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  • Mac上安装mariadb


    # brew info mariadb
    mariadb: stable 10.2.6 (bottled)
    Drop-in replacement for MySQL
    Conflicts with: mariadb-connector-c, mysql, mysql-cluster, mysql-connector-c, mytop, percona-server
    /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.1.23 (594 files, 155.5MB) *
      Poured from bottle on 2017-05-14 at 17:49:24
    From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/mariadb.rb
    ==> Dependencies
    Build: cmake ✔
    Required: openssl ✔
    ==> Options
    	Compile with the ARCHIVE storage engine enabled
    	Keep benchmark app when installing
    	Compile with the BLACKHOLE storage engine enabled
    	Build the embedded server
    	Compile with editline wrapper instead of readline
    	Build with local infile loading support
    	Keep test when installing
    ==> Caveats
    A "/etc/my.cnf" from another install may interfere with a Homebrew-built
    server starting up correctly.
    MySQL is configured to only allow connections from localhost by default
    To connect:
        mysql -uroot
    To have launchd start mariadb now and restart at login:
      brew services start mariadb
    Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
      mysql.server start


    # brew install mariadb


    # unset TMPDIR
    # cd /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.1.23/
    # mysql_install_db


    # brew services start mariadb
    ==> Tapping homebrew/services
    Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services'...
    remote: Counting objects: 10, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
    remote: Total 10 (delta 0), reused 5 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.
    Tapped 0 formulae (37 files, 51.1KB)
    ==> Successfully started `mariadb` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mariadb)
    # mysql.server start
    Starting MySQL
    .170529 21:36:17 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/var/mysql/bogon.err'.
    170529 21:36:17 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/var/mysql

    5、Secure the Installation

    # mysql_secure_installation


    # mysql -uroot -p
    MariaDB [(none)]> select @@version;
    | @@version       |
    | 10.1.23-MariaDB |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keithtt/p/6919168.html
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