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  • PHP中缀表达式与逆波兰式的计算(用于工资项目等四则计算)



     * Math::Rpn
     * 作用:
     *     计算中缀表达式的值
     *     将表达式转换为逆波兰式,计算逆波兰式的值
     *     Change Expression To RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), Evaluate RPN Expression
     * 示例:
     *    1、计算中缀表达式的值
           $infix_expression = "(255.3*2)+33.2";
           $rpn = new Math_Rpn();
     *     echo $rpn->calculate($infix_expression,false);
     *     //若表达式中包含角的计算,若需要定义角的单位(弧度:rad,度:deg.默认的角度为rad,即弧度)
     *     $expression = "(2^3)+sin(30)-(!4)+(3/4)";
     *     echo $rpn->calculate($expression,false,'deg');
     * @author   Maciej Szczytowski <admin@e-rower.pl>  kelite 修改 2013-2-23
     * @version  1.1.1
     * @package  math
     * @access   public
    class Math_Rpn
         * Input expression
         * @var    string
         * @access private
        var $_input = '';
         * Array with input expression
         * @var    array
         * @access private
        var $_input_array = array();
         * Array with output expression in RPN
         * @var    array
         * @access private
        var $_output = array();
         * Temporary stack
         * @var    array
         * @access private
        var $_stack = array();
         * Value of expression
         * @var    float
         * @access private
        var $_value = 0.0;
         * Angle's unit: rad - true, deg - false
         * @var    boolean
         * @access private
        var $_angle = true;
         * PEAR Error
         * @var    object PEAR
         * @access private
        var $_error = null;
         * Timer
         * @var    float
         * @access private
        var $_timer = 0.0;
         * Array of operators whit priority and math function
         * operator => (name, priority, number of arguments, function)
         * @var    array
         * @access private
        var $_operation = array (
            '('    => array ('left bracket', 0),
            ')'    => array ('right bracket', 1),
            '+'    => array ('sum', 1, 2, '_sum'),
            '-'    => array ('difference', 1, 2, '_difference'),
            '*'    => array ('multiplication', 2, 2, '_multiplication'),
            '/'    => array ('division', 2, 2, '_division'),
            'r'    => array ('root', 3, 2, '_root'),
            '^'    => array ('power', 3, 2, '_power'),
            'sin'  => array ('sine', 3, 1, '_sin'),
            'cos'  => array ('cosine', 3, 1, '_cos'),
            'tan'  => array ('tangent', 3, 1, '_tan'),
            'asin' => array ('asine', 3, 1, '_asin'),
            'acos' => array ('acosine', 3, 1, '_acos'),
            'atan' => array ('atangent', 3, 1, '_atan'),
            'sqrt' => array ('square root', 3, 1, '_sqrt'),
            'exp'    => array ('power of e', 3, 1, '_exp'),
            'log'  => array ('logarithm', 3, 1, '_log'),
            'ln'   => array ('natural logarithm', 3, 1, '_ln'),
            'E'  => array ('power of 10', 3, 1, '_E'),
            'abs'  => array ('absolute value', 3, 1, '_abs'),
            '!'    => array ('factorial', 3, 1, '_factorial'),
            'pi'   => array ('value of pi', 4, 0, '_const_pi'),
            'e'    => array ('value of e', 4, 0, '_const_e'),
            'mod'    => array ('modulo', 3, 2, '_mod'),
            'div'    => array ('integer division', 3, 2, '_div'),
         * Return a PEAR error
         * @return object PEAR error
         * @access private
        function _raiseError ($error) {
           // return PEAR::raiseError($error);
           return ($error);
         * Return a operator's array
         * @return array Array with operator's name, priority, arguments, function's name and syntax
         * @access public
        function getOperators () {
            $return = array();
            while(list($key, $val) = each($this->_operation)) {
                if (array_key_exists (2, $val) && $val[2] == 2) {
                    $syntax = 'A ' . $key . ' B';
                    $arguments = 2;
                } elseif (array_key_exists (2, $val) && $val[2] == 1) {
                    $syntax = $key . ' A';
                    $arguments = 1;
                } else {
                    $syntax = $key;
                    $arguments = 0;
                if(array_key_exists (3, $val)) $function = $val[3]; else $function = '';
                $return[] = array (
                    'operator' => $key,
                    'name' => $val[0],
                    'priority' => $val[1],
                    'arguments' => $arguments,
                    'function' => $function,
                    'syntax' => $syntax
            return $return;
         * Add new operator
         * @param string $operator New operator
         * @param string $function Function name
         * @param integer $priority New operator's priority
         * @param integer $no_of_arg Number of function's arguments
         * @param string $text New operator's description
         * @access public
        function addOperator ($operator, $function_name, $priority = 3, $no_of_arg = 0, $text = '') {
            if(preg_match("/^([\W\w]+)\:\:([\W\w]+)$/",$function_name,$match)) {
                $class = $match[1];
                $method = $match[2];
                $function = array (
                   'type' => 'userMethod',
                   'class' => $class,
                   'method' => $method
            } else {
                $function = array (
                   'type' => 'userFunction',
                   'function' => $function_name
            $this->_operation[$operator] = array ($text, $priority, $no_of_arg, $function);
         * Calculate the $input expression
         * @param mixed $input Infix expression string or RPN expression string 中缀表达式或逆波兰式
         * @param string $angle Angle's unit - 'rad' or 'deg'  角的单位 rad表弧度,deg表示度
         * @param boolean $is_rpn True if $input is RPN expression or false if $input is infix expression   
         * @return mixed Value of $input expression or a PEAR error
         * @access public
        function calculate($input = '',$is_rpn = true,$angle = 'rad') {
            $this->_angle = (boolean) ($angle == 'rad');
            if($input == '') {
                $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Empty input expression');
                return $this->_error;
            if(!$is_rpn) {
                $this->_input = $input;
                $this->_stringToArray ();
                if($this->_error <> null) return $this->_error;
                if($this->_error <> null) return $this->_error;
            } else {
                if (is_array($input)) {
                    $input = implode(' ', $input);
                $this->_input = $input;
                $this->_input_array = explode(' ',$input);
                $this->_output = explode(' ',$input);
            if($this->_error <> null) return $this->_error;
            return $this->_value;
         * Calculate the $input expression (alias of calculate())
         * @author  kelite 修改参数顺序
         * @param mixed $input Infix expression string or RPN expression array
         * @param string $angle Angle's unit - 'rad' or 'deg'
         * @param boolean $is_rpn True if $input is RPN expression or false if $input is infix expression
         * @return mixed Value of $input expression or a PEAR error
         * @access public
        function evaluate($input = '', $angle = 'rad', $is_rpn = false) {
            //原顺序return $this-> calculate($input,$angle,$is_rpn);
            return $this-> calculate($input,$is_rpn,$angle);
         * Return a input array
         * @return array Input array
         * @access public
        function getInputArray() {
            return $this->_input_array;
         * Return a RPN array
         * @return array RPN array
         * @access public
        function getRpnArray() {
            return $this->_output;
         * Return a counting time in second
         * @return float Counting time in seconds
         * @access public
        function getTimer() {
            return $this->_timer;
         * Check that $key is a key of $array (conformity to php<4.1.0)
         * @param string $key
         * @param array $array
         * @param integer $type 0 - return true if $key is $array's key, 1 - return true if $key is $array's key and there isn't any occurrence of $key in another $array's key
         * @return boolean true when $key is a key of $array, or false
         * @access private
        function _keyExists($key,$array,$type) {
            $keys = array_keys($array);
            if($type == 1) {
                $count = 0;
                while (list($keys_key, $keys_val) = each($keys)) {
                    if(is_integer(strpos($keys_val, $key)) && (strpos($keys_val, $key)==0)) $count++;
                if(($count==1) && in_array($key,$keys)) return true;
                else return false;
            } else {
                if(in_array($key,$keys)) return true;
                else return false;
         * Check that $value is nan (conformity to php<4.2.0)
         * @param float $value checking value
         * @return boolean true when $value is nan, or false
         * @access private
        function _isNan($value) {
            if(function_exists('is_nan')) {
                return is_nan($value);
            } else {
                if((substr($value,-3) == 'IND') || (substr($value,-3) == 'NAN')) return true;
                else return false;
         * Check that $value is infinite (conformity to php<4.2.0)
         * @param float $value checking value
         * @return boolean true when $value is infinite, or false
         * @access private
        function _isInfinite($value) {
            if(function_exists('is_finite')) {
                return !is_finite($value);
            } else {
                if(substr($value,-3) == 'INF') return true;
                else return false;
         * Change input expression into array
         * @return array Input expression changed into array
         * @access private
        function _stringToArray () {
            $temp_operator = null;
            $temp_value = null;
            $this->_input = str_replace(" ","",$this->_input);
            for($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->_input); $i++) {
                if ($this->_input[$i] == ' ') {
                    if ($temp_operator != null) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_operator);
                        $temp_operator = null;
                    if ($temp_value != null) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_value);
                        $temp_value = null;
                } elseif (($temp_value == null) && $temp_operator != ')' && (!array_key_exists($temp_operator,$this->_operation) || !array_key_exists(2,$this->_operation[$temp_operator]) || $this->_operation[$temp_operator][2]>0) && ($this->_input[$i] == '-')) {
                    if ($temp_operator != null) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_operator);
                        $temp_operator = null;
                    array_push($this->_input_array, '-1');
                    array_push($this->_input_array, '*');
                } elseif ((is_numeric($this->_input[$i])) || ($this->_input[$i] == '.')) {
                    if ($temp_operator != null) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_operator);
                        $temp_operator = null;
                    $temp_value .= $this->_input[$i];
                } else {
                    if ($this->_keyExists($temp_operator, $this->_operation, 1)) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_operator);
                        $temp_operator = null;
                    if ($temp_value != null) {
                        array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_value);
                        $temp_value = null;
                    $temp_operator .= $this->_input[$i];
            if ($temp_operator != null && $temp_operator != ' ') {
                array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_operator);
            } elseif($temp_value != null && $temp_value != ' ') {
                array_push($this->_input_array, $temp_value);
            return $this->_input_array;
         * Check input array and return correct array or a PEAR Error
         * @return object Null or a PEAR Error
         * @access private
        function _testInput() {
            if (!count($this->_input_array)) {
                $this->_input_array = null;
                $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Undefined input array');
                return $this->_error;
            $bracket = 0;
            for($i = 0; $i < count($this->_input_array); $i++) if ($this->_input_array[$i] == '(') $bracket++;
            for($i = 0; $i < count($this->_input_array); $i++) if ($this->_input_array[$i] == ')') $bracket--;
            if ($bracket <> 0) {
                    $this->_input_array = null;
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Syntax error');
                    return $this->_error;
            for($i = 0; $i < count($this->_input_array); $i++) {
                if ((!is_numeric($this->_input_array[$i])) && (!$this->_keyExists($this->_input_array[$i], $this->_operation, 0))) {
                    $error_operator = $this->_input_array[$i];
                    $this->_input_array = null;
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Undefined operator \''. $error_operator.'\'');
                    return $this->_error;
            $this->_error = null;
            return $this->_error;
         * Add value to the end of stack
         * @param string $value Value to add into stack
         * @access private
        function _stackAdd($value) {
            array_push($this->_stack, $value);
         * Delete and return value from the end of stack
         * @return string Value deleted from stack
         * @access private
        function _stackDelete() {
            return array_pop($this->_stack);
         * Return priority of value
         * @param string $value Value to get priority
         * @return integer Priority
         * @access private
        function _priority($value) {
            return $this->_operation[$value][1];
         * Return priority of value from the end of stack
         * @return integer Priority of operator from stack's top
         * @access private
        function _stackPriority() {
            $value = $this->_stackDelete();
            return $this->_priority($value);
         * Return true whene the stack is empty
         * @return boolean Stack is empty (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
        function _stackEmpty() {
            if (count($this->_stack)) {
                return false;
            else return true;
         * Add value into output array
         * @param string $value Value to add into output array
         * @access private
        function _outputAdd($value) {
            if ($value<>'(') {
                array_push($this->_output, $value);
         * Change input array into RPN array
         * @return array Array with RPN expression
         * @access private
        function _arrayToRpn() {
            if ($this->_error <> null) {
                $this->_output = array();
                return $this->_output;
            for($i = 0; $i < count($this->_input_array); $i++) {
                $temp = $this->_input_array[$i];
                if (is_numeric($temp)) {
                } else {
                    if ($temp == ')') {
                        while(!$this->_stackEmpty() && ($this->_stackPriority() >= 1)) {
                        if (!$this->_stackEmpty()) {
                    } elseif ($temp=='(') {
                    } elseif (($this->_stackEmpty()) || (($this->_priority($temp) > $this->_stackPriority()))) {
                       $this-> _stackAdd($temp);
                    } else {
                        while(!$this->_stackEmpty() && ($this->_priority($temp) <= $this->_stackPriority())) {
            while(!$this->_stackEmpty()) {
            return $this->_output;
         * Return position of the first operator in array
         * @param array $array Temporary array
         * @return integer Position of the first operator
         * @access private
        function _nextOperator($array) {
            $pos = 0;
            while(is_numeric($array[$pos])) {
                if ($pos >= count($array)) {
                    return -1;
            return $pos;
         * Delete from array operator [posision $pos] and its argument and insert new value
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of the last operator
         * @param integer $arg Number of last operator's arguments
         * @param float $result Last operation result
         * @return array New temporary array
         * @access private
        function _refresh($temp, $pos, $arg, $result) {
            $temp1 = array_slice($temp, 0, $pos-$arg);
            $temp1[] = $result;
            $temp2 = array_slice($temp, $pos+1);
            return array_merge($temp1, $temp2);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _sum($temp, $pos) {
            return $temp[$pos-2]+$temp[$pos-1];
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _difference($temp, $pos) {
            return $temp[$pos-2]-$temp[$pos-1];
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _multiplication($temp, $pos) {
            return $temp[$pos-2]*$temp[$pos-1];
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _division($temp, $pos) {
            if ($temp[$pos-1]==0) {
                $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Division by 0');
                $this->_value = null;
                return $this->_value;
            return $temp[$pos-2]/$temp[$pos-1];
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _root($temp, $pos) {
            return pow($temp[$pos-1], (1/$temp[$pos-2]));
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _power($temp, $pos) {
            return pow($temp[$pos-2], $temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _sin($temp, $pos) {
            if ($this->_angle) {
                $angle = $temp[$pos-1];
            } else {
                $angle = deg2rad($temp[$pos-1]);
            return sin($angle);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _cos($temp, $pos) {
            if ($this->_angle) {
                $angle = $temp[$pos-1];
            } else {
                $angle = deg2rad($temp[$pos-1]);
            return cos($angle);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _tan($temp, $pos) {
            if ($this->_angle) {
                $angle = $temp[$pos-1];
            } else {
                $angle = deg2rad($temp[$pos-1]);
            return tan($angle);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _asin($temp, $pos) {
            $angle = asin($temp[$pos-1]);
            if (!$this->_angle) {
                $angle = rad2deg($angle);
            return $angle;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _acos($temp, $pos) {
            $angle = acos($temp[$pos-1]);
            if (!$this->_angle) {
                $angle = rad2deg($angle);
            return $angle;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _atan($temp, $pos) {
            $angle = atan($temp[$pos-1]);
            if (!$this->_angle) {
                $angle = rad2deg($angle);
            return $angle;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _sqrt($temp, $pos) {
            return sqrt($temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _exp($temp, $pos) {
            return exp($temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _log($temp, $pos) {
            return log10($temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _ln($temp, $pos) {
            return log($temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _const_pi($temp, $pos) {
            return M_PI;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _const_e($temp, $pos) {
            return M_E;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _E($temp, $pos) {
            return pow(10, $temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _factorial($temp, $pos) {
            $factorial = 1;
            for($i=1;$i<=$temp[$pos-1];$i++) {
                $factorial *= $i;
            return $factorial;
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _abs($temp, $pos) {
            return abs($temp[$pos-1]);
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _mod($temp, $pos) {
            return $temp[$pos-2]%$temp[$pos-1];
         * Math function
         * @param array $temp Temporary array
         * @param integer $pos Position of operator
         * @return float Function's relult
         * @access private
        function _div($temp, $pos) {
            return floor($temp[$pos-2]/$temp[$pos-1]);
         * Calculate RPN Expression and return value
         * @return float Result of input expression
         * @access private
        function _rpnToValue() {
            $time1 = $this->_getMicroTime();
            if ($this->_error <> null) {
                $this->_value = null;
                return $this->_value;
            $this->_value = 0;
            $temp = $this->_output;
            do {
                $pos = $this->_nextOperator($temp);
                if ($pos == -1) {
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Syntax error');
                    $this->_value = null;
                    return $this->_value;
                $operator = $this->_operation[$temp[$pos]];
                $arg = $operator[2];
                $function = $operator[3];
                if (($arg==2) && (!isset($temp[$pos-1]) || !is_numeric($temp[$pos-1]) || !isset($temp[$pos-2]) || !is_numeric($temp[$pos-2]))) {
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Syntax error');
                    $this->_value = null;
                    return $this->_value;
                } elseif (($arg==1) && (!isset($temp[$pos-1]) || !is_numeric($temp[$pos-1]))) {
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Syntax error');
                    $this->_value = null;
                    return $this->_value;
                if(is_array($function)) {
                    if($arg==2) $arg_array = array($temp[$pos-2],$temp[$pos-1]);
                    elseif($arg==1) $arg_array = array($temp[$pos-1]);
                    else $arg_array = array();
                    if($function['type'] == 'userFunction') {
                        $this->_value = call_user_func_array($function['function'], $arg_array);
                    } else {
                        $function_array = array(&$function['class'], $function['method']);
                        $this->_value = call_user_func_array($function_array, $arg_array);
                } else {
                    $this->_value = $this->$function($temp, $pos);
                if ($this->_isNan($this->_value)) {
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('NAN value');
                    $this->_value = null;
                    return $this->_value;
                } elseif ($this->_isInfinite($this->_value)) {
                    $this->_error = $this->_raiseError('Infinite value');
                    $this->_value = null;
                    return $this->_value;
                } elseif (is_null($this->_value)) {
                    return $this->_value;
                $temp = $this->_refresh($temp, $pos, $arg, $this->_value);
            } while(count($temp) > 1);
            $this->_value = $temp[0];
            $time2 = $this->_getMicroTime();
            $this->_timer = $time2 - $time1;
            return $this->_value;
         * Return a time in second
         * @return float Current time in seconds
         * @access private
        function _getMicroTime() {
            list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
            return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kelite/p/2923104.html
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