2、返回值 中包含函数名
def bar(): print("in the bar") def test1(func): print("in the test1") print(func) func() #func=bar func()=bar() test1(bar) 打印结果 ---------------------------------
in the test1
<function bar at 0x000001DA445500D0>
in the bar
import time def bar(): time.sleep(3) print("in the bar") def test1(func): star_time=time.time() func() #bar() stop_time=time.time() print("the func run time is %s"%(stop_time-star_time)) test1(bar)
打印结果 ----------------------------------- in the bar the func run time is 3.0002150535583496
import time def bar(): time.sleep(3) print("int the bar") def test2(func): print(func) return func print(test2(bar)) t=test2(bar) bar=test2(bar) t() #t()=bar() print(t) bar=test2(bar) #覆盖原来的bar bar() #不修改原来的调用方式 打印结果 —————————————————————————— <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> int the bar <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> <function bar at 0x00000224596500D0> int the bar