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  • JVM performance profiling (有待整理)


    memory model

    3 parts: heap, permgen (method area) , thread stack(pointer, local var)

    heap: young and old generation ?? permanent generation 

    young: eden, fromspace(surviror1), tospace(surironr2)

    == quoted ==

    To get the clear memory diagram:http://blog.pointsoftware.ch/index.php/under-the-hood-runtime-data-areas-javas-memory-model/




    The method area is also known as the permanent generation space (PermGen). Allclass data are loaded into this memoryspace. This includes the field and method data and the code for the methods andconstructors


    Sinceobjects are stored in the heap part it is worth to have a closer look. The heapspace itself is again separated into several spaces:

    -Young generation  with eden and survivor space

    -Old Generation with tenured space

    Eachspace harbors objects with different life cycles:

    -New/short-term objects are instantiated in theeden space.

    -Survived/mid-term objects are copied from theeden space to the survivor space.

    - Tenured/long-term objects arecopied from the survivor to the old generation space.

    == unquoted ==

    jvm setting

    GC algorithm: serial, ... etc, MaxNewSize,  MaxSize ,  there is recommendation online, client side, server side and diff platform.

    JavaOne: best heap percent :43% ??

    tunning concerns

    availablility  , throughput, latency and responsiveness, memory footprint (100 txn need how many mem?), startup time

    real time profiling

    Add JMX parameter to bootstrap script

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ${GC_OPTS}


    VisualVM/Jconsole is able to detect the running JAVA application process id..


    Eclipse for VisualVM (https://visualvm.java.net/eclipse-launcher.html)

    JMX profile ?! - linux svr profile , like shell

    server port number?!  - need ask server team

    Will it cause the app slowness? - yes, occupy CPU

    post gc analysis

    Enable the verbose:gc option in the bootstrap script


    -Xms512m -Xmx1024m




    After the log file generated, you can use the tool to analyse. - GC Histogram Tool

    All GC

    Young GC - GC in young generation ?

    Full GC - 

    Good tips:

    Eclipse plugin center - for you to goto there via company proxy, 

    1. check from stackoverflow site - Add parm into eclipse.ini  ;

    2. disable socket proxy port

    Websphere JVM profiling on app server

    Ask WAS team to install a was plugin into for monitor

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keanuyaoo/p/3270921.html
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