| 1 2 3 (ROW) ---+------- 1 | 1 2 3 2 | 4 5 6 3 | 7 8 9 (COL)
R C V ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 2 3 6 3 1 7 3 2 8 3 3 9
但是怎么转换回去呢?这个也很简单,估计大学C语言教材里就能找到例子,这里也不多说了,那么如何用SQL来解决这个问题呢?Thinking In Sets:
with array as ( select 1 as r, 1 as c,1 as v from dual union all select 1,2,2 from dual union all select 1,3,3 from dual union all select 2,1,4 from dual union all select 2,2,5 from dual union all select 2,3,6 from dual union all select 3,1,7 from dual union all select 3,2,8 from dual union all select 3,3,9 from dual ) select SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH( v, ' ') matrix from array where level=(select count(distinct(c)) from array) start with c=1 connect by prior r=r and prior c=c-1 order by r ;
MATRIX -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
我们使用了Oracle的 connect by 进行递归层次查询获得结果:
再来看看SQL Server的例子(需要SQL Server 2005或以上版本):
with array as ( select 1 as r, 1 as c,1 as v union all select 1,2,2 union all select 1,3,3 union all select 2,1,4 union all select 2,2,5 union all select 2,3,6 union all select 3,1,7 union all select 3,2,8 union all select 3,3,9 ), cte as ( select 1 as lvl,r,c,cast(v as varchar(50)) as line from array where c=1 union all select lvl+1, a.r, a.c, cast(c.line+' '+cast(a.v as varchar(10)) as varchar(50)) from cte c, array a where c.r=a.r and a.c=c.c+1 ) select line as matrix from cte where lvl=(select COUNT(distinct(c)) from array) order by r;
matrix -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SQL Server 借助CTE语法实现了递归层次查询。
第二步,在当前数据的同一行上(Oracle:prior r=r / SQL Server:c.r=a.r)寻找下一个数据(Oracle:prior c=c-1 / SQL Server:a.c=c.c+1)