OpenXml是通过 XML 文档提供行集视图。由于OPENXML 是行集提供程序,因此可在会出现行集提供程序(如表、视图或 OPENROWSET 函数)的 Transact-SQL 语句中使用 OPENXML。
前台弹出框用的是 jBox这个js插件,我用了ajax请求的方式来上传js部分
function ImportExlDataGridRows() { var html = "<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <div style='padding:10px;'>请选择导入的文件:(*.xlsx) <a href="download.aspx?ParamValue=1" rel="external" style="color:#000; background:#CCC; 80px; border:1px solid #09F" >下载模板</a></div>"; html += "<div style='padding:10px;'><input type="file" name="uploadImg" id="uploadImg" style=" 320px; border:1px solid #09F" /></div>"; html += "</form> "; var submit = function (v, h, f) { //判断是否有选择上传文件 var imgPath = $("#uploadImg").val(); if (imgPath == "") { alert("请选择导入的文件!"); return false; } //判断上传文件的后缀名 var strExtension = imgPath.substr(imgPath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (strExtension != 'xlsx' && strExtension != 'xls') { alert("请选择导入的文件(*.xlsx)"); return false; } $.ajaxFileUpload( { url:window.location.href, secureuri: false, fileElementId: 'uploadImg', dataType: 'json', data:{ "method":"file"}, beforeSend: function () { $.jBox.tip("正在加载导入", "loading"); }, complete: function () { }, success: function (data, status) { //if (typeof (data.Success) != 'undefined') { if (data.Success != '') { $.jBox.tip(data.Msg); } // } }, error: function (data, status, e) { $.jBox.tip(e); } } ) return true; }; $.jBox(html, { title: "导入预防性维修派单", submit: submit }); }
/// <summary> /// 导入exl /// </summary> public void FilePlanImport() { string pathWan = ""; try { //Web站点下,附件存放的路径 string strFileFolerInWebServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileFolerInWebServer"]; HttpFileCollection files = Request.Files; if (files.Count <=0) { ResponseWriteSuccessORFail(false, "文件导入"); return; } HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[0]; //context.Request.Files["Filedata"]; string savepath = ""; savepath = Server.MapPath(strFileFolerInWebServer) + "\";//实际保存文件夹路径 string filename = postedFile.FileName; string sNewFileName = "年度生产设备保养计划表_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); string sExtension = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.')); if (!Directory.Exists(savepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(savepath); } pathWan=savepath + @"" + sNewFileName + sExtension; postedFile.SaveAs(pathWan); //保存到文件服务器上的名称 } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); ResponseWriteSuccessORFail(false, "文件导入"); return; // context.Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } DataTable data = null; int errRows = 0;// try { using (var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(pathWan, false)) { var worksheet = document.GetWorksheet(); var rows = worksheet.Descendants<Row>().ToList(); var sharedStringTable = document.GetSharedStringTable(); // 读取Excel中的数据 IEnumerable<string> rowskey = new string[] { "OUGUID","AccessoriesCategories" ,"AccessoriesSubclass" ,"MaintenanceMethod", "Cycle" ,"CycleUnit","EffectiveDate" ,"ClosingDate","EarlyDays","WorkPermit","RepairBusiness"}; ExcelOpenXMLHelper.SetRows = rowskey;//这部分是需要读取那些字段 data = ExcelOpenXMLHelper.ReadExcelData(rows, sharedStringTable); foreach (DataRow item in data.Rows) { ....数据插入部分 } } string msg = "文件导入成功:" + (data.Rows.Count - errRows) + ",错误:" + errRows; ResponseWriteSuccessORFail(true, msg); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); string msg = "文件导入成功:" + (data.Rows.Count - errRows) + ",错误:" + errRows; ResponseWriteSuccessORFail(false, msg); } }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"> /// The file path. /// </param> /// <param name="fileTemplatePath"> /// The file template path. /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> private void ExcelOut(string filePath, string fileTemplatePath) { try { System.IO.File.Copy(fileTemplatePath, filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("复制Excel文件出错" + ex.Message); } using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filePath, true)) { var sheetData = document.GetFirstSheetData(); OpenXmlHelper.CellStyleIndex = 1; ////写标题相关信息 this.UpdateTitleText(sheetData); //循环rows数据写入excl IEnumerable<string> rowskey = new string[] { "OUGUID","AccessoriesCategories" ,"AccessoriesSubclass" ,"MaintenanceMethod", "Cycle" ,"CycleUnit","EffectiveDate" ,"ClosingDate","EarlyDays","WorkPermit","RepairBusiness"}; ExcelOpenXMLHelper.SetRows = rowskey;//这部分是需要读取那些字段 DataTable dt=BLL.BudgetBO(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { foreach (string item in rowskey) { sheetData.SetCellValue(item, dr[item]); } } // var str = OpenXmlHelper.ValidateDocument(document);验证生成的Excel } } /// <summary> /// 修改标头 /// </summary> /// <param name="sheetData"> /// The sheet data. /// </param> private void UpdateTitleText(SheetData sheetData) { sheetData.UpdateCellText("A1", "xx工信息"); sheetData.UpdateCellText("A2", "制表时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日HH时")); sheetData.UpdateCellText("G2", "制表人:admin"); }