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  • oracle 11g 常规sql

    oracle 11g 常规sql

     备份表:create table xsjbxxb_bak as select * from xsjbxxb;
    备份表结构:create table xsjbxxb_bak as select * from xsjbxxb where 1=2;
    表前20条记录:select * from xsjbxxb where rownum<21;
      查重(分组):select bjmc from bjdmb group by bjmc having count(*)>1;
    select * from bjdmb where bjmc in (select bjmc from bjdmb group by bjmc having count(*)>1);
      select distinct bjmc,count(*) from bjdmb group by bjmc having count(*)>1;
    select 'drop table '||table_name||'  purge;' from user_tab_comments where table_name like 'AAA%';
    select * from bjdmb order by nj asc,bjmc desc;
    select * from bjdmb order by 4 asc,2 desc;
    7.in与exists: 如果两个表中一个较小,一个是大表,则子查询表大的用exists,子查询表小的用in
      select * from jw_jh_kcdmb where (kch,xf,kcmc)  in (select kch,xf,kcmc  from jw_cj_xscjb)
      and tkbj='1';
      select * from jw_jh_kcdmb a where exists (select 'X' from jw_cj_xscjb b where a.kch=b.kch and a.xf=b.xf and a.kcmc=b.kcmc)
      and tkbj='1'
    select * from xqdmb union select * from xqdmb1       ----并集过滤重复
    select * from xqdmb union all select * from xqdmb1   ----并集不过滤重复
     select * from xqdmb intersect select * from xqdmb1   ----交集
     select * from xqdmb Minus select * from xqdmb1       ----差集
    内连接:select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a inner join xqdmb1 b on a.xqdm=b.xqdm
               select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a,xqdmb1 b where  a.xqdm=b.xqdm
    左连接:select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a left  join xqdmb1 b on a.xqdm=b.xqdm
               select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a,xqdmb1 b where  a.xqdm=b.xqdm(+)
    右连接:select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a right  join xqdmb1 b on a.xqdm=b.xqdm
               select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a,xqdmb1 b where  a.xqdm(+)=b.xqdm
    全连接:select a.*,b.* from xqdmb a full  join xqdmb1 b on a.xqdm=b.xqdm
    select row_number() over(partition by bjmc order by bynd) sxh,a.*
    from bjdmb a where bjmc='16药学1' or bjmc='16眼专1';
    select rank() over(partition by bjmc order by bynd) sxh,a.*
    from bjdmb a where bjmc='16药学1' or bjmc='16眼专1';
    select dense_rank() over(partition by bjmc order by bynd) sxh,a.*
    from bjdmb a where bjmc='16药学1' or bjmc='16眼专1';
    row_number() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    rank() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    dense_rank() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    count() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    max() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    min() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    avg() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    first_value() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    last_value() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    lag() over(partition by ... order by ...)   
    lead() over(partition by ... order by ...)
    insert into jw_xs_xsjbxxb(xh,xm)values ('001','张三');
    insert into jw_xjgl_xsxjxxb( xh,xm,xnm,xqm )       --------------学籍信息表(时盒)
    select xh,xm,'2019','3' from jw_xjgl_xsjbxxb where xnm||xqm=’201812’    -------学生信息表
    insert into bjdmb select * from bjdmb;
    select * from ZFTAL_XTGL_YHSJFWB
    create table ZFTAL_XTGL_YHSJFWB as 
    select * from  jw_user.ZFTAL_XTGL_YHSJFWB where   yhm like 'LS%' and yhm not like 'XG%'  用户数据范围表  sjfwz_id 关联下面的组表
    create table zftal_xtgl_sjfwzb as
    select * from  jw_user.zftal_xtgl_sjfwzb where  kzdx='kc'     数据范围组表 sjfwz_id
    insert into ZFTAL_XTGL_YHSJFWB(js_id,sjfwz_id,sfqy,yhm)
    select b.jsdm,a.yhm sffwz_id,'1',a.yhm from jw_user.zftal_xtgl_yhb a left join jw_user.zftal_xtgl_yhjsb b on a.yhm=b.yhm where a.yhm like 'LS%';
    insert into zftal_xtgl_sjfwzb
    select yhm,(select jgmc from jw_user.zftal_xtgl_jgdmb b where a.jgdm=b.jgdm)||'【课程数据】','kkbm_id='||jgdm,'kc' from jw_user.zftal_xtgl_yhb a where yhm like 'LS%'
    select * from zftal_xtgl_sjfwzb
    update AAA_jxrwb_z set zxs='0.0-12.0' where zxs='0.0-12.'; 
    select * from zydmb      专业代码所属学院是对的
    select * from bjdmb_gx   班级代码表所属学院是错的
    update bjdmb_gx a set ssxydm=(select ssxydm from zydmb b where a.sszydm=b.zydm)  --有问题
    删除表:  drop table kcdmb1 purge
    删除数据:delete from kcmdb1;
    Truncate table kcdmb1;
    select * from bjdmb 
    where bjmc in (select bjmc from bjdmb group by bjmc having count(bjmc)> 1)
    and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from   bjdmb group by bjmc having count(bjmc)>1);
    delete from bjdmb 
    where bjmc in (select bjmc from bjdmb group by bjmc having count(bjmc)> 1)
    and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from   bjdmb group by bjmc having count(bjmc)>1);
    select * from bjdmb 
    where ( bjmc,bjdm) in (select  bjmc,bjdm from bjdmb group by bjmc,bjdm having count(bjmc)> 1)
    and bynd not in (select min(bynd) from   bjdmb group by bjmc,bjdm having count(bjmc)>1)
    select * from bjdmb a where exists (select 'X' from bjdmb b where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bjmc=b.bjmc and a.rowid>b.rowid)
    delete from bjdmb a where exists (select 'X' from bjdmb b where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bjmc=b.bjmc and a.rowid>b.rowid)
    delete from bjdmb a where exists (select 'X' from bjdmb b where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bjmc=b.bjmc and a.bynd>b.bynd)
    左补齐:select lpad('123',10,'X') from dual
    右补齐:select rpad('123',10,'X') from dual
    去空格: select trim('   123   ') from dual
    select RTRIM('   123   ') from dual
    select LTRIM('   123   ') from dual
    NVL和Coalesce :select nvl('','1') from dual
                           select Coalesce('','','5','4','1') from dual
    case when then else end: 
    case when bfzcj<=100 and bfzcj>=90 then '优秀' 
    when bfzcj<90 and bfzcj>=80 then '良好' 
    when  bfzcj<80 and bfzcj>=70 then '中等'
    when  bfzcj<70 and bfzcj>=60 then '及格' 
    else '不及格' end 五级制成绩 
    from jw_user.jw_cj_xscjb;
    select decode(nvl(xb,'9'),'男','1','女','2','9','其他') from xsjbxxb
    Replace: select replace('he love you','he','i') from dual;
    select xqj, translate(xqj,'1234567','一二三四五六七') from jw_jh_jsjxrlsjb
    select xqj, translate(xqj,'1234567','一 三四五六七') from jw_jh_jsjxrlsjb
    create or replace function Get_zxs(
    vZxs varchar2) return varchar2  
       vNewzxs varchar2(20);
       vBj varchar2(20);
          vBj :=translate(vZxs,'0123456789.','aaaaaaaaaab');
          vNewzxs :=vZxs;
          if  vBj like '%-%'then
              if substr(vBj,1,INSTR(vBj,'-',1)) like '%b-'  then
                vNewzxs:= substr(vNewzxs,1,INSTR(vNewzxs,'-',1)-1)||'0'||substr(vNewzxs,instr(vNewzxs,'-',1),length(vNewzxs)-instr(vNewzxs,'-',1)+1);
              end if;
              if substr(vBj,-2,2)='ab'  then  vNewzxs:= vNewzxs||'0';
              end if;
              if substr(vBj,1,INSTR(vBj,'-',1)-1) not like '%b%'  then
                vNewzxs:= substr(vNewzxs,1,INSTR(vNewzxs,'-',1)-1)||'.0'||substr(vNewzxs,instr(vNewzxs,'-',1),length(vNewzxs)-instr(vNewzxs,'-',1)+1);
              end if;
             if substr(vBj,INSTR(vBj,'-',1)) not like '%b%'  then
              end if;
             if vBj like '%b%' then
                 vNewzxs := vNewzxs||'-0.0';
                 vNewzxs := vNewzxs||'.0-0.0';
              end if;
        end if;
        return vNewzxs;
    end Get_zxs;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/khtt/p/15238898.html
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