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  • day22_2-sys模块

    # ********************day22_2-sys模块 *******************
    # ********************day22_2-sys模块 *******************
    # ********************day22_2-sys模块 *******************
    # 参考资料:
    # python模块(转自Yuan先生) - 狂奔__蜗牛 - 博客园
    # https://www.cnblogs.com/guojintao/articles/9070485.html

    # =====>>>>>>内容概览
    # =====>>>>>>内容概览
    # =====>>>>>>内容概览

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 1、sys.argv ???
    # # # 命令行参数List,第一个元素是程序本身路径
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 2、sys.exit(n) 退出程序,正常退出时exit(0)
    # # # 退出程序,正常退出时exit(0)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 3、sys.version
    # # # 获取Python解释程序的版本信息
    # # # ==>>>应用场景:当程序拷贝到其他的电脑的时候,需要进行对电脑的运行环境进行获取,
    # # # 以保证程序在其他的操作系统环境下能够正常的运行
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4、sys.maxint
    # # # 最大的Int值 (python 2 中才有这个模块)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5、sys.path
    # # # 返回模块的搜索路径,初始化时使用PYTHONPATH环境变量的值
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 6、sys.platform
    # # # 返回操作系统平台名称
    # # # ==>>>应用场景:当程序拷贝到其他的电脑的时候,需要进行对电脑的运行环境进行获取,
    # # # 以保证程序在其他的操作系统环境下能够正常的运行
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 7、sys实例:进度条
    # ------------------------------------------------------------





    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 1、sys.argv
    # # # 命令行参数List,第一个元素是程序本身路径
    # # # Python中 sys.argv[]的用法简明解释 - CSDN博客
    # # # https://blog.csdn.net/xu380393916/article/details/81486773
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # import sys
    # print(sys.argv)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # ['D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py']
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 2、sys.exit(n)        退出程序,正常退出时exit(0)
    # # # 退出程序,正常退出时exit(0)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # import sys
    # msg ='''
    #     1:输入
    #     2:退出
    # '''
    # dic = {
    #     "d_get":"1",
    #     "d_exit":"2"
    # }
    # while True:
    #     print(msg)
    #     usr_input = input("请输入选项:")
    #     if usr_input == dic["d_get"]:
    #         continue
    #     elif usr_input == dic["d_exit"]:
    #         sys.exit(0)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # #
    # #     1:输入
    # #     2:退出
    # #
    # # 请输入选项:1
    # #
    # #     1:输入
    # #     2:退出
    # #
    # # 请输入选项:1
    # #
    # #     1:输入
    # #     2:退出
    # #
    # # 请输入选项:2
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 3、sys.version        
    # # # 获取Python解释程序的版本信息
    # # # ==>>>应用场景:当程序拷贝到其他的电脑的时候,需要进行对电脑的运行环境进行获取,
    # # # 以保证程序在其他的操作系统环境下能够正常的运行
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # import sys
    # print(sys.version)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # 3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Mar 29 2018, 13:32:41) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4、sys.maxint         
    # # # 最大的Int值 (python 2 中才有这个模块)  
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # 以下的环境是在python2.7中运运行的
    # import sys
    # print(sys.maxint)
    # # D:C_cachepyday18_WenJianChuLivenvScriptspython.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # 2147483647
    # # 
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5、sys.path                    
    # # # 返回模块的搜索路径,初始化时使用PYTHONPATH环境变量的值  
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # import sys
    # print(sys.path)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # ['D:\C_cache\py\day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai', 'D:\C_cache\py\day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai', 'D:\Anaconda3\python36.zip', 'D:\Anaconda3\DLLs', 'D:\Anaconda3\lib', 'D:\Anaconda3', 'D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages', 'D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\win32', 'D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\win32\lib', 'D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin', 'D:\Program Files (x86)\PyCharm 2018.1.3\helpers\pycharm_matplotlib_backend']
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 6、sys.platform             
    # # # 返回操作系统平台名称  
    # # # ==>>>应用场景:当程序拷贝到其他的电脑的时候,需要进行对电脑的运行环境进行获取,
    # # # 以保证程序在其他的操作系统环境下能够正常的运行
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # import sys
    # print(sys.platform)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # win32
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 7、sys实例:进度条             
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 方式一:
    # import sys,time
    # i = 0
    # while i<100:
    #     sys.stdout.write(">")
    #     sys.stdout.flush()
    #     i +=1
    #     time.sleep(0.02)
    # print("
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    # # 完成传输!
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # # 方式二:
    # import sys,time
    # for i in range(100):
    #     sys.stdout.write(">")
    #     sys.stdout.flush()
    #     time.sleep(0.02)
    # print("
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day22_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai/day22_2_os_json_re_etc_MoKuai.py
    # # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    # # 完成传输!
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jyfootprint/p/9438985.html
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