本文分析一下《DirectShow开发指南》中的一个典型的Transform Filter的例子:字幕叠加(FilterTitleOverlay)。通过分析该例子,我们可以学习到DirectShow Transform Filter 开发的方式。
拖入一个文件"五月天 咸鱼.mp4",然后插入本工程的Filter,如图所示。
播放视频,效果如图,可见左上角显示出 "Hello, DirectShow!" 的字样。
// // CFilterTitleOverlay.h // #ifndef __H_CFilterTitleOverlay__ #define __H_CFilterTitleOverlay__ #include "ITitleOverlay.h" #include "COverlayController.h" #include "OverlayDefs.h" class CFilterTitleOverlay : public CTransInPlaceFilter , public ISpecifyPropertyPages , public ITitleOverlay { private: OVERLAY_TYPE mOverlayType; COverlayController * mOverlayController; CCritSec mITitleOverlaySync; BOOL mNeedEstimateFrameRate; private: CFilterTitleOverlay(TCHAR *tszName, LPUNKNOWN punk, HRESULT *phr); ~CFilterTitleOverlay(); HRESULT SetInputVideoInfoToController(void); void ReleaseOverlayController(void); void SideEffectOverlayTypeChanged(void); public: static CUnknown * WINAPI CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN punk, HRESULT *phr); //说明必须重写NonDelegatingQueryInterface DECLARE_IUNKNOWN; // Basic COM - used here to reveal our own interfaces //暴露接口,使外部程序可以QueryInterface,关键! STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv); // check if you can support mtIn virtual HRESULT CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn); // PURE //必须重写的核心函数 virtual HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample *pSample); // PURE // Delegating methods virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION direction, IPin *pReceivePin); virtual HRESULT StartStreaming(); virtual HRESULT StopStreaming(); // --- ISpecifyPropertyPages --- STDMETHODIMP GetPages(CAUUID *pPages); // --- ITitleOverlay methods --- //都是接口函数 STDMETHODIMP put_TitleOverlayType(long inOverlayType); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleOverlayType(long * outOverlayType); STDMETHODIMP put_TitleOverlayStyle(int inUsingCover); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleOverlayStyle(int * outUsingCover); STDMETHODIMP put_Title(const char * inTitle, int inLength); STDMETHODIMP get_Title(char * outBuffer, int * outLength); STDMETHODIMP put_TitleColor(BYTE inR, BYTE inG, BYTE inB); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleColor(BYTE * outR, BYTE * outG, BYTE * outB); STDMETHODIMP put_TitleStartPosition(POINT inStartPos); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleStartPosition(POINT * outStartPos); STDMETHODIMP put_TitleFont(LOGFONT inFont); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleFont(LOGFONT * outFont); STDMETHODIMP put_TitleDuration(double inStart, double inEnd); STDMETHODIMP get_TitleDuration(double * outStart, double * outEnd); }; #endif // __H_CFilterTitleOverlay__
//唯一标识符 // {E3FB4BFE-8E5C-4aec-8162-7DA55BE486A1} DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_HQTitleOverlay, 0xe3fb4bfe, 0x8e5c, 0x4aec, 0x81, 0x62, 0x7d, 0xa5, 0x5b, 0xe4, 0x86, 0xa1); // {E70FE57A-19AA-4a4c-B39A-408D49D73851} DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_HQTitleOverlayProp, 0xe70fe57a, 0x19aa, 0x4a4c, 0xb3, 0x9a, 0x40, 0x8d, 0x49, 0xd7, 0x38, 0x51); // // setup data // //注册时候的信息 const AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE sudPinTypes = { &MEDIATYPE_NULL, // Major type &MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL // Minor type }; //注册时候的信息 const AMOVIESETUP_PIN psudPins[] = { { L"Input", // String pin name FALSE, // Is it rendered FALSE, // Is it an output FALSE, // Allowed none FALSE, // Allowed many &CLSID_NULL, // Connects to filter L"Output", // Connects to pin 1, // Number of types &sudPinTypes }, // The pin details { L"Output", // String pin name FALSE, // Is it rendered TRUE, // Is it an output FALSE, // Allowed none FALSE, // Allowed many &CLSID_NULL, // Connects to filter L"Input", // Connects to pin 1, // Number of types &sudPinTypes // The pin details } }; //注册时候的信息 const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER sudFilter = { &CLSID_HQTitleOverlay, // Filter CLSID L"HQ Title Overlay Std.", // Filter name MERIT_DO_NOT_USE, // Its merit 2, // Number of pins psudPins // Pin details }; // List of class IDs and creator functions for the class factory. This // provides the link between the OLE entry point in the DLL and an object // being created. The class factory will call the static CreateInstance //注意g_Templates名称是固定的 CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] = { { L"HQ Title Overlay Std.", &CLSID_HQTitleOverlay, CFilterTitleOverlay::CreateInstance, NULL, &sudFilter }, { L"HQ Title Overlay Property Page", &CLSID_HQTitleOverlayProp, CTitleOverlayProp::CreateInstance } }; int g_cTemplates = sizeof(g_Templates) / sizeof(g_Templates[0]);
这一部分并不属于CFilterTitleOverlay这个类。主要是DirectShow Filter的一些注册信息。其结构是非常固定的。
再来看看CFilterTitleOverlay中函数实现部分(只列了几个函数,不然内容太多= =):
// // CreateInstance // // Override CClassFactory method. // Provide the way for COM to create a CNullInPlace object // //创建 CUnknown * WINAPI CFilterTitleOverlay::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN punk, HRESULT *phr) { #if 1 //防伪??!! char szCreatorPath[256], szCreatorName[256]; ::strcpy(szCreatorPath, ""); ::strcpy(szCreatorName, ""); HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL); ::GetModuleFileName(hModule, szCreatorPath, 256); char * backSlash = ::strrchr(szCreatorPath, '\'); if (backSlash) { strcpy(szCreatorName, backSlash); } ::_strlwr(szCreatorName); // Please specify your app name with lowercase // 检查调用该Filter的程序 // 一开始调试不了,就卡在这了 = = if (::strstr(szCreatorName, "graphedit") == NULL && ::strstr(szCreatorName, "ourapp") == NULL) { *phr = E_FAIL; return NULL; } #endif //通过New对象的方法 CFilterTitleOverlay *pNewObject = new CFilterTitleOverlay(NAME("TitleOverlay"), punk, phr); if (pNewObject == NULL) { *phr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return pNewObject; }
// // Basic COM - used here to reveal our own interfaces //暴露接口,使外部程序可以QueryInterface,关键! STDMETHODIMP CFilterTitleOverlay::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv) { CheckPointer(ppv, E_POINTER); //根据不同的REFIID,获得不同的接口指针 if (riid == IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages) { return GetInterface((ISpecifyPropertyPages *) this, ppv); } else if (riid == IID_ITitleOverlay) { return GetInterface((ITitleOverlay *) this, ppv); } else { //不是以上的REFIID的话,调用父类的 return CTransInPlaceFilter::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } } // NonDelegatingQueryInterface
// Only RGB 32/24/565/555 supported HRESULT CFilterTitleOverlay::CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn) { // Dynamic format change will never be allowed! if (IsStopped() && *mtIn->Type() == MEDIATYPE_Video) { if (*mtIn->Subtype() == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 || *mtIn->Subtype() == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 || *mtIn->Subtype() == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555 || *mtIn->Subtype() == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565) { return NOERROR; } } return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT CFilterTitleOverlay::Transform(IMediaSample *pSample) { // If we cann't read frame rate info from input pin's connection media type, // We estimate it from the first sample's time stamp! if (mNeedEstimateFrameRate) { mNeedEstimateFrameRate = FALSE; REFERENCE_TIME startTime = 0; REFERENCE_TIME endTime = 0; double estimated = 25; if (SUCCEEDED(pSample->GetTime(&startTime, &endTime))) { estimated = 1.0 * UNITS / (endTime - startTime); } mOverlayController->SetEstimatedFrameRate(estimated); } if (mOverlayType != OT_NONE) { //PBYTE是unsigned char PBYTE pData = NULL; //获取IMediaSample中的数据 pSample->GetPointer(&pData); //叠加 mOverlayController->DoTitleOverlay(pData); } return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterTitleOverlay::get_Title(char * outBuffer, int * outLength) { CAutoLock lockit(&mITitleOverlaySync); *outLength = mOverlayController->GetTitle(outBuffer); return NOERROR; }