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  • Excel 信息对比_数组版

    Sub LOOKUP_UChur()
        Dim i As Long
        '===  sourceWorksheet = 数据源表名称
        Dim sourceWorksheet As Worksheet
        Dim taskWorkSheet As Worksheet
        Dim bgnTime, endTime As Date
        ' [1] ------  数据源表 *** Sheet 名称
        Set sourceWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("低保数据")
        Const swsh_KeyColName = "B"   ' 关键列  , 身份证号所在的列名称
        Const swsh_BeginRow = 3       ' 开始行号
        ' [2] ------  任务表  *** Sheet 名称
        Set taskWorkSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("扶贫和低保比对")
        Const twsh_KeyColName = "F"   ' 关键列号  , 身份证号所在的列号
        Const twsh_BeginRow = 3       ' 开始行号
        bgnTime = Now()
        Dim arrKeyData() As Variant    ' 这种声明方式是声明一个动态数组
        arrKeyData = sourceWorksheet.Range(swsh_KeyColName & swsh_BeginRow & ":" & swsh_KeyColName & sourceWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
        For i = twsh_BeginRow To taskWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
            Debug.Print "第 ["; i & "]行: 已找到数据:" & taskWorkSheet.Range(twsh_KeyColName & i).Text
            curRow = GetRowNo(arrKeyData, taskWorkSheet.Range(twsh_KeyColName & i).Text)
            If curRow > 0 Then
                '[3]  ???? ===== 任务表 J --> 数据源 A
                taskWorkSheet.Range("G" & i) = sourceWorksheet.Range("C" & swsh_BeginRow + (curRow - 1)).Text
            End If
        Next i
        endTime = Now()
        MsgBox ("任务已完成, 处理所需的时间: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(DateDiff("s", bgnTime, endTime) / 3600 / 24, "[H]:mm:ss") & "" & vbCrLf _
                 & "*****************************" & vbCrLf & bgnTime & vbCrLf & endTime)
    End Sub
    Function GetRowNo(ByRef pArrKeyData As Variant, pFindValue As String) As Long
        GetRowNo = 0
        ' curRow = Application.Match(pFindValue, pArrKeyData, 0)
        '--  Application.Match  所需的时间比较多 6 秒
        '--  下面的循环方式查找数组 所需的时间   2 秒
        If Not (UBound(pArrKeyData) > 0) Then Exit Function
        Dim j As Long
        For j = LBound(pArrKeyData) To UBound(pArrKeyData)
            If Not (IsError(pArrKeyData(j, 1))) Then
                If pArrKeyData(j, 1) =  pFindValue  Then
                    GetRowNo = j
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If
        Next j
        Exit Function
    End Function
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/karkash/p/7747710.html
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