FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts MAINTAINER dwy COPY get-pip.py /tmp/ # if we want to install via apt USER root RUN python /tmp/get-pip.py && pip install requests RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl && chmod +x ./kubectl && mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl && mkdir /root/.kube && touch /root/.kube/config && apt-get install vim -y # drop back to the regular jenkins user - good practice #USER jenkins
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 4 5 import requests 6 import json,sys 7 from subprocess import Popen,PIPE 8 9 10 image_tag_list = [ 11 ["hlike","nginx","201804h2_0721"], 12 ["hlik","slm",""], 13 ] 14 15 55 for n,li in enumerate(image_tag_list,1): 56 print "num %s execute: ******************************************************************" %n 57 namespace = li[0] 58 repository = li[1] 59 tag = li[2] #文件读取出 60 uri="swr-api.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com" #北京swr-api 61 url = "https://%s/v2/manage/namespaces/%s/repos/%s/tags" %(uri,namespace,repository) #根据官方容器镜像仓库api获取对应image:tag 62 res = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() #这里我没写token,具体仓库,具体自己分析一下api如何获取信息, 63 tag_exist = False 64 65 if type(res) == dict and res.has_key("errors"): 66 print "log: %s/%s is wrong!!!!!" %(namespace,repository) 67 sys.exit(1) 68 for line in res: #循环返回的结果,得到镜像对应信息 69 if line["Tag"] == tag :#比较返回tag和文件里面的tag是否有相等,若相等,说仓库存在对应镜像 70 tag_exist = True 71 print "%s/%s %s is exist!!!!!!!!!" % (namespace, repository, tag) 72 updated = line["updated"] 73 path = line["path"] 74 cmd1 = "kubectl set image deployment/%s %s=%s" %(repository,repository,path) 75 print "log: now is setting image,cmd: ",cmd1 76 ret = excute(cmd1) 77 print ret 78 if not tag_exist: 79 print "log: %s/%s %s is not exist" %(namespace,repository,tag) 80 sys.exit(1)