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  • MySql DQL数据查询语言


    CREATE TABLE dept(
        deptnu      INT  PRIMARY KEY comment '部门编号',
        dname       VARCHAR(50) comment '部门名称',
        addr        VARCHAR(50) comment '部门地址'
    CREATE TABLE employee(
        empno       INT  PRIMARY KEY comment '雇员编号',
        ename       VARCHAR(50) comment '雇员姓名',
        job         VARCHAR(50) comment '雇员职位',
        mgr         INT comment '雇员上级编号',
        hiredate    DATE comment '雇佣日期',
        sal         DECIMAL(7,2) comment '薪资',
        deptnu      INT comment '部门编号'
    CREATE TABLE salgrade(
        grade       INT  PRIMARY KEY comment '等级',
        lowsal      INT comment '最低薪资',
        higsal      INT comment '最高薪资'
    INSERT INTO dept VALUES (10, '研发部', '北京');
    INSERT INTO dept VALUES (20, '工程部', '上海');
    INSERT INTO dept VALUES (30, '销售部', '广州');
    INSERT INTO dept VALUES (40, '财务部', '深圳');
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1009, '唐僧', '董事长', NULL, '2010-11-17', 50000,  10);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1004, '猪八戒', '经理', 1009, '2001-04-02', 29750, 20);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1006, '猴子', '经理', 1009, '2011-05-01', 28500, 30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1007, '张飞', '经理', 1009, '2011-09-01', 24500,10);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1008, '诸葛亮', '分析师', 1004, '2017-04-19', 30000, 20);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1013, '林俊杰', '分析师', 1004, '2011-12-03', 30000, 20);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1002, '牛魔王', '销售员', 1006, '2018-02-20', 16000, 30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1003, '程咬金', '销售员', 1006, '2017-02-22', 12500, 30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1005, '后裔', '销售员', 1006, '2011-09-28', 12500, 30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1010, '韩信', '销售员', 1006, '2018-09-08', 15000,30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1012, '安琪拉', '文员', 1006, '2011-12-03', 9500,  30);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1014, '甄姬', '文员', 1007, '2019-01-23', 7500, 10);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1011, '妲己', '文员', 1008, '2018-05-23', 11000, 20);
    INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1001, '小乔', '文员', 1013, '2018-12-17', 8000, 20);
    INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (1, 7000, 12000);
    INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (2, 12010, 14000);
    INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (3, 14010, 20000);
    INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (4, 20010, 30000);
    INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (5, 30010, 99990);



    select * from employee;
    select empno,ename,job as ename_job from employee;


    select * from employee where ename='后裔';
    select * from employee where sal != 50000;
    select * from employee where sal <> 50000;
    select * from employee where sal > 10000;


    show variables like '%aracter%'; 
    select * from employee  where ename like '林%';


    select * from employee where sal between 10000 and 30000;
    select * from employee where hiredate between '2011-01-01' and '2017-12-1';


    select * from employee where ename in ('猴子','林俊杰','小红','小胡');  


    select distinct(job) from employee;


    select count(*) from employee;
    select count(ename) from employee;
    --sum() 计算总和 
    select sum(sal) from employee;
    --max() 计算最大值
     select * from employee where sal= (select  max(sal) from employee);
    --avg() 计算平均值
    select avg(sal) from employee;
    --min() 计算最低值
    select * from employee where sal= (select  min(sal) from employee);
    --concat 函数: 起到连接作用
    select concat(ename,'',job) as aaaa from employee;

    二、group by分组查询(分组)

    作用:把行 按 字段 分组

    语法:group by 列1,列2....列N


    select deptnu,count(*) from employee group by deptnu;
    select deptnu,job,count(*) from employee group by deptnu,job;
    select job,count(*) from employee group by job;



    语法:having 条件 或者 having 聚合函数 条件

    适用场合:一般跟在group by之后

    select job,count(*) from employee group by job having job ='文员';
    select  deptnu,job,count(*) from employee group by deptnu,job having count(*)>=2;
    select  deptnu,job,count(*) as 总数 from employee group by deptnu,job having 总数>=2;

    四、order by排序查询(排序)


    语法:order by 字段1,字段2 .....


    select * from employee order by sal;
    select * from employee order by hiredate;
    select  deptnu,job,count(*) as 总数 from employee group by deptnu,job having 总数>=2 order by deptnu desc;
    select  deptnu,job,count(*) as 总数 from employee group by deptnu,job having 总数>=2 order by deptnu asc;
    select  deptnu,job,count(*) as 总数 from employee group by deptnu,job having 总数>=2 order by deptnu;

    顺序:where ---- group by ----- having ------ order by 

    五、limit 限制查询(限制)


    语法:limit n,m n:代表起始条数值,不写默认为0;m代表:取出的条数


    select * from XD.employee limit 4,5;


    exists型子查询后面是一个受限的 select 查询语句

    exists子查询,如果exists后的内层查询能查出数据,则返回 TRUE 表示存在;为空则返回 FLASE 则不存在。

    分为俩种:exists 跟 not exists

    select 1 from employee where 1=1;
    select * from 表名 a where exists (select 1 from 表名2 where 条件);
    select * from dept a where exists (select 1 from employee b where a.deptnu=b.deptnu);
    select * from dept a where not exists (select 1 from employee b where a.deptnu=b.deptnu);


    左连接称之为左外连接 右连接称之为右外连接 这俩个连接都是属于外连接

    左连接关键字:left join 表名 on 条件 / left outer 表名 join on 条件

    右连接关键字:right join 表名 on 条件/ right outer 表名 join on 条件

    左连接说明: left join 是 left outer join的简写,左(外)连接,左表(a_table)的记录将会全部表示出来, 而右表(b_table)只会显示符合搜索条件的记录。右表记录不足的地方均为NULL。

    右连接说明:right join 是 right outer join的简写,与左(外)连接相反,右(外)连接,左表(a_table)只会显示符合搜索条件的记录,而右表(b_table)的记录将会全部表示出来。左表记录不足的地方均为NULL。

    select a.dname,b.* from dept a  left join employee b on a.deptnu=b.deptnu;
    select b.dname,a.* from employee a  right join  dept b on b.deptnu=a.deptnu;



    主要语法:INNER JOIN 表名 ON 条件;

    select a.addr  from dept a inner join employee b on a.deptnu=b.deptnu and b.ename='张飞';
    select a.addr from dept a,employee b where a.deptnu=b.deptnu and b.ename='张飞';


    主要语法1:... UNION ... (去除重复)

    主要语法2:... UNION ALL ...(不去重复)





    (4)用到 order by 排序时,需要加上limit(加上最大条数就行),需要对子句用括号括起来

    (select * from employee a where a.job = '销售员'  order by a.sal limit 999999 ) union  (select * from employee b where b.job = '文员' order by b.sal desc limit 999999);
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    Android ContentProvider完整案例
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jwen1994/p/11788848.html
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