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  • SharePoint Solutions Deployment-PowerShell


    $ver = $host | select version 
    if ($ver.Version.Major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"} 
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell 
    function global:Deploy-SPSolutions() {
        Deploys one or more Farm Solution Packages to the Farm.
        Specify either a directory containing WSP files, a single WSP file, or an XML configuration file containing the WSP files to deploy.
        If using an XML configuration file, the format of the file must match the following:
            <Solution Path="<full path and filename to WSP>" UpgradeExisting="false">
        Multiple <Solution> and <WebApplication> nodes can be added. The UpgradeExisting attribute is optional and should be specified if the WSP should be udpated and not retracted and redeployed.
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity C:WSPs -WebApplication http://demo
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys all the WSP files in the specified directory to the http://demo Web Application (if applicable).
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity C:WSPs -WebApplication http://demo,http://mysites
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys all the WSP files in the specified directory to the http://demo and http://mysites Web Applications (if applicable).
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity C:WSPs -AllWebApplications
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys all the WSP files in the specified directory to all Web Applications (if applicable).
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity C:WSPsMyCustomSolution.wsp -AllWebApplications
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys the specified WSP to all Web Applications (if applicable).
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity C:WSPsMyCustomSolution.wsp -AllWebApplications -UpgradeExisting
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys the specified WSP to all Web Applications (if applicable); existing deployments will be upgraded and not retracted and redeployed.
        PS C:> . .Deploy-SPSolutions.ps1
        PS C:> Deploy-SPSolutions C:Solutions.xml
        This example loads the function into memory and then deploys all the WSP files specified by the Solutions.xml configuration file.
      .Parameter Config
        The XML configuration file containing the WSP files to deploy.
      .Parameter Identity
        The directory, WSP file, or XML configuration file containing the WSP files to deploy.
      .Parameter UpgradeExisting
        If specified, the WSP file(s) will be updated and not retracted and redeployed (if the WSP does not exist in the Farm then this parameter has no effect).
      .Parameter AllWebApplications
        If specified, the WSP file(s) will be deployed to all Web Applications in the Farm (if applicable).
      .Parameter WebApplication
        Specifies the Web Application(s) to deploy the WSP file to.
      param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Xml")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName="FileOrDirectory")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1, ParameterSetName="FileOrDirectory")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2, ParameterSetName="FileOrDirectory")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3, ParameterSetName="FileOrDirectory")]
      function Block-SPDeployment($solution, [bool]$deploying, [string]$status, [int]$percentComplete) {
        do { 
          Start-Sleep 2
          Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $($solution.Name)" -Status $status -PercentComplete $percentComplete
          $solution = Get-SPSolution $solution
          if ($solution.LastOperationResult -like "*Failed*") { throw "An error occurred during the solution retraction, deployment, or update." }
          if (!$solution.JobExists -and (($deploying -and $solution.Deployed) -or (!$deploying -and !$solution.Deployed))) { break }
        } while ($true)
        sleep 5  
      switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 
        "Xml" { 
          # An XML document was provided so iterate through all the defined solutions and call the other parameter set version of the function
          $Config.Solutions.Solution | ForEach-Object {
            [string]$path = $_.Path
            [bool]$upgrade = $false
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.UpgradeExisting)) {
              $upgrade = [bool]::Parse($_.UpgradeExisting)
            $webApps = $_.WebApplications.WebApplication
            Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity $path -UpgradeExisting:$upgrade -WebApplication $webApps -AllWebApplications:$(($webApps -eq $null) -or ($webApps.Length -eq 0))
        "FileOrDirectory" {
          $item = Get-Item (Resolve-Path $Identity)
          if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
            # A directory was provided so iterate through all files in the directory and deploy if the file is a WSP (based on the extension)
            Get-ChildItem $item | ForEach-Object {
              if ($_.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".wsp")) {
                Deploy-SPSolutions -Identity $_.FullName -UpgradeExisting:$UpgradeExisting -WebApplication $WebApplication
          } elseif ($item -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
            # A specific file was provided so assume that the file is a WSP if it does not have an XML extension.
            [string]$name = $item.Name
            if ($name.ToLower().EndsWith(".xml")) {
              Deploy-SPSolutions -Config ([xml](Get-Content $item.FullName))
            $solution = Get-SPSolution $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($solution -ne $null -and $UpgradeExisting) {
              # Just update the solution, don't retract and redeploy.
              Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Updating $name" -PercentComplete -1
              $solution | Update-SPSolution -CASPolicies:$($solution.ContainsCasPolicy) `
                -GACDeployment:$($solution.ContainsGlobalAssembly) `
                -LiteralPath $item.FullName
              Block-SPDeployment $solution $true "Updating $name" -1
              Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Updated" -Completed
            if ($solution -ne $null) {
              #Retract the solution
              if ($solution.Deployed) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Retracting $name" -PercentComplete 0
                if ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource) {
                  $solution | Uninstall-SPSolution -AllWebApplications -Confirm:$false
                } else {
                  $solution | Uninstall-SPSolution -Confirm:$false
                #Block until we're sure the solution is no longer deployed.
                Block-SPDeployment $solution $false "Retracting $name" 12
                Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Solution retracted" -PercentComplete 25
              #Delete the solution
              Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Removing $name" -PercentComplete 30
              Get-SPSolution $name | Remove-SPSolution -Confirm:$false
              Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Solution removed" -PercentComplete 50
            #Add the solution
            Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Adding $name" -PercentComplete 50
            $solution = Add-SPSolution $item.FullName
            Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Solution added" -PercentComplete 75
            #Deploy the solution
            if (!$solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource) {
              Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Installing $name" -PercentComplete 75
              $solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment:$($solution.ContainsGlobalAssembly) -CASPolicies:$($solution.ContainsCasPolicy) -Confirm:$false
              Block-SPDeployment $solution $true "Installing $name" 85
            } else {
              if ($WebApplication -eq $null -or $WebApplication.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Installing $name to all Web Applications" -PercentComplete 75
                $solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment:$($solution.ContainsGlobalAssembly) -CASPolicies:$($solution.ContainsCasPolicy) -AllWebApplications -Confirm:$false
                Block-SPDeployment $solution $true "Installing $name to all Web Applications" 85
              } else {
                $WebApplication | ForEach-Object {
                  $webApp = $_.Read()
                  Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Installing $name to $($webApp.Url)" -PercentComplete 75
                  $solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment:$gac -CASPolicies:$cas -WebApplication $webApp -Confirm:$false
                  Block-SPDeployment $solution $true "Installing $name to $($webApp.Url)" 85
            Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying solution $name" -Status "Deployed" -Completed
    Deploy-SPSolutions .config.xml -WebApplication http://localhost


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/justinliu/p/5961707.html
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