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  • javascript之DOM

    文档对象模型(Document Object Model,DOM)是一种用于HTML和XML文档的编程接口。它给文档提供了一种结构化的表示方法,可以改变文档的内容和呈现方式。我们最为关心的是,DOM把网页和脚本以及其他的编程语言联系了起来。DOM属于浏览器,而不是JavaScript语言规范里的规定的核心内容。



    1 document.getElementById             根据ID获取一个标签
    2 document.getElementsByName          根据name属性获取标签集合
    3 document.getElementsByClassName     根据class属性获取标签集合
    4 document.getElementsByTagName       根据标签名获取标签集合
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     1 parentNode          // 父节点
     2 childNodes          // 所有子节点
     3 firstChild          // 第一个子节点
     4 lastChild           // 最后一个子节点
     5 nextSibling         // 下一个兄弟节点
     6 previousSibling     // 上一个兄弟节点
     8 parentElement           // 父节点标签元素
     9 children                // 所有子标签
    10 firstElementChild       // 第一个子标签元素
    11 lastElementChild        // 最后一个子标签元素
    12 nextElementtSibling     // 下一个兄弟标签元素
    13 previousElementSibling  // 上一个兄弟标签元素
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    1 innerText   文本
    2 outerText
    3 innerHTML   HTML内容
    4 innerHTML  
    5 value       值
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    1 attributes                // 获取所有标签属性
    2 setAttribute(key,value)   // 设置标签属性
    3 getAttribute(key)         // 获取指定标签属性
    5 /*
    6 var atr = document.createAttribute("class");
    7 atr.nodeValue="democlass";
    8 document.getElementById('n1').setAttributeNode(atr);
    9 */
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    1 className                // 获取所有类名
    2 classList.remove(cls)    // 删除指定类
    3 classList.add(cls)       // 添加类
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     1 a.创建标签
     2 // 方式一
     3 var tag = document.createElement('a')
     4 tag.innerText = "wupeiqi"
     5 tag.className = "c1"
     6 tag.href = "http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi"
     8 // 方式二
     9 var tag = "<a class='c1' href='http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi'>wupeiqi</a>"
    10 b.操作标签
    11 // 方式一
    12 var obj = "<input type='text' />";
    13 xxx.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd",obj);
    14 xxx.insertAdjacentElement('afterBegin',document.createElement('p'))
    16 //注意:第一个参数只能是'beforeBegin''afterBegin''beforeEnd''afterEnd'
    18 // 方式二
    19 var tag = document.createElement('a')
    20 xxx.appendChild(tag)
    21 xxx.insertBefore(tag,xxx[1])
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    1 var obj = document.getElementById('i1')
    3 obj.style.fontSize = "32px";
    4 obj.style.backgroundColor = "red";
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     1 总文档高度
     2 document.documentElement.offsetHeight
     4 当前文档占屏幕高度
     5 document.documentElement.clientHeight
     7 自身高度
     8 tag.offsetHeight
    10 距离上级定位高度
    11 tag.offsetTop
    13 父定位标签
    14 tag.offsetParent
    16 滚动高度
    17 tag.scrollTop
    19 /*
    20     clientHeight -> 可见区域:height + padding
    21     clientTop    -> border高度
    22     offsetHeight -> 可见区域:height + padding + border
    23     offsetTop    -> 上级定位标签的高度
    24     scrollHeight -> 全文高:height + padding
    25     scrollTop    -> 滚动高度
    26     特别的:
    27         document.documentElement代指文档根节点
    28 */
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    1 document.geElementById('form').submit()
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     1 console.log                 输出框
     2 alert                       弹出框
     3 confirm                     确认框
     5 // URL和刷新
     6 location.href               获取URL
     7 location.href = "url"       重定向
     8 location.reload()           重新加载
    10 // 定时器
    11 setInterval                 多次定时器
    12 clearInterval               清除多次定时器
    13 setTimeout                  单次定时器
    14 clearTimeout                清除单次定时器
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    • this
    • event
    • 事件链以及跳出



     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3     <head>
     4         <meta charset='utf-8' />
     5         <title></title>
     7         <style>
     8             .gray{
     9                 color:gray;
    10             }
    11             .black{
    12                 color:black;
    13             }
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    15         <script type="text/javascript">
    16             function Enter(){
    17                var id= document.getElementById("tip")
    18                id.className = 'black';
    19                if(id.value=='请输入关键字'||id.value.trim()==''){
    20                     id.value = ''
    21                }
    22             }
    23             function Leave(){
    24                 var id= document.getElementById("tip")
    25                 var val = id.value;
    26                 if(val.length==0||id.value.trim()==''){
    27                     id.value = '请输入关键字'
    28                     id.className = 'gray';
    29                 }else{
    30                     id.className = 'black';
    31                 }
    32             }
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    35     <body>
    36         <input type='text' class='gray' id='tip' value='请输入关键字' onfocus='Enter();'  onblur='Leave();'/>
    37     </body>
    38 </html>
     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3     <head>
     4         <meta charset='utf-8' >
     5         <title>欢迎blue shit莅临指导&nbsp;&nbsp;</title>
     6         <script type='text/javascript'>
     7             function Go(){
     8                 var content = document.title;
     9                 var firstChar = content.charAt(0)
    10                 var sub = content.substring(1,content.length)
    11                 document.title = sub + firstChar;
    12             }
    13             setInterval('Go()',1000);
    14         </script>
    15     </head>
    16     <body>    
    17     </body>
    18 </html>
     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>Title</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .style_before {
     8             color: lightgrey;
     9         }
    10         .style_after {
    11             color: black;
    12         }
    13     </style>
    14 </head>
    15 <body>
    16     <h3>爱好</h3>
    17     <div>
    18         <ul id="i1">
    19             <li><input type="checkbox" value="1">篮球</li>
    20             <li><input type="checkbox" value="2">足球</li>
    21             <li><input type="checkbox" value="3">乒乓球</li>
    22         </ul>
    23     </div>
    24     <button onclick="Cheakall()">全选</button>
    25     <button onclick="Cancleall()">取消全选</button>
    26     <button onclick="Reversall()">反选</button>
    27     <script>
    28         function Cheakall() {
    29             var i1 = document.getElementById("i1");
    30             var cheak = i1.getElementsByTagName("input");
    31             for (i=0;i<cheak.length;i++) {
    32                 cheak[i].checked = true;
    33             }
    34         }
    35         function Cancleall() {
    36             var i1 = document.getElementById("i1");
    37             var cheak = i1.getElementsByTagName("input");
    38             for (i=0;i<cheak.length;i++) {
    39                 cheak[i].checked = false;
    40             }
    41         }
    42         function Reversall() {
    43             var i1 = document.getElementById("i1");
    44             var cheak = i1.getElementsByTagName("input");
    45             for (i=0;i<cheak.length;i++) {
    46                 if (cheak[i].checked) {
    47                     cheak[i].checked = false;
    48                 }else {
    49                     cheak[i].checked = true;
    50                 }
    51             }
    52         }
    53     </script>
    54 </body>
    55 </html>
     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>Title</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .hide {
     8             display: none;
     9         }
    10         .c1 {
    11             position: fixed;
    12             top: 0;
    13             right: 0;
    14             bottom: 0;
    15             left: 0;
    16             background: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
    17             z-index: 2;
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    19         .c2 {
    20             position: fixed;
    21              400px;
    22             height: 300px;
    23             top: 50%;
    24             left: 50%;
    25             z-index: 3;
    26             margin-top: -150px;
    27             margin-left: -200px;
    28             background-color: white;
    29             text-align: center;
    30             padding-top: 150px;
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    32     </style>
    33 </head>
    34 <body>
    35     <div><input type="button" value="登录" onclick="hihi()"></div>
    36     <div id="cc1" class="c1 hide"></div>
    37     <div id="cc2" class="c2 hide">
    38         <div>用户名:<input type="text"></div>
    39         <div>密 码:<input type="text"></div>
    40         <input type="button" value="确定">
    41         <input type="button" value="取消" onclick="hisl()">
    42     </div>
    44     <script>
    45         function hihi() {
    46             document.getElementById("cc1").classList.remove("hide");
    47             document.getElementById("cc2").classList.remove("hide");
    48         }
    49         function hisl() {
    50             document.getElementById("cc1").classList.add("hide");
    51             document.getElementById("cc2").classList.add("hide");
    52         }
    53     </script>
    54 </body>
    55 </html>
      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5     <title>Title</title>
      6     <style>
      7         body{
      8             margin: 0;
      9             background-color: #dddddd;
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     12             margin: 0 auto;
     13              980px;
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     16             background-color: black;
     17             color: white;
     18             height: 48px;
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     20         .pg-body .menu{
     21             position: absolute;
     22             left: 200px;
     23              180px;
     24             background-color: white;
     25             float: left;
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     27         .pg-body .menu .active{
     28             background-color: #425a66;
     29             color: white;
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     31         .pg-body .fixed{
     32             position: fixed;
     33             top: 10px;
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     35         .pg-body .content{
     36             position: absolute;
     37             left: 385px;
     38             right: 200px;
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     40             float: left;
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     42         .pg-body .content .item{
     43             height: 900px;
     44         }
     45     </style>
     47 </head>
     48 <body onscroll="Hua();">
     49     <div class="pg-header">
     50         <div class="w"></div>
     51     </div>
     52     <div class="pg-body">
     53         <div id="menu" class="menu">
     54             <ul>
     55                 <li>第一章</li>
     56                 <li>第二章</li>
     57                 <li>第三章</li>
     58             </ul>
     59         </div>
     60         <div id="content" class="content">
     61             <div class="item">床前明月管</div>
     62             <div class="item">疑是地上霜</div>
     63             <div class="item" style="height: 100px">我是郭德纲</div>
     64         </div>
     65     </div>
     67     <script>
     68         function Hua() {
     69             var xo = document.getElementById("menu");
     70             var huaGao = document.body.scrollTop;
     71             if (document.body.scrollTop>48){
     72                 xo.classList.add("fixed");
     73             }else {
     74                 xo.classList.remove("fixed");
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     77             var bod = document.body.offsetHeight;
     78             var conAbs = document.getElementsByClassName("content")[0].offsetHeight;
     79             var ck = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
     80 //            console.log((bod + conAbs) == (ck + huaGao));
     81             if ((bod + conAbs) == (ck + huaGao)) {
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     83                 for (var i=0;i<lenLi.length;i++){
     84                     if (i == lenLi.length - 1){
     85                         lenLi[i].className = "active";
     86                     }else {
     87                         lenLi[i].className = "";
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     90                 return
     91             }
     94             var item = document.getElementById("content").children;
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     96                 var currentItem = item[i];
     97                 var currentItemBodyTop = currentItem.offsetTop + currentItem.offsetParent.offsetTop;
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    100                 var currentHeight = currentItem.offsetHeight;
    101                 var bottomHeight = currentItemBodyTop + currentHeight;
    103                 var ziJi = xo.getElementsByTagName("li")[i];
    104                 if (currentItemWindowTop<0 && huaGao < bottomHeight){
    105                     ziJi.className = "active";
    106                 } else {
    107                     ziJi.className = "";
    108                 }
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    111         }
    114     </script>
    115 </body>
    116 </html>
     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>Title</title>
     6     <style>
     7         ul{
     8             list-style: none;
     9             padding: 0;
    10             margin: 0;
    11         }
    12         ul li{
    13             float: left;
    14             background-color: #2459a2;
    15             color: white;
    16             padding: 8px 10px;
    17         }
    18         .clearfix:after{
    19             display: block;
    20             content: '.';
    21             height: 0;
    22             visibility: hidden;
    23             clear: both;
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    25         .hide{
    26             display: none;
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    28         .tab-menu .title{
    29             background-color: #dddddd;
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    31         .tab-menu .title .active{
    32             background-color: #0099dd;
    33             color: black;
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    37             min-height: 150px;
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    43 </head>
    44 <body>
    45     <div style=" 400px; margin: 0 auto;">
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    47             <div class="title clearfix">
    48                 <ul>
    49                     <li target="h1" class="active" onclick="Show(this);">索尼</li>
    50                     <li target="h2" onclick="Show(this);">谷歌</li>
    51                     <li target="h3" onclick="Show(this);">腾讯</li>
    52                 </ul>
    53             </div>
    54             <div id="content" class="content">
    55                 <div con="h1">1...</div>
    56                 <div con="h2" class="hide">2...</div>
    57                 <div con="h3" class="hide">3...</div>
    58             </div>
    59         </div>
    60     </div>
    62     <script>
    63         function Show(ths) {
    64             var Showli = ths;
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    68                 if (liclass[i].getAttribute("target") == littarget) {
    69                     liclass[i].classList.add("active");
    70                 }else {
    71                     liclass[i].classList.remove("active");
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    73             }
    74             var liycontent = document.getElementById("content").children;
    75             for (var i=0;i<liycontent.length;i++) {
    76                 if (liycontent[i].getAttribute("con") == littarget) {
    77                     liycontent[i].className = "";
    78                 }else {
    79                     liycontent[i].className = "hide";
    80                 }
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    82         }
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    84 </body>
    85 </html>
     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>Title</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .go-top {
     8             position: fixed;
     9             right: 28px;
    10             bottom: 19px;
    11              38px;
    12             height: 40px;
    13             background-color: aliceblue;
    14         }
    15         .hide {
    16             display: none;
    17         }
    18     </style>
    19 </head>
    20 <body onscroll="Func();">
    21     <div style="height: 2000px"></div>
    22     <div id="i2" class="go-top hide">
    23         <a onclick="GoTop();">返回顶部</a>
    24     </div>
    25     <script>
    26         function Func() {
    27             var scrolltop = document.body.scrollTop;
    28             var ii = document.getElementById("i2");
    29             if (scrolltop>300) {
    30                 ii.classList.remove("hide");
    31             }else {
    32                 ii.classList.add("hide");
    33             }
    34         }
    35         function GoTop() {
    36             document.body.scrollTop = 0;
    37         }
    38     </script>
    39 </body>
    40 </html>


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    670. Maximum Swap
    653. Two Sum IV
    639. Decode Ways II
    636. Exclusive Time of Functions
    621. Task Scheduler
    572. Subtree of Another Tree
    554. Brick Wall
    543. Diameter of Binary Tree
    535. Encode and Decode TinyURL
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kading/p/5893903.html
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