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  • 基于Python的Grib数据可视化

            利用Python语言实现Grib数据可视化主要依靠三个库——pygrib、numpy和matplotlib。pygrib是欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的GRIG API C库的Python接口,通过这个库可以将Grib数据读取出来;numpy是Python的一种开源的数值计算扩展,这种工具可用来存储和处理大型矩阵;matplotlib是python著名的绘图库,它提供了一整套和matlab相似的命令API,十分适合交互式地进行制图;在数据可视化过程中,我们常需要将数据在地图上画出来,所以还需要matplotlib的一个子包basemap,负责地图绘制。



    • matplotlib依赖
      1. nose

      2. numpy

      3. pyparsing

      4. python-dateutil

      5. cycler

      6. pkg-config

      7. freetype

      8. libpng

    • 安装过程

            这里我都是通过源码包安装的,大家也可以再终端里通过pip install 命令来安装 


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


    1 ./configure --with-intermal-glib
    2 make && date
    3 sudo make install && date


    1  ./configure
    2  make && date
    3  sudo make install && date


    1  ./configure
    2  make && date
    3  sudo make install && date


                解压缩后,进入命令提示符 运行

    1 python3 setup.py install


    • basemap依赖
      1. geos

      2. pyproj

    • 安装过程


    1  ./configure
    2  make && date
    3  sudo make install && date


    1 python3 setup.py install


    1 python3 setup.py install


    • pygrib依赖
      1. Jasper 

      2. GRIB API 

      3. numpy

      4. pyproj

    • 安装过程

                由于之前已经安装了numpy和pyproj,这里只需安装Jasper和GRIB API即可安装pygrib


    1 ./configure
    2 make && date
    3 sudo make install && date

            2、安装GRIB API

    1 ./configure --with-jasper='/usr/local/'
    2 make && date
    3 sudo make install && date


                安装pygrib之前首先要根据自己的实际情况修改文件目录下的setup.cfg文件,最主要的就是修改grib_api_dir和jasper_dir,这两个是刚刚安装的Jasper和GRIB API的路径,如果这两个地址不正确安装会报错

     1 # Rename this file to setup.cfg to set pygrib's
     2 # build options.
     3 # Follow instructions below for editing.
     4 [directories]
     5 # uncomment and set to grib_api install location.
     6 # Include files should be located in grib_api_dir/include and
     7 # the library should be located in grib_api_dir/lib.
     8 # If the libraries and include files are installed in separate locations,
     9 # use grib_api_libdir and grib_api_incdir to specify the locations
    10 # separately.  
    11 grib_api_dir = /usr/local
    12 # if grib_api was built with jasper support for JPEG200,
    13 # uncomment and set to jasper lib install location.
    14 # If the libraries and include files are installed in separate locations,
    15 # use jasper_libdir and jasper_incdir.
    16 jasper_dir = /usr/local
    17 # if grib_api was built with openjpeg support for JPEG200,
    18 # uncomment and set to openjpeg lib install location.
    19 # If the libraries and include files are installed in separate locations,
    20 # use openjpeg_libdir and openjpeg_incdir.
    21 #openjpeg_dir = /opt/local
    22 # if grib_api was built with png support,
    23 # uncomment and set to png lib install location.
    24 # If the libraries and include files are installed in separate locations,
    25 # use png_libdir and png_incdir.
    26 png_dir = /usr
    27 # if grib_api was built with png support,
    28 # uncomment and set to zlib install location.
    29 zlib_dir = /usr
    30 # install man pages for command line utilities here
    31 #man_dir = /usr/local/man
    View Code


    1 python3 setup.py install




    1 >>> import pygrib


    1 >>> grbs = pygrib.open('/Users/Kallan/Documents/data/echhae50.082')


    1 >>> grbs.seek(0)
    2 >>> for grb in grbs:
    3 grb
    4 1:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 500:fcst time 24 :from 201507081200


            1 :数据列表的行号,有的文件可能包括多个数据

            Geopotential Height:数据的名称

            gpm (instant):数据的单位



            level 500:这个字段表示的是高度层

            fcst time 24 :预报时效

            from 201507081200 :起报时间



     1 >>> grb = grbs.select(name='Geopotential Height')[0]
     2 >>> data = grb.values
     3 >>> print(data.shape,data.min(),data.max())
     4 (37, 37) 5368.6796875 5941.0390625
     5 >>> lat,lon=grb.latlons()
     6 >>> print(lat,'
     7 [[  0.    0.    0.  ...,   0.    0.    0. ]
     8 [  2.5   2.5   2.5 ...,   2.5   2.5   2.5]
     9 [  5.    5.    5.  ...,   5.    5.    5. ]
    10 ...,
    11 [ 85.   85.   85.  ...,  85.   85.   85. ]
    12 [ 87.5  87.5  87.5 ...,  87.5  87.5  87.5]
    13 [ 90.   90.   90.  ...,  90.   90.   90. ]]
    14 [[-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]
    15 [-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]
    16 [-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]
    17 ...,
    18 [-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]
    19 [-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]
    20 [-90.  -87.5 -85.  ...,  -5.   -2.5   0. ]]



    1 >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    2 >>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
    3 >>> import numpy as np


    1 >>> plt.figure()
    2 <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x107e65198>


     1 >>> m=Basemap(projection='mill',lat_ts=10,llcrnrlon=lon.min(), 
     2  urcrnrlon=lon.max(),llcrnrlat=lat.min(),urcrnrlat=lat.max(), 
     3  resolution='c')
     4 >>> m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.25)
     5 <matplotlib.collections.LineCollection object at 0x1091c1f28>
     6 >>> m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.25)
     7 <matplotlib.collections.LineCollection object at 0x10621d0f0>
     8 >>> m.fillcontinents(color='coral',lake_color='aqua')
     9 >>> m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua')
    10 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x10918b3c8>
    11 >>> m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30))
    12 >>> m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90,30))


    1 >>> x, y = m(lon,lat)


    1 >>> cs = m.contour(x,y,data,15,linewidths=1.5)


    1 >>> plt.title('Geopotential Height Contour from Grib')
    2 <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x10918bda0>
    3 >>> plt.show()





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    ubuntu安装matlab R2017 -the last step
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kallan/p/5160017.html
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