在开始菜单中找到Visual Studio 2013 >> Visual Studio Tools
VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
nvcc cudaFileName.cu -o outFileName
nvcc hello.cu -o hello
再来看看响应时间,下面的测试代码在我的笔记本Geforce GT 755m上大概要跑8秒(心里估算,没实际测试具体时间),如果出现
1 #include <iostream> 2 3 #include <cuda.h> 4 #include <cuda_runtime.h> 5 #include <device_launch_parameters.h> 6 7 using namespace std; 8 9 __global__ void AddIntsCUDA(int* a, int* b) 10 { 11 for (int i = 0; i < 40000000; ++i) 12 { 13 a[0] += b[0]; 14 } 15 16 } 17 18 int main() 19 { 20 int h_a = 0; 21 int h_b = 1; 22 23 int* d_a; 24 int* d_b; 25 26 if (cudaMalloc(&d_a, sizeof(int)) != cudaSuccess) 27 { 28 cout << "Error CUDA allocating memory" << endl; 29 return 0; 30 } 31 if (cudaMalloc(&d_b, sizeof(int)) != cudaSuccess) 32 { 33 cout << "Error CUDA allocating memory" << endl; 34 cudaFree(d_a); 35 return 0; 36 } 37 38 if (cudaMemcpy(d_a, &h_a, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) 39 { 40 cout << "Error CUDA copying memory" << endl; 41 cudaFree(d_a); 42 cudaFree(d_b); 43 return 0; 44 } 45 if (cudaMemcpy(d_b, &h_b, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) 46 { 47 cout << "Error CUDA copying memory" << endl; 48 cudaFree(d_a); 49 cudaFree(d_b); 50 return 0; 51 } 52 53 AddIntsCUDA << <1, 1 >> >(d_a, d_b); 54 55 if (cudaMemcpy(&h_a, d_a, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess) 56 { 57 cout << "Error CUDA copying memory" << endl; 58 cudaFree(d_a); 59 cudaFree(d_b); 60 return 0; 61 } 62 63 if (cudaMemcpy(&h_b, d_b, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess) 64 { 65 cout << "Error CUDA copying memory" << endl; 66 cudaFree(d_a); 67 cudaFree(d_b); 68 return 0; 69 } 70 71 cout << "h_a is : " << h_a << endl; 72 73 cudaFree(d_a); 74 cudaFree(d_b); 75 76 // cudaDeviceReset must be called before exiting in order for profiling and 77 // tracing tools such as Nsight and Visual Profiler to show complete traces. 78 cudaError_t cudaStatus = cudaDeviceReset(); 79 if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) { 80 fprintf(stderr, "cudaDeviceReset failed!"); 81 return 1; 82 } 83 84 85 return 0; 86 }
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers] "TdrLevel"=dword:00000000 "TdrDelay"=dword:00000020