailabilityOnly}
    Calendar             Anonymous        {None}
    Calendar             Ace Fekay        {Editor}
    Calendar             User One        {PublishingEditor}
    Calendar             User Two        {PublishingEditor}
    Calendar             User Three        {PublishingEditor}
    Calendar             User Four        {PublishingEditor}
    Calendar             User Five        {Editor}

    Office 365 Alias issues

    If the user’s alias, such as “JohnDoe,” doesn’t work, run the following to find and use the identifier Microsoft assigned to the user:
    get-mailbox JohnDoe@contoso.com 
        For example, the above query returned:    
        Therefore, I had to run the following command to add permissions for that user:
        Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ConfRoom22:Calendar -User “JohnDoe_8672d315f2” -AccessRights Reviewer

    Command to Add permissions to one Calendar for multiple users (list of users) importing a list of users in a text file and piping the command:

    Get-Content c:Scriptsusers.txt | foreach {Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Classroom2:calendar -User $_ -AccessRights Editor}

    Content of “users.txt:”

    If you need to change the permissions on the calendar for a set of user, use the same format except use the ‘set-calendar’ command:

    Get-Content c:Scriptsusers.txt | foreach {Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Classroom2:calendar -User $_ -AccessRights Editor}

    If you need to give a single user permissions to multiple calendars:

    This is giving MikeSmith@contoso.com access to multiple calendars

    Get-Content C:ScriptsListOfCalendars.txt | foreach {Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $_ -User MikeSmith@contoso.com -AccessRights Editor}

    Content of “ListOfCalendars.txt:”


    To provide permissions to multiple calendars for a list of users.

    There are two variables in this scenario.

    First you must bring in the list of users into memory. In this case, the users are in filename, “ListOfUsers.txt.” Now run the following to bring the users

    Pull the list into memory:
    PS C:> $users= get-content C:ScriptsListOfUsers.txt

    If you like, you can double check and see what’s in the file you just pulled in by simply typing in the variable name and hit enter:

    PS C:> $users

    You can also run the following format to get the same info on the file:

    PS C:> $users | get-member
    Then you bring the list of rooms into memory, “ListOfRooms.txt”
    PS C:> $resources = get-content c:ScriptsListOfRooms.txt

    Then to see what’s in the file, run:
    PS C:> $resources


    Now let’s take a look at what the calendar processsing is for one of the rooms:
        PS C:>  Get-CalendarProcessing ConfRoom1

    Identity                                                     AutomateProcessing
    ——–                                                     ——————
    ConfRoom1                                                    AutoUpdate

    To get more information about the calendar processing data for the room:
        PS C:> Get-CalendarProcessing ConfRoom1 | fl

    RunspaceId                          : <snipped>
    AutomateProcessing                  : AutoUpdate
    AllowConflicts                      : False
    BookingWindowInDays                 : 180
    MaximumDurationInMinutes            : 1440
    AllowRecurringMeetings              : True
    EnforceSchedulingHorizon            : True
    ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours         : False
    ConflictPercentageAllowed           : 0
    MaximumConflictInstances            : 0
    ForwardRequestsToDelegates          : True
    DeleteAttachments                   : True
    DeleteComments                      : True
    RemovePrivateProperty               : True
    DeleteSubject                       : True
    AddOrganizerToSubject               : True
    DeleteNonCalendarItems              : True
    TentativePendingApproval            : True
    EnableResponseDetails               : True
    OrganizerInfo                       : True
    ResourceDelegates                   : {}
    RequestOutOfPolicy                  : {}
    AllRequestOutOfPolicy               : False
    BookInPolicy                        : {}
    AllBookInPolicy                     : True
    RequestInPolicy                     : {}
    AllRequestInPolicy                  : False
    AddAdditionalResponse               : False
    AdditionalResponse                  :
    RemoveOldMeetingMessages            : True
    AddNewRequestsTentatively           : True
    ProcessExternalMeetingMessages      : False
    RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False
    MailboxOwnerId                      : ConfRoom1
    Identity                            : ConfRoom1
    IsValid                             : True
    ObjectState                         : Changed

    And now the moment you’ve been waiting for: Run the following command to set Calenar Processing settings for multiple users for multiple calendars:

    PS C:> $resources | foreach {Set-CalendarProcessing $_ -AutomateProcessing autoaccept -bookinpolicy $users}

    Another example providing Editor rights to a list of calendars

    This is for the IT-Rooms where we must give a list of users “Editor” permissions to a list mailbox Calendars.

    List of users are in file:    c:ScriptsListOfUsers.txt
    List of mailbox room calendars    c:ListOfRooms.txt

    1. Pull the list of users into memory first:
    $users= get-content c:ScriptsListOfUsers.txt

    Run $users to see what’s in the file to be sure:
    $users | get-member

    2. Pull in the rooms or calendars into memory:
    $resources = get-content c:ListOfRooms.txt

    If you want, run this to see what’s in that file:
    $resources | get-member

    If you want, run this to see what calendar processing is currently set on one of the rooms:
    get-CalendarProcessing ConfRoom1 | fl

    3. Run it:

    $resources | foreach {Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $_:calendar -User $Users -AccessRights Editor}

    Or just create a DL, and add the list of users to the DL, then run the following:

    This gives the group ConfRoomSchedulers@contoso.com “Editor” access rights on the rooms listed in the file ListOfRooms.txt:

    Get-Content ListOfRooms.txt | foreach {Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $_ -User ConfRoomSchedulers@contoso.com -AccessRights Editor}

    ListOfRooms.txt contains:

    Change the “Default” user on a list of calendars (rroms) or users to “None.”

    Get-Content c:ScriptsListOfRooms.txt | foreach {Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $_:Calendar -User Default -AccessRights None}

    Removing Permissions for a folder (calendar in this example)

    Remove-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity <mailbox>:Calendar –User <Mailbox-that-will-be-removed-from-Calendar-Permissions>
    remove-MailboxfolderPermission ConferenceRoom1 -user “John Doe” -AccessRights editor
    remove-MailboxfolderPermission ConferenceRoom1:Calendar -user “JohnDoe”

    Then confirm with:
    get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ConferenceRoom1:Calendar

    Create a conference room. Do not allow anyone to book the room other than the people that have access rights to the room:

    Set-Calendarprocessing VeryImportantConfRoom7thFloor@contoso.com -AddAdditionalResponse $true -AdditionalResponse “<p><strong><font color=red

    size=4>Scheduling request denied.</strong><font></p><p><font color=blue size=4>Reason code: You are not authorized to schedule meetings or

    appointments in the Very Important Conference Room 7th Floor. If you must book an entry in the room, please submit a request to either Mary Smith,

    John Doe, or Robert Redford. Thank you.</p><p>Your Company’s IT Department.</font></p>”

    More to come…

    Comments are welcomed.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/junjiany/p/8926420.html
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