由于主要是使用lenet模型训练自己的图片数据,我的图像数据共有10个类别,分别是0~9,相应地保存在名为0~9的文件夹,在/homg/您的用户名/下新建一文件夹char_images,用于保存图像数据,在/homg/您的用户名/char_images/下新建两个文件夹,名字分别为train和val,各自都包含了名为0~9的文件夹,例如文件夹0内存放的是字符”0”的图像,我的文件夹 如下:
- #coding:utf-8
- import cv2
- import os
- def IsSubString( SubStrList , Str): #判断SubStrList的元素
- flag = True #是否在Str内
- for substr in SubStrList:
- if not ( substr in Str):
- flag = False
- return flag
- def GetFileList(FindPath,FlagStr=[]): #搜索目录下的子文件路径
- FileList=[]
- FileNames=os.listdir(FindPath)
- if len(FileNames)>0:
- for fn in FileNames:
- if len(FlagStr)>0:
- if IsSubString(FlagStr,fn): #不明白这里判断是为了啥
- fullfilename=os.path.join(FindPath,fn)
- FileList.append(fullfilename)
- else:
- fullfilename=os.path.join(FindPath,fn)
- FileList.append(fullfilename)
- if len(FileList)>0:
- FileList.sort()
- return FileList
- train_txt = open('train.txt' , 'w') #制作标签数据
- classList =['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
- for idx in range(len(classList)) :
- imgfile=GetFileList('train/'+ classList[idx])#将数据集放在与.py文件相同目录下
- for img in imgfile:
- srcImg = cv2.imread( img);
- resizedImg = cv2.resize(srcImg , (28,28))
- cv2.imwrite( img ,resizedImg)
- strTemp=img+' '+classList[idx]+' ' #用空格代替转义字符
- train_txt.writelines(strTemp)
- train_txt.close()
- test_txt = open('val.txt' , 'w') #制作标签数据
- for idx in range(len(classList)) :
- imgfile=GetFileList('val/'+ classList[idx])
- for img in imgfile:
- srcImg = cv2.imread( img);
- resizedImg = cv2.resize(srcImg , (28,28))
- cv2.imwrite( img ,resizedImg)
- strTemp=img+' '+classList[idx]+' ' #用空格代替转义字符
- test_txt.writelines(strTemp)
- test_txt.close()
- print("成功生成文件列表")
将caffe路径下 examples/imagenet/create_imagenet.sh 复制一份到Build_lmdb文件夹下
打开create_imagenet.sh ,修改内容如下:
- #!/usr/bin/env sh
- # Create the imagenet lmdb inputs
- # N.B. set the path to the imagenet train + val data dirs
- set -e
- EXAMPLE=My_File/Build_lmdb #生成的lmdb格式数据保存地址
- DATA=My_File/Data_label #两个txt标签文件所在路径
- TOOLS=build/tools #caffe自带工具,不用管
- TRAIN_DATA_ROOT=/home/zjy/char_images/ #预先准备的训练图片路径,该路径和train.txt上写的路径合起来是图片完整路径
- VAL_DATA_ROOT=/home/zjy/char_images/ #预先准备的测试图片路径,...
- # Set RESIZE=true to resize the images to 256x256. Leave as false if images have
- # already been resized using another tool.
- RESIZE=false
- if $RESIZE; then
- else
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$TRAIN_DATA_ROOT" ]; then
- echo "Error: TRAIN_DATA_ROOT is not a path to a directory: $TRAIN_DATA_ROOT"
- echo "Set the TRAIN_DATA_ROOT variable in create_imagenet.sh to the path"
- "where the ImageNet training data is stored."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$VAL_DATA_ROOT" ]; then
- echo "Error: VAL_DATA_ROOT is not a path to a directory: $VAL_DATA_ROOT"
- echo "Set the VAL_DATA_ROOT variable in create_imagenet.sh to the path"
- "where the ImageNet validation data is stored."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Creating train lmdb..."
- GLOG_logtostderr=1 $TOOLS/convert_imageset
- --resize_height=$RESIZE_HEIGHT
- --resize_width=$RESIZE_WIDTH
- --shuffle
- --gray #灰度图像加上这个
- $DATA/train.txt
- $EXAMPLE/train_lmdb #生成的lmdb格式训练数据集所在的文件夹
- echo "Creating val lmdb..."
- GLOG_logtostderr=1 $TOOLS/convert_imageset
- --resize_height=$RESIZE_HEIGHT
- --resize_width=$RESIZE_WIDTH
- --shuffle
- --gray #灰度图像加上这个
- $DATA/val.txt
- $EXAMPLE/val_lmdb #生成的lmdb格式训练数据集所在的文件夹
- echo "Done."
将caffe/examples/mnist下的 train_lenet.sh 、lenet_solver.prototxt 、lenet_train_test.prototxt 这三个文件复制至 My_File,首先修改train_lenet.sh 如下,只改了solver.prototxt的路径
- #!/usr/bin/env sh
- set -e
- ./build/tools/caffe train --solver=My_File/lenet_solver.prototxt $@ #改路径
- # The train/test net protocol buffer definition
- net: "My_File/lenet_train_test.prototxt" #改这里
- # test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.
- # In the case of MNIST, we have test batch size 100 and 100 test iterations,
- # covering the full 10,000 testing images.
- test_iter: 100
- # Carry out testing every 500 training iterations.
- test_interval: 500
- # The base learning rate, momentum and the weight decay of the network.
- base_lr: 0.01
- momentum: 0.9
- weight_decay: 0.0005
- # The learning rate policy
- lr_policy: "inv"
- gamma: 0.0001
- power: 0.75
- # Display every 100 iterations
- display: 100
- # The maximum number of iterations
- max_iter: 10000
- # snapshot intermediate results
- snapshot: 5000
- snapshot_prefix: "My_File/" #改这里
- # solver mode: CPU or GPU
- solver_mode: GPU
最后修改lenet_train_test.prototxt ,如下:
- name: "LeNet"
- layer {
- name: "mnist"
- type: "Data"
- top: "data"
- top: "label"
- include {
- phase: TRAIN
- }
- transform_param {
- scale: 0.00390625
- }
- data_param {
- source: "My_File/Build_lmdb/train_lmdb" #改成自己的
- batch_size: 64
- backend: LMDB
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "mnist"
- type: "Data"
- top: "data"
- top: "label"
- include {
- phase: TEST
- }
- transform_param {
- scale: 0.00390625
- }
- data_param {
- source: "My_File/Build_lmdb/val_lmdb" #改成自己的
- batch_size: 100
- backend: LMDB
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv1"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "data"
- top: "conv1"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 20
- kernel_size: 5
- stride: 1
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool1"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "conv1"
- top: "pool1"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 2
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv2"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "pool1"
- top: "conv2"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 50
- kernel_size: 5
- stride: 1
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool2"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "conv2"
- top: "pool2"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 2
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "ip1"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "pool2"
- top: "ip1"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 500
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu1"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "ip1"
- top: "ip1"
- }
- layer {
- name: "ip2"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "ip1"
- top: "ip2"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 10
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "accuracy"
- type: "Accuracy"
- bottom: "ip2"
- bottom: "label"
- top: "accuracy"
- include {
- phase: TEST
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "loss"
- type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
- bottom: "ip2"
- bottom: "label"
- top: "loss"
- }
运行 My_File/train_lenet.sh ,得到最后的训练结果,在My_File下生成训练的caffemodel和solverstate。
build/tools/compute_image_mean My_File/Build_lmdb/train_lmdb My_File/Mean/mean.binaryproto
deploy.prototxt是在lenet_train_test.prototxt的基础上删除了开头的Train和Test部分以及结尾的Accuracy、SoftmaxWithLoss层,并在开始时增加了一个data层描述,结尾增加softmax层,可以参照博文http://blog.csdn.net/lanxuecc/article/details/52474476 使用python生成,也可以直接由train_val.prototxt上做修改,在My_File文件夹下新建一文件夹Deploy,将 lenet_train_test.prototxt复制至文件夹Deploy下,并重命名为deploy.prototxt ,修改里面的内容如下:
- name: "LeNet"
- layer { #删去原来的Train和Test部分,增加一个data层
- name: "data"
- type: "Input"
- top: "data"
- input_param { shape: { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 28 dim: 28 } }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv1"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "data"
- top: "conv1"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 20
- kernel_size: 5
- stride: 1
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool1"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "conv1"
- top: "pool1"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 2
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv2"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "pool1"
- top: "conv2"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 50
- kernel_size: 5
- stride: 1
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool2"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "conv2"
- top: "pool2"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 2
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "ip1"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "pool2"
- top: "ip1"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 500
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu1"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "ip1"
- top: "ip1"
- }
- layer {
- name: "ip2"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "ip1"
- top: "ip2"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 10
- weight_filler {
- type: "xavier"
- }
- bias_filler {
- type: "constant"
- }
- }
- }
- layer { #增加softmax层
- name: "prob"
- type: "Softmax"
- bottom: "ip2"
- top: "prob"
- }