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  • scrum

    Scrum Ceremonies


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    Scrum Team Ceremonies


    Meeting Name


    Mandatory Attendees

    Optional Attendees


    Meeting Objective

    Daily standup

    Scrum Master

    • SCRUM Team members
    • SCRUM master
    • Product Owner
    • Others by invitation only


    • 15-30 minutes max.
    • What was done, what will you do, and raised impediments.
    • Resolution to problems should happen outside of this meeting.

    Backlog Grooming


    • SCRUM Team members
    • SCRUM master
    • Product Owner

    By invitation only


    • PO presenting what’s behind Story and leads discussion with team.
    • Team backlog grooming can happen during this meetings.
    • Duration is about 1 hour per session.

    Sprint Planning

    Scrum Master

    • SCRUM Team members
    • SCRUM master
    • Product Owner

    Product managers

    Once in a Sprint

    • Backlog review, Q&A, priorities discussion.  
    • Reviewing readiness of items for Sprint. As result, selecting items to be taken in to Sprint.
    • Scheduled.
    • Breakdown of stories into tasks.
    • Pulling of the items from backlog.
    • Reprioritization is expected to happen as needed.
    • Overall duration 2-3 hours, broken into sessions.

    Sprint Review and Demo

    Scrum Master

    • SCRUM Team members
    • SCRUM master
    • Product Owner


    Once in a Sprint

    • Presenting outcome of the Sprint using a demo and collecting feedback.
    • Teams may need to split Review and Demo and invite required stakeholders for each.
    • Its requested to record Demo and distribute within IA team.

    Sprint Retrospective

    Scrum Master

    • SCRUM Team members
    • SCRUM master

    By invitation only

    Once in a Sprint

    • What worked well, what not.
    • How team would try to improve processes within next Sprint.
    • Agree on improvement priority for next Sprint.
    Scrum of Scrums

    Scrum Master /

    Program Mgr

    • Scrum Master
    • Product Owners
    • Dev Managers


    Once in a Sprint

    • Cross scrum team risk identification and dependency management
    • Facilitate dependency coordination between scrum teams
    • Identify risks to deliverables
    • Provide continuous visibility to architecture and technical leadership on progress of product design integrity and quality.
    • Launch requirements are addressed



    Scrum-of-scrums (SOS)

    This section describes the purpose of the Scrum of Scrums meeting and how to go about it.

    The purpose of the Scrum of Scrum meeting is to address two primary project management needs during the course of a release:

    • Cross scrum team risk identification and dependency management
    • Facilitate dependency coordination between scrum teams
    • Identify risks to deliverables
    • Provide continuous visibility to architecture and technical leadership on progress of product design integrity and quality.
    • Launch requirements are addressed

    This will be a short coordination and commitment meeting between Scrum Masters, PO’s rather than a status pull, review, or retrospective. Jira and eTrack will be used to determine our program technical risks

    Program scrum questions

    • What did you complete for the other teams since we last met?
    • What do you plan to complete for the other teams before we meet again?
    • What do you need from the other teams for the next sprint?
    • Is anything slowing your team down that is outside your control?
    • Are you planning to change anything that the other teams depend on?
    • Do you anticipate anything that will change your team’s burn-down velocity?

    Launch requirements

    (Marketable content readiness check Sales and marketing collateral to assure the product is supportable. The scrum teams to provide the collateral, at least every sprint.)

    • Did you change any s/w that impacts trade compliance, encryption changes in code?
    • Did you change any 3rd party s/w?
    • Did you change any open source s/w?
    • Did the Coverity run issues get put into eTrack?
    • Is anything slowing you from completing the launch stories?

    End-to-End process

    • Scrum of Scrum Facilitator schedules and kicks off meeting
    • Each Scrum Master takes their turn to provide their team’s progress, risks & issues, dependencies, and challenges overcome … answers any questions and takes action items
    • Scrum of Scrum Facilitator records any action items and owners
    • Individual team members coordinate any offline discussions to resolve more involved matters identified during the meeting
    • When all teams are done, Scrum of Scrum Facilitator closes meeting
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kevinX/p/5458463.html
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