// - identifier: Unique identifier for this runner.---每个runner一个唯一标示
// - forks: Max number of child processes to fork at the same time.
// - run_interval: Check for new jobs every 'run_interval' milliseconds.
// (By default, every 250 milliseconds).
// - sandbox: Collection of node modules to pass to the sandboxed tasks
// execution. Object with the form:
// {
// 'module_global_var_name': 'node-module-name'
// }
// By default, only the global timeouts are passed to the tasks
// sandbox.
var WorkflowRunner = module.exports = function (opts) {
var runner = {
init: init,----按照传入的IdentifyId注册运行者,取消所有与当前运行者相关的作业
quit: quit,
// The next 5 are properties, possibly should encapsulate into methods:
identifier: identifier,--当前运行者的ID
backend: backend,
log: log,
shutting_down: shutting_down,
do_fork: do_fork,
getIdentifier: getIdentifier,
runNow: runNow,
nextRun: nextRun,
kill: kill,
childUp: childUp,
childDown: childDown,
childCount: childCount,
inactiveRunners: inactiveRunners,---查看其它不活动的运行者
staleJobs: staleJobs,---查看与不活动运行者相关的作业
getSlot: getSlot,
releaseSlot: releaseSlot
// Put the runner to work
// Put the runner to work function run() { shutting_down = false; function retryJob(oldJob, callback) { } // Queue worker. Tries to run a job, including "hiding" it from other // runners: var worker = function (uuid, callback) { return backend.getJob(uuid, function (err, job) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!job) { return callback(); } if (runNow(job)) { return backend.runJob(uuid, identifier, function (err, job) { ....var runJobOpts = { job: job, trace: job_trace, log: job_log }; return runJob(runJobOpts, function (err) { delete job_runners[job.uuid]; if (err && err === 'retry') { return retryJob(job, callback); } else if (err) { return callback(err); } return callback(); }); }); } else { return callback(); } }); }; // We keep a queue with concurrency limit where we'll be pushing new // jobs var queue = vasync.queue(worker, forks - 1); function reportActivity() { backend.runnerActive(identifier, function (err) { if (err) { log.error({err: err}, 'Error reporting runner activity'); } else { log.debug({runner: identifier}, 'Runner is active'); } if (!shutting_down) { ainterval = setTimeout(reportActivity, activity_interval); } return; }); } function doPoll() { backend.isRunnerIdle(identifier, function (idle) { if (idle === false) { vasync.parallel({ // Fetch stale jobs from runners which stopped // reporting activity and cancel them: funcs: [function cancelStaleJobs(cb) { staleJobs(function (err, jobs) { if (err) { log.error({err: err}, 'Error fetching stale jobs'); // We will not stop even on error: return cb(null, null); } function cancelJobs(uuid, fe_cb) { backend.updateJobProperty( uuid, 'execution', 'canceled', function (err) { if (err) { return fe_cb(err); } return backend.getJob(uuid, function (err, job) { if (err) { return fe_cb(err); } return backend.finishJob( job, function (err, job) { if (err) { return fe_cb(err); } log.info( 'Stale Job ' + job.uuid + ' canceled'); return fe_cb(null); }); }); }); } return vasync.forEachParallel({ inputs: jobs, func: cancelJobs }, function (err, results) { return cb(null, null); }); }); }, // Fetch jobs to process. function fetchJobsToProcess(cb) { var fetch = slots - 1; if (isNaN(fetch) || fetch <= 0) { log.info('No available slots. ' + 'Waiting next iteration'); return cb(null, null); } return backend.nextJobs(0, fetch, function (err, jobs) { // Error fetching jobs if (err) { log.error({err: err}, 'Error fetching jobs'); // We will not stop even on error: return cb(null, null); } // No queued jobs if (!jobs) { return cb(null, null); } // Got jobs, let's see if we can run them: jobs.forEach(function (job) { if (rn_jobs.indexOf(job) === -1) { rn_jobs.push(job); queue.push(job, function (err) { // Called once queue worker // finished processing the job if (err) { log.error({err: err}, 'Error running job'); } log.info('Job with uuid ' + job + ' ran successfully'); if (rn_jobs.indexOf(job) !== -1) { rn_jobs.splice( rn_jobs.indexOf(job), 1); } }); } }); return cb(null, null); }); }] }, function (err, results) { if (!shutting_down) { interval = setTimeout(doPoll, run_interval); } return; }); } else { log.info('Runner idle.'); if (!shutting_down) { interval = setTimeout(doPoll, run_interval); } } }); } reportActivity(); doPoll();//首先根据其它runnner注册时间清除陈旧的作业,然后获取 }
runner.run = run;
return runner;