NUnit 1.0使用传统的基于继承和命名约定来识别测试。从2.0开始NUnit使用自定义特性来实现。
因为NUnit的test fixtures不是从框架类库继承,所以开发人员可以用其他方式轻松的使用继承。由于没有任何命名约定,故名称的选择可以是完全面向通信测试目标。
Action Attributes (NUnit 2.6)
NUnit设计Action特性用来更好的操作测试逻辑的组合性功能。在编写单元测试时我们希望在测试周期中运行特定的事件的逻辑需求(e.g. SetUp, TearDown, FixtureSetUp, FixtureTearDown, etc.)。NUnit通过使用适当的特性可以执行这些事件。Action特性允许用户创建自定义特性来封装用于 before or after测试用例的特别操作。
The Problem of Composability
This works fine, until we need some other reusable functionality, say the ability to configure or reset a ServiceLocator. (翻译不出来)
我们可以将这个功能放到fixture基类或者setup fixture中,但是我们要向基类混合两种不同的责任。在使用setup fixture时,在通用命名空间只有在所有类都请求两个特征才会有效。某些情况下我们可能不希望测试数据库,但是我们需要ServiceLocator配置,有时又正好相反,有时又同时需要,所以我们必须使得基类是可配置的。
Resolving the Problem

[TestFixture, ResetServiceLocator] public class MyTests { [Test, CreateTestDatabase] public void Test1() { /* ... */ } [Test, CreateTestDatabase, AsAdministratorPrincipal] public void Test2() { /* ... */ } [Test, CreateTestDatabase, AsNamedPrincipal("charlie.poole")] public void Test3() { /* ... */ } [Test, AsGuestPrincipal] public void Test4() { /* ... */ } }
- ResetServiceLocator
- CreateTestDatabase
- AsAdministratorPrincipal
- AsNamedPrincipal
- AsGuestPrincipal
我们在其他test fixtures中通过声明合适的特性来重用。而不用从一个基类来继承。
Implementing an Action Attribute

public interface ITestAction { void BeforeTest(TestDetails details); void AfterTest(TestDetails details); ActionTargets Targets { get; } }
为了方便,你可以从NUnit'sTestActionAttribute派生出来,这个抽象类虚拟实现了接口的每个成员。另外,你也可以从 System.Attribute派生出来并直接实现接口。
Action Targets
当调用BeforeTest and Targets属性返回的确定值 。ActionTargets美剧定义如下

[Flags] public enum ActionTargets { Default = 0, Test = 1, Suite = 2 }
当一个特性返回ActionTargets.Suite则意味着应用到一个类或者一个参数化的方法,NUnit会优先执行特性的BeforeTest方法,返回指向测试用例,然后在用例执行结束后执行AfterTest方法。这和TestFixtureSetUp andTestFixtureTearDown特性工作方式相似。
另一方面,在相同情况下使用返回ActionTargets.Test 的特性。NUnit在执行测试是会优先执行BeforeTest方法,然后执行测试用例,最后执行AfterTest方法,这个执行方式与SetUp and TearDown特性的工作方式类似。
返回ActionTargets.Default 的操作会附加到特定的代码中。当附加到一个方法时体现的就像已经指定了ActionTargets.Test 。当附加到一个类或者程序集是,体现为好像已经返回 ActionTargets.Suite值。
Test Details
BeforeTest and AfterTest方法为将要运行的或者已经运行的测试提供某些信息。TestDetails类提供了如下的私有属性, before or after方法可以使用这些属性来决定执行哪些操作:
- Fixture - an object representing the user fixture, if available, or null
- Method - the MethodInfo that implements the test, if available, or null
- FullName - a string giving the full name of the test
- Type - a string representing the type of the test, e.g. "Test Case"
- IsSuite - true if the test is a suite, otherwise false

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)] public class ConsoleActionAttribute : Attribute, ITestAction { private string _Message; public ConsoleActionAttribute(string message) { _Message = message; } public void BeforeTest(TestDetails details) { WriteToConsole("Before", details); } public void AfterTest(TestDetails details) { WriteToConsole("After", details); } public ActionTargets Targets { get { return ActionTargets.Test | ActionTargets.Suite; } } private void WriteToConsole(string eventMessage, TestDetails details) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2}, from {3}.{4}.", eventMessage, details.IsSuite ? "Suite" : "Case", _Message, fixture != null ? fixture.GetType().Name : "{no fixture}", method != null ? method.Name : "{no method}"); } }
注意,上面的操作特性返回的是ActionTargets.Test and ActionTargets.Suite集合。可以这样,但可能不是正常情况。这样做了之后我们可以在多个实例中重用这个特性。这个特性的构造函数使用了一个参数:message,用于在控制台进行输出。Before and After方法都会通过WriteToConsole方法来进行输出。
Method Attached Actions
Example 1 (applied to simple test method):

[TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests { [Test][ConsoleAction("Hello")] public void SimpleTest() { Console.WriteLine("Test ran."); } } Console Output: Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test ran. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest.
Example 2 (applied action twice to test method):

[TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests { [Test] [ConsoleAction("Hello")] [ConsoleAction("Greetings")] public void SimpleTest() { Console.WriteLine("Test run."); } } Console Output: Before Case: Greetings, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test run. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. After Case: Greetings, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest.
Example 3 (applied to a test method with test cases):

[TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests { [Test] [ConsoleAction("Hello")] [TestCase("02")] [TestCase("01")] public void SimpleTest(string number) { Console.WriteLine("Test run {0}.", number); } } Console Output: Before Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test run 01. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test run 02. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. After Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest.
当一个方法应用了一个或者多个TestCase特性时,NUnit会将这个方法当作一个 test suite。你会注意到BeforeTest会在suite运行前执行一次,AfterTest会在运行后执行一次。另外,BeforeTest and AfterTest会在每个测试用例再执行一次。注意测试用例的执行顺序是不确定的。
Type Attached Actions
Example 1:

[TestFixture] [ConsoleAction("Hello")] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests { [Test] public void SimpleTestOne() { Console.WriteLine("Test One."); } [Test] public void SimpleTestTwo() { Console.WriteLine("Test Two."); } } Console Output: Before Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.{no method}. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTestOne. Test ran. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTestOne. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTestTwo. Test ran. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTestTwo. After Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.{no method}.
在这个测试中,这个类是test suite,BeforeTest and AfterTes在这个类构造时执行一次,在每个用例再执行一次。
Example 2 (attached to interface):

[ConsoleAction("Hello")] public interface IHaveAnAction { } [TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests : IHaveAnAction { [Test] public void SimpleTest() { Console.WriteLine("Test run."); } } Console Output: Before Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.{no method}. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test run. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. After Suite: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.{no method}.
Example 3 (action attribute is applied to interface and attribute uses interface to provide data to tests):

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface)] public class InterfaceAwareActionAttribute : TestActionAttribute { private readonly string _Message; public InterfaceAwareActionAttribute(string message) { _Message = message; } public override void BeforeTest(TestDetails details) { IHaveAnAction obj = details.Fixture as IHaveAnAction; if(obj != null) obj.Message = _Message; } public override ActionTargets Target { get { return ActionTargets.Test; } } } [InterfaceAwareAction("Hello")] public interface IHaveAnAction { string Message { get; set; } } [TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests : IHaveAnAction { [Test] public void SimpleTest() { Console.WriteLine("{0}, World!", Message); } public string Message { get; set; } }
Console Output:
Hello, World!
注意这个特性从TestActionAttribute继承。它使用默认的AfterTest,并且重写了BeforeTest and Target。
Assembly Attached Action
Example 1:

[assembly: ConsoleAction("Hello")] [TestFixture] public class ActionAttributeSampleTests { [Test] public void SimpleTest() { Console.WriteLine("Test run."); } } Console Output: Before Suite: Hello, from {no fixture}.{no method}. Before Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. Test run. After Case: Hello, from ActionAttributeSampleTests.SimpleTest. After Suite: Hello, from {no fixture}.{no method}.
这个示例中的ConsoleAction特性是应用于整个程序集,NUnit会将整个程序集当作一个test suite (in fact, a suite of suites)。由于ConsoleAction特性实现了 ITestSuiteAction and ITestCaseAction两个接口,NUnit会程序集运行任何测试用例之前执行BeforeTest,运行所有测试用例之后执行AfterTest。另外,在构建保障清除状态、防止某个测试用例影响其他测试用例输出的操作特性时时非常有用的。例如,你可以使用操作特性来清除静态或者缓存的数据、者服务。