Remote Social Engineering
- Tricking or coercing people into violating security policy
- Depends on willingness to be helpful
- Human weaknesses can be leveraged
- May rely on technical aspects
- Bypasses access controls and most detection controls
- Phishing - people are contacted by a seemingly legitimate imposter in an attempt to extract sensitive information
- Spear phishing
- SMS phishing
- Voice phishing
- Whaling
Spear phishing Demo
apt-get install sendmail
SET(Social Engineering Toolkit)
Agree to the legal terms of service.
Choose No.1 Social-Engineering Attacks
Choose No.1 Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors
Perform a Mass Email Attack
Let try No.6 Microsoft Word RTF pFragements Stack Buffer Overflow(MS10-087)
Perform No.2 Windows Meterpreter Reverse_TCP
Setup the listener host and port.
Rename the Filename an interesting one.
Send user-defined email to a single Email address.
Send this email from my own server.
Set up the listener.
When the victim opens the attachment, MSF will alter you a connection has been established.
- Social engineering is all about getting an authorized user to do your dirty work
- Relies on most peoples' willingness to be helpful
- Successful social engineering can bypass nearly all technical controls
- Phishing is attempting to get a valid user to click on a link to your exploit
- Spear phishing is all about targeting a specific individual
- Crafting a realistic email is crucial
- The goal is to get a user to click on the link you sent without too much prior thought.