Exception Asserts (NUnit 2.5)
Assert.Throws 作用于类本身,而不是比较值,它调用代理来验证抛代码片段出一个特定异常。
Assert.Catch 与 Assert.Throws 相似,但是当一个异常派生意另一个异常是会通过。
Exception Assert.Throws( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code ); Exception Assert.Throws( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code, string message ); Exception Assert.Throws( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); Exception Assert.Throws( IResolveConstraint constraint, TestDelegate code ); Exception Assert.Throws( IResolveConstraint constraint, TestDelegate code, string message ); Exception Assert.Throws( IResolveConstraint constraint, TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); T Assert.Throws<T>( TestDelegate code ); T Assert.Throws<T>( TestDelegate code, string message ); T Assert.Throws<T>( TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); void Assert.DoesNotThrow( TestDelegate code ); void Assert.DoesNotThrow( TestDelegate code, string message ); void Assert.DoesNotThrow( TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); Exception Assert.Catch( TestDelegate code ); Exception Assert.Catch( TestDelegate code, string message ); Exception Assert.Catch( TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); Exception Assert.Catch( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code ); Exception Assert.Catch( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code, string message ); Exception Assert.Catch( Type expectedExceptionType, TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms); T Assert.Catch<T>( TestDelegate code ); T Assert.Catch<T>( TestDelegate code, string message ); T Assert.Catch<T>( TestDelegate code, string message, params object[] parms);
在上面的例子中TestDelegate 是void TestDelegate()的一个代理类型,用于执行验证问题的代码。在.NET2.0中可以使用匿名代理。如果在C#3.0中可能会是一个lambda表达式。
[TestFixture] public class AssertThrowsTests { [Test] public void Tests() { // .NET 1.x Assert.Throws( typeof(ArgumentException), new TestDelegate(MethodThatThrows) ); // .NET 2.0 Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( MethodThatThrows() ); Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( delegate { throw new ArgumentException(); } ); // Using C# 3.0 Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( () => throw new ArgumentException(); } ); } void MethodThatThrows() { throw new ArgumentException(); }
[TestFixture] public class UsingReturnValue { [Test] public void TestException() { MyException ex = Assert.Throws<MyException>( delegate { throw new MyException( "message", 42 ); } ); Assert.That( ex.Message, Is.EqualTo( "message" ) ); Assert.That( ex.MyParam, Is.EqualTo( 42 ) ); }
[TestFixture] public class UsingConstraint { [Test] public void TestException() { Assert.Throws( Is.Typeof<MyException>() .And.Message.EqualTo( "message" ) .And.Property( "MyParam" ).EqualTo( 42 ), delegate { throw new MyException( "message", 42 ); } ); }
Exact Versus Derived Types
当使用Type作为参数是,Assert.Throws 需要抛出精确的类型。如果希望测试派生Type,使用以下允许指定约束的格式。可以二选一使用允许派生类型的Assert.Throws或者Assert.Catch。看如下例子:
// Require an ApplicationException - derived types fail! Assert.Throws( typeof(ApplicationException), code ); Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>()( code ); // Allow both ApplicationException and any derived type Assert.Throws( Is.InstanceOf( typeof(ApplicationException), code ); Assert.Throws( Is.InstanceOf<ApplicationException>(), code ); // Allow both ApplicationException and any derived type Assert.Catch<ApplicationException>( code ); // Allow any kind of exception Assert.Catch( code );
See also...
Utility Methods
4个功能方法:Pass(), Fail(), Ignore() and Inconclusive() 用来直接控制测试进程:
Assert.Pass(); Assert.Pass( string message ); Assert.Pass( string message, object[] parms ); Assert.Fail(); Assert.Fail( string message ); Assert.Fail( string message, object[] parms ); Assert.Ignore(); Assert.Ignore( string message ); Assert.Ignore( string message, object[] parms ); Assert.Inconclusive(); Assert.Inconclusive( string message ); Assert.Inconclusive( string message, object[] parms );
Assert.Pass方法可以直接结束测试,并标记为成功。这会抛出一个异常,能更方便的从测试返回。然而, Assert.Pass允许在测试结果中记录一个信息并且让测试在某些情况下更容易阅读。
public void AssertStringContains( string expected, string actual ) { AssertStringContains( expected, actual, string.Empty ); } public void AssertStringContains( string expected, string actual, string message ) { if ( actual.IndexOf( expected ) < 0 ) Assert.Fail( message ); }
Assert.Ignore 方法用于在运行时动态忽悠一个测试用例。可以在一个test、setup 、fixture setup 等方法。