- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Stack;
- /*
- * Q 57 用两个栈实现队列
- */
- public class QueueImplementByTwoStacks {
- private Stack<Integer> stack1;
- private Stack<Integer> stack2;
- QueueImplementByTwoStacks(){
- stack1=new Stack<Integer>();
- stack2=new Stack<Integer>();
- }
- public Integer poll(){
- Integer re=null;
- if(!stack2.empty()){
- re=stack2.pop();
- }else{
- while(!stack1.empty()){//move to stack2 to make stack1 have only one element.Then pop this element.
- re=stack1.pop();
- stack2.push(re);
- }
- if(!stack2.empty()){
- re=stack2.pop();
- }
- }
- return re;
- }
- public Integer offer(int o){
- stack1.push(o);
- return o;
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- QueueImplementByTwoStacks queue=new QueueImplementByTwoStacks();
- List<Integer> re=new ArrayList<Integer>();
- queue.offer(1);
- queue.offer(2);
- queue.offer(3);
- re.add(queue.poll());
- queue.offer(4);
- re.add(queue.poll());
- queue.offer(5);
- re.add(queue.poll());
- re.add(queue.poll());
- re.add(queue.poll());
- System.out.println(re.toString());
- }
- }
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; /* * Q 57 用两个栈实现队列 */ public class QueueImplementByTwoStacks { private Stack<Integer> stack1; private Stack<Integer> stack2; QueueImplementByTwoStacks(){ stack1=new Stack<Integer>(); stack2=new Stack<Integer>(); } public Integer poll(){ Integer re=null; if(!stack2.empty()){ re=stack2.pop(); }else{ while(!stack1.empty()){//move to stack2 to make stack1 have only one element.Then pop this element. re=stack1.pop(); stack2.push(re); } if(!stack2.empty()){ re=stack2.pop(); } } return re; } public Integer offer(int o){ stack1.push(o); return o; } public static void main(String[] args) { QueueImplementByTwoStacks queue=new QueueImplementByTwoStacks(); List<Integer> re=new ArrayList<Integer>(); queue.offer(1); queue.offer(2); queue.offer(3); re.add(queue.poll()); queue.offer(4); re.add(queue.poll()); queue.offer(5); re.add(queue.poll()); re.add(queue.poll()); re.add(queue.poll()); System.out.println(re.toString()); } }
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- /*
- * Q 57 用两个队列实现一个栈
- */
- public class StackImplementByTwoQueues {
- //use 'queue1' and 'queue2' as a queue.That means only use the method 'addLast' and 'removeFirst'.
- private LinkedList<Integer> queue1;
- private LinkedList<Integer> queue2;
- StackImplementByTwoQueues(){
- queue1=new LinkedList<Integer>();
- queue2=new LinkedList<Integer>();
- }
- public Integer pop(){
- Integer re=null;
- if(queue1.size()==0&&queue2.size()==0){
- return null;
- }
- if(queue2.size()==0){
- while(queue1.size()>0){
- re=queue1.removeFirst();
- if(queue1.size()!=0){//do not add the last element of queue1 to queue2
- queue2.addLast(re);
- }
- }
- }else if (queue1.size()==0){
- while(queue2.size()>0){
- re=queue2.removeFirst();
- if(queue2.size()!=0){//do not add the last element of queue2 to queue1
- queue1.addLast(re);
- }
- }
- }
- return re;
- }
- public Integer push(Integer o){
- if(queue1.size()==0&&queue2.size()==0){
- queue1.addLast(o);//queue2.addLast(o); is also ok
- }
- if(queue1.size()!=0){
- queue1.addLast(o);
- }else if(queue2.size()!=0){
- queue2.addLast(o);
- }
- return o;
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- StackImplementByTwoQueues stack=new StackImplementByTwoQueues();
- int tmp=0;
- stack.push(1);
- stack.push(2);
- stack.push(3);
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//3
- stack.push(4);
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//4
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//2
- stack.push(5);
- stack.push(6);
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//6
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//5
- tmp=stack.pop();
- System.out.println(tmp);//1
- }
- }