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  • The Windows account sa does not exist and cannot be provisioned as a SQL Server system administrator

    今天遇到一个案例,在使用命令修改一个测试服务器(SQL Server 2014标准版)的服务器排序规则时,遇到了下面错误信息


    The Windows account sa does not exist and cannot be provisioned as a SQL Server system administrator







    Microsoft (R) SQL Server 2014 12.00.5000.00

    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


    The following error occurred:

    The Windows account sa does not exist and cannot be provisioned as a SQL Server

    system administrator.


    Error result: -2061893626

    Result facility code: 1306

    Result error code: 6


    Please review the summary.txt log for further details



    后面折腾了很久后,发现这种写法居然是错误的,由于自己在动手之前参考了自己以前写的MS SQL 排序规则总结这篇博文,结果发现自己一些不严谨/错误的地方把自己也给坑了。希望不要把别人也坑了!!!时间太久远了,怎么也想不起当初怎么造就了这样一个错误, 总之,那篇博文里面确实有一个错误的地方。希望以后要引以为戒!






     /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=azrnt18azrnt18    /SAPWD="Sa!y#456" /SQLCOLLATION=Chinese_PRC_CI_AS

    Microsoft (R) SQL Server 2014 12.00.5000.00

    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.






    setup /? setup  /help查看参数信息,SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS的介绍、解释如下所示:


    SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS    Windows account(s) to provision as SQL Server system administrators.



    也就是说SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS参数后指定的是有SQL Server管理员权限的Windows账号,由于最上面最上面指定参数的值为sa,所以才会一直报这个错误。


    c:SQLServer_12.0_Full>setup /help
    Microsoft (R) SQL Server 2014 12.00.5000.00
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
     setup.exe /[option]={value} /[option]={value} ...
     ACTION                       Specifies a Setup work flow, like INSTALL,
                                  UNINSTALL, or UPGRADE. This is a required
     ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN     Provision current user as a Database Engine
                                  system administrator for %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME%
     AGTDOMAINGROUP               Either domain user name or system account
     AGTSVCACCOUNT                Either domain user name or system account
     AGTSVCPASSWORD               Password for domain user name. Not required for
                                  system account
     AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE            Startup type for the SQL Server Agent service.
                                  Supported values are Manual, Automatic or
     ALLINSTANCES                 Specifies that all instances are to be included
                                  in the Setup operation. This parameter is
                                  supported only when applying a patch.
     ASBACKUPDIR                  The location for the Analysis Services backup
     ASCOLLATION                  The collation used by Analysis Services.
     ASCONFIGDIR                  The location for the Analysis Services
                                  configuration files.
     ASDATADIR                    The location for the Analysis Services data
     ASLOGDIR                     The location for the Analysis Services log files.
     ASPROVIDERMSOLAP             Specifies if the MSOLAP provider can run in
     ASSERVERMODE                 Specifies the server mode of the Analysis
                                  Services instance. Valid values are
                                  MULTIDIMENSIONAL and TABULAR. The default value
                                  is MULTIDIMENSIONAL.
     ASSVCACCOUNT                 The account used by the Analysis Services
     ASSVCPASSWORD                The password for the Analysis Services service
     ASSVCSTARTUPTYPE             Controls the service startup type setting for the
     ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS           Specifies the list of administrator accounts to
     ASTEMPDIR                    The location for the Analysis Services temporary
     BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE        Startup type for Browser Service.
     CLTCTLRNAME                  The computer name that the client communicates
                                  with for the Distributed Replay Controller
     CLTRESULTDIR                 The result directory for the Distributed Replay
                                  Client service.
     CLTSTARTUPTYPE               The startup type for the Distributed Replay
                                  Client service.
     CLTSVCACCOUNT                The account used by the Distributed Replay Client
     CLTSVCPASSWORD               The password for the Distributed Replay Client
                                  service account.
     CLTWORKINGDIR                The working directory for the Distributed Replay
                                  Client service.
     CLUSTERPASSIVE               Specifies that SQL Server Setup should not manage
                                  the SQL Server services. This option should be
                                  used only in a non-Microsoft cluster environment.
     CONFIGURATIONFILE            Specifies the configuration file to be used for
     CONFIRMIPDEPENDENCYCHANGE    Indicates that the change in IP address resource
                                  dependency type for the SQL Server multi-subnet
                                  failover cluster is accepted.
     CTLRSTARTUPTYPE              The startup type for the Distributed Replay
                                  Controller service.
     CTLRSVCACCOUNT               The account used by the Distributed Replay
                                  Controller service.
     CTLRSVCPASSWORD              The password for the Distributed Replay
                                  Controller service account.
     CTLRUSERS                    The Windows account(s) used to grant permission
                                  to the Distributed Replay Controller service.
     ENABLERANU                   Set to "1" to enable RANU for SQL Server Express.
     ENU                          Use the /ENU parameter to install the English
                                  version of SQL Server on your localized Windows
                                  operating system.
     ERRORREPORTING               Specify if errors can be reported to Microsoft to
                                  improve future SQL Server releases. Specify 1 or
                                  True to enable and 0 or False to disable this
     FAILOVERCLUSTERDISKS         Specifies a cluster shared disk to associate with
                                  the SQL Server failover cluster instance.
     FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUP         Specifies the name of the cluster group for the
                                  SQL Server failover cluster instance.
     FAILOVERCLUSTERIPADDRESSES   Specifies an encoded IP address. The encodings
                                  are semicolon-delimited (;), and follow the
                                  format <IP Type>;<address>;<network name>;<subnet
                                  mask>. Supported IP types include DHCP, IPV4, and
     FAILOVERCLUSTERNETWORKNAME   Specifies the name of the SQ LServer failover
                                  cluster instance.  This name is the network name
                                  that is used to connect to SQL Server services.
     FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP Specifies whether the upgraded nodes should take
                                  ownership of the failover instance group or not.
                                  Use 0 to retain ownership in the legacy nodes, 1
                                  to make the upgraded nodes take ownership, or 2
                                  to let SQL Server Setup decide when to move
     FEATURES                     Specifies features to install, uninstall, or
                                  upgrade. The list of top-level features include
                                  SQL, AS, RS, IS, MDS, and Tools. The SQL feature
                                  will install the Database Engine, Replication,
                                  Full-Text, and Data Quality Services (DQS)
                                  server. The Tools feature will install Management
                                  Tools, Books online components, SQL Server Data
                                  Tools, and other shared components.
     FILESTREAMLEVEL              Level to enable FILESTREAM feature at (0, 1, 2 or
     FILESTREAMSHARENAME          Name of Windows share to be created for
                                  FILESTREAM File I/O.
     FTSVCACCOUNT                 User account for Full-text Filter Daemon Host.
     FTSVCPASSWORD                User password for Full-text Filter Daemon Host
     FTUPGRADEOPTION              Full-text catalog upgrade option.
     HELP                         Displays the command line parameters usage
     IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS By specifying this parameter and accepting the
                                  SQL Server license terms, you acknowledge that
                                  you have read and understood the terms of use.
     INDICATEPROGRESS             Specifies that the detailed Setup log should be
                                  piped to the console.
     INSTALLSHAREDDIR             Specify the root installation directory for
                                  shared components.  This directory remains
                                  unchanged after shared components are already
     INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR          Specify the root installation directory for the
                                  WOW64 shared components.  This directory remains
                                  unchanged after WOW64 shared components are
                                  already installed.
     INSTALLSQLDATADIR            The Database Engine root data directory.
     INSTANCEDIR                  Specify the instance root directory.
     INSTANCEID                   Specify the Instance ID for the SQL Server
                                  features you have specified. SQL Server directory
                                  structure, registry structure, and service names
                                  will incorporate the instance ID of the SQL
                                  Server instance.
     INSTANCENAME                 Specify a default or named instance. MSSQLSERVER
                                  is the default instance for non-Express editions
                                  and SQLExpress for Express editions. This
                                  parameter is required when installing the SQL
                                  Server Database Engine (SQL), Analysis Services
                                  (AS), or Reporting Services (RS).
     ISSVCACCOUNT                 Either domain user name or system account.
     ISSVCPASSWORD                Password for domain user.
     ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE             Automatic, Manual or Disabled.
     MATRIXNAME                   MATRIXNAME=<name>
     NPENABLED                    Specify 0 to disable or 1 to enable the Named
                                  Pipes protocol.
     PID                          Specify the SQL Server product key to configure
                                  which edition you would like to use.
     QUIET                        Setup will not display any user interface.
     QUIETSIMPLE                  Setup will display progress only, without any
                                  user interaction.
     ROLE                         Detailed help for command line argument ROLE has
                                  not been defined yet.
     RSCATALOGSERVERINSTANCENAME  The SQL Server server for the report server
                                  catalog database.
     RSINSTALLMODE                RSInputSettings_RSInstallMode_Description
     RSSHPINSTALLMODE             RSInputSettings_RSInstallMode_Description
     RSSVCACCOUNT                 Specify the service account of the report server.
                                  This value is required. If you omit this value,
                                  Setup will use the default built-in account for
                                  the current operating system (either
                                  NetworkService or LocalSystem). If you specify a
                                  domain user account, the domain must be under 254
                                  characters and the user name must be under 20
                                  characters. The account name cannot contain the
                                  following characters:
                                  " /  [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >
     RSSVCPASSWORD                Specify a strong password for the account. A
                                  strong password is at least 8 characters and
                                  includes a combination of upper and lower case
                                  alphanumeric characters and at least one symbol
                                  character. Avoid spelling an actual word or name
                                  that might be listed in a dictionary.
     RSSVCSTARTUPTYPE             Specifies the startup mode for the Report Server
                                  service. Valid values include Manual, Automatic,
                                  and Disabled. The default value for StartupType
                                  is Manual, where the server is started when a
                                  request is received.
     RSUPGRADEDATABASEACCOUNT     RSInputSettings_RSInstallMode_Description
     RSUPGRADEPASSWORD            RSInputSettings_RSInstallMode_Description
     RULES                        Specifies the list of rule IDs or rule group IDs
                                  to run.
     SAPWD                        Password for SQL Server sa account.
     SECURITYMODE                 The default is Windows Authentication. Use "SQL"
                                  for Mixed Mode Authentication.
     SQLBACKUPDIR                 Default directory for the Database Engine backup
     SQLCOLLATION                 Specifies a Windows collation or an SQL collation
                                  to use for the Database Engine.
     SQLSVCACCOUNT                Account for SQL Server service: DomainUser or
                                  system account.
     SQLSVCPASSWORD               A SQL Server service password is required only
                                  for a domain account.
     SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE            Startup type for the SQL Server service.
     SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS          Windows account(s) to provision as SQL Server
                                  system administrators.
     SQLTEMPDBDIR                 Directory for Database Engine TempDB files.
     SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR              Directory for the Database Engine TempDB log
     SQLUSERDBDIR                 Default directory for the Database Engine user
     SQLUSERDBLOGDIR              Default directory for the Database Engine user
                                  database logs.
     SQMREPORTING                 Specify that SQL Server feature usage data can be
                                  collected and sent to Microsoft. Specify 1 or
                                  True to enable and 0 or False to disable this
     TCPENABLED                   Specify 0 to disable or 1 to enable the TCP/IP
     UIMODE                       Parameter that controls the user interface
                                  behavior. Valid values are Normal for the full
                                  UI,AutoAdvance for a simplied UI, and
                                  EnableUIOnServerCore for bypassing Server Core
                                  setup GUI block.
     UpdateEnabled                Specify whether SQL Server Setup should discover
                                  and include product updates. The valid values are
                                  True and False or 1 and 0. By default SQL Server
                                  Setup will include updates that are found.
     UpdateSource                 Specify the location where SQL Server Setup will
                                  obtain product updates. The valid values are "MU"
                                  to search Microsoft Update, a valid folder path,
                                  a relative path such as .MyUpdates or a UNC
                                  share. By default SQL Server Setup will search
                                  Microsoft Update or a Windows Update service
                                  through the Window Server Update Services.
     USEMICROSOFTUPDATE           If this parameter is provided, then this computer
                                  will use Microsoft Update to check for updates.
     X86                          Specifies that Setup should install into WOW64.
                                  This command line argument is not supported on an
                                  IA64 or a 32-bit system.
    Full unattended installation example, showing all required parameters:
    setup.exe /Q /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /ACTION=install /PID=<validpid> /FEAT
    /SQLSVCPASSWORD="************" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="MyDomainMyAccount "
    /AGTSVCACCOUNT="MyDomainMyAccount" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="************"
    /ASSVCACCOUNT="MyDomainMyAccount" /ASSVCPASSWORD="************"
    /RSSVCACCOUNT="MyDomainMyAccount" /RSSVCPASSWORD="************"
    /ISSVCAccount="MyDomainMyAccount" /ISSVCPASSWORD="************"
    Press any key to exit...
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    mysql优化——show processlist命令详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kerrycode/p/7679509.html
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