<!--审核展示列表--> <select id="auditResList" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> <include refid="auditRes"/> </select> <!--审核展示 一条--> <select id="auditResInfo" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> <include refid="auditRes"/> </select> <sql id="auditRes"> SELECT r.id AS resId, r.res_desc, r.res_type, r.res_state, r.expires_date, r.res_pic_path, ra.id as applyId, ra.reason, ra.apply_note, ra.company_id, ra.state, r.res_name, c.companyName, c.shopName FROM resource r inner JOIN resource_apply ra ON r.id = ra.res_id left JOIN company c on ra.company_id = c.companyId <where> r.res_state = 1 <if test="resType != null"> and r.res_type = #{resType} </if> <if test="_parameter.containsKey('applyId') and applyId != null"> and ra.id = #{applyId} </if> <if test=" _parameter.containsKey('state') and state != null"> and ra.state = #{state} </if> <if test=" _parameter.containsKey('resName') and resName != null and resName != ''"> and r.res_name like CONCAT('%', #{resName}, '%') </if> <if test=" _parameter.containsKey('companyName') and companyName != null and companyName != ''"> and c.companyName like CONCAT('%', #{companyName}, '%') </if> <if test=" _parameter.containsKey('shopName') and shopName != null and shopName != ''"> and c.shopName like CONCAT('%', #{shopName}, '%') </if> </where> </sql> /** * 审核展示列表 * * @param resType * @return */ List<HashMap> auditResList(@Param("resType") Integer resType, @Param("companyName") String companyName, @Param("shopName") String shopName, @Param("state") Integer state, @Param("resName") String resName); /** * 审核展示 一条 * * @param resType * @param applyId * @return */ HashMap auditResInfo(@Param("resType") Integer resType, @Param("applyId") Integer applyId);