SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @lt_zmmt001 FROM zmmt001. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND p_file IS NOT INITIAL . lv_filename = p_file. CALL METHOD zcl_document_jxzhu=>export_document_to_frontend EXPORTING pi_filename = lv_filename * iv_sheetname = 'Sheet1' * IMPORTING * error_text = CHANGING pt_tab = lt_zmmt001 EXCEPTIONS file_export_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF.
METHOD export_document_to_frontend. IF pt_tab IS INITIAL. MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error WITH |Table has no entry.|. ENDIF. DATA filecontent TYPE xstring."内容 16进制 TRY. DATA(xlsx_handling) = cl_ehfnd_xlsx=>get_instance( )."xlsx 句柄 DATA(xlsx_document) = xlsx_handling->create_doc( )."xlsx 文件 DATA(xlsx_sheets) = xlsx_document->get_sheets( )."得到sheets DATA(first_xlsx_sheet) = xlsx_document->get_sheet_by_id( xlsx_sheets[ 1 ]-sheet_id )."得到sheet first_xlsx_sheet->change_sheet_name( iv_sheetname )."设置sheet的名称 DATA(lv_column) = 1."设置列 = 1 DATA lw_tab_ref TYPE REF TO data. CREATE DATA lw_tab_ref LIKE LINE OF pt_tab. DATA tablestructure TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr. tablestructure ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( lw_tab_ref ). *set column name 得到列名 LOOP AT tablestructure->components REFERENCE INTO DATA(component). first_xlsx_sheet->set_cell_content( iv_row = 1 iv_column = lv_column iv_value = component->name ). lv_column = lv_column + 1. ENDLOOP. DATA(lv_row) = 2. FIELD-SYMBOLS <tabledata> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. ASSIGN pt_tab TO <tabledata>. *set data of excel 写入内表的数据 LOOP AT <tabledata> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<currenttabledata>). lv_column = 1. LOOP AT tablestructure->components REFERENCE INTO component. ASSIGN COMPONENT component->name OF STRUCTURE <currenttabledata> TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<columnvalue>). first_xlsx_sheet->set_cell_content( iv_row = lv_row iv_column = lv_column iv_value = <columnvalue> ). lv_column = lv_column + 1. ENDLOOP. lv_row = lv_row + 1. ENDLOOP. filecontent = xlsx_document->save( ). CATCH cx_openxml_format INTO DATA(openxml_format_exception). MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error WITH 'Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.'." cx_openxml_format. CATCH cx_openxml_not_found INTO DATA(openxml_not_found_exception). MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error WITH ' Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.' "CX_OPENXML_NOT_FOUND |. . CATCH cx_openxml_not_allowed INTO DATA(openxml_not_allowed_exception). MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error WITH 'Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.'" CX_OPENXML_NOT_ALLOWED |. . ENDTRY. *将16进制转化为内表 cl_scp_change_db=>xstr_to_xtab( EXPORTING im_xstring = filecontent IMPORTING ex_xtab = DATA(filecontenttab) ). *输出 cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = xstrlen( filecontent ) filename = pi_filename filetype = 'BIN' confirm_overwrite = abap_true IMPORTING filelength = DATA(bytestransferred) CHANGING data_tab = filecontenttab EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 no_batch = 2 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3 invalid_type = 4 no_authority = 5 unknown_error = 6 header_not_allowed = 7 separator_not_allowed = 8 filesize_not_allowed = 9 header_too_long = 10 dp_error_create = 11 dp_error_send = 12 dp_error_write = 13 unknown_dp_error = 14 access_denied = 15 dp_out_of_memory = 16 disk_full = 17 dp_timeout = 18 file_not_found = 19 dataprovider_exception = 20 control_flush_error = 21 not_supported_by_gui = 22 error_no_gui = 23 OTHERS = 24 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. MESSAGE s001(00) WITH bytestransferred ' bytes transferred'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
METHOD export_document_to_frontend.
MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error WITH |Table has no entry.|.
DATA filecontent TYPE xstring."内容 16进制
DATA(xlsx_handling) = cl_ehfnd_xlsx=>get_instance( )."xlsx 句柄
DATA(xlsx_document) = xlsx_handling->create_doc( )."xlsx 文件
DATA(xlsx_sheets) = xlsx_document->get_sheets( )."得到sheets
DATA(first_xlsx_sheet) = xlsx_document->get_sheet_by_id( xlsx_sheets[ 1 ]-sheet_id )."得到sheet
first_xlsx_sheet->change_sheet_name( iv_sheetname )."设置sheet的名称
DATA(lv_column) = 1."设置列 = 1
DATA lw_tab_ref TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA lw_tab_ref LIKE LINE OF pt_tab.
DATA tablestructure TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
tablestructure ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( lw_tab_ref ).
*set column name 得到列名
LOOP AT tablestructure->components REFERENCE INTO DATA(component).
first_xlsx_sheet->set_cell_content( iv_row = 1
iv_column = lv_column
iv_value = component->name ).
lv_column = lv_column + 1.
DATA(lv_row) = 2.
ASSIGN pt_tab TO <tabledata>.
*set data of excel 写入内表的数据
LOOP AT <tabledata> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<currenttabledata>).
lv_column = 1.
LOOP AT tablestructure->components REFERENCE INTO component.
ASSIGN COMPONENT component->name OF STRUCTURE <currenttabledata> TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<columnvalue>).
first_xlsx_sheet->set_cell_content( iv_row = lv_row
iv_column = lv_column
iv_value = <columnvalue> ).
lv_column = lv_column + 1.
lv_row = lv_row + 1.
filecontent = xlsx_document->save( ).
CATCH cx_openxml_format INTO DATA(openxml_format_exception).
MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error
WITH 'Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.'." cx_openxml_format.
CATCH cx_openxml_not_found INTO DATA(openxml_not_found_exception).
MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error
WITH ' Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.' "CX_OPENXML_NOT_FOUND |.
CATCH cx_openxml_not_allowed INTO DATA(openxml_not_allowed_exception).
MESSAGE e001(00) RAISING file_export_error
WITH 'Error occurs when constructing excel file instance.'" CX_OPENXML_NOT_ALLOWED |.
cl_scp_change_db=>xstr_to_xtab( EXPORTING im_xstring = filecontent
IMPORTING ex_xtab = DATA(filecontenttab) ).
bin_filesize = xstrlen( filecontent )
filename = pi_filename
filetype = 'BIN'
confirm_overwrite = abap_true
filelength = DATA(bytestransferred)
data_tab = filecontenttab
file_write_error = 1
no_batch = 2
gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
invalid_type = 4
no_authority = 5
unknown_error = 6
header_not_allowed = 7
separator_not_allowed = 8
filesize_not_allowed = 9
header_too_long = 10
dp_error_create = 11
dp_error_send = 12
dp_error_write = 13
unknown_dp_error = 14
access_denied = 15
dp_out_of_memory = 16
disk_full = 17
dp_timeout = 18
file_not_found = 19
dataprovider_exception = 20
control_flush_error = 21
not_supported_by_gui = 22
error_no_gui = 23
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
MESSAGE s001(00) WITH bytestransferred ' bytes transferred'.