SQL Server 2000 >osql -E -d dbname
SQL Server 2005/2008 > sqlcmd -d dbname
oracle> sqlplus user/password@dbname
DB2> db2 connect to dbname
MySQL>mysql -h host -u user -p dbname
PostgreSQL>psql -h host -u user -w dbname
SQL使用 -- 作为行注释,/* */ 作为多行注释
标准模式为: select [all] coumns from tables
[join joins]
[where search_condition]
[group by grouping_columns]
[having search_condition]
[order by sort_column] [ASC | DESC]
2.使用 AS 创建列的别名 column as alias_name ,......
3. 使用distinct 消除重复行 select distinct columns ......
4.使用order时可以按多列排序,按列相对位置排序 order by 4 asc ,2 desc....
select title_id,type,price,sales from titles order by case when type='history' then price else sales end
select title_id,price,sales,price*sales as "Revenue" from titles order by "Revenue" desc
在where中常使用 like ,between ,in ,is null ,不可使用聚合函数 sum(),count();不可用别名比较
where pubdate >= DATE '2001-01-01';
select sales as copies_sold from tites where copies_sold > 1000
——> select * from (select sales as copies_sold from titles ) ta where copies_sold > 1000
6.使用三值逻辑(3VL) and,or,not组合
and不需要加括号,or需要加括号,not的正确写法是 not state='CA'
select type,type='history' as "hist?",type ='biography' as "bio?", price , price<20 as "<20?"
7.like匹配模式(not like)
% 0或者多,_ 任意一个,like的使用需要加上单引号 '
select columns from table where test_column [not] like 'pattern' escape "escape_char";
8.between and , in , in null
where test_column between low_value and hign_value
where test_column in (value1,value2,value3)
where test_column is [not] null
select 2+3; select au_id,2+3 from authors;
select title_id,price,0.10 as "discount",price*(1-0.10) as "new price" from titles;
2.执行算术运算 + - * /
select title_id , - advance as "advance" from royalties;
3.确定计算顺序,算术操作符(+,-,*等) 的优先级高于比较操作符(<,=,>等),比较操作符的优先级高于逻辑操作符(not,and,or).
4.使用 || 连接串
select au_fname || '' || au_lname as "author name" from authors order by au_lname asc, au_fname asc;
select cast(sales as char(7)) || ' copies sold of title ' || title_id as "biography sales" from titles where type ='biography' and sales is not null order by sales desc;
select pub_id,substring(pub_id from 1 for 1) as "alpha part",substring(pub_id from 2) as "num part" from publishers;
select title_name from titles where upper(title_name) like '%M0%';
trim ([[leading | trailing | both] from ] string) leading删除前导空格,trailing删除尾随空格,定义both同时删除前导和尾随空格,如果不指定,默认为both
8.使用character_length()得到串的长度 character_length(string)
9.使用position()查找子串 position(substring in string)
select au_fname,position('e' in au_fname) as "pos e" from authors;
提取日期或时间间隔的一部分:extract(field from datetime_or_interval),field 为year,month,day,hour,minute,second,timezone_hour,timezone_minute.
当前日期:current_date 当前时间:current_time 当前的时间戳:current_timestamp
11.使用cast()转换数据类型 cast(expr as data_type)
case comparison_value
when value2 then result2
when valueN then resultN
[else default_result]
coalesce()检查空值:coalesce(expr1,expr2,expr3) 如果expr1不为空返回exp1,依次规律顺序计算
nullif() 表达式 : nullif(expr1,expr2) 如果expr1与expr2相同,则返回null,否则返回 expr1
常见的聚合函数:min(expr),max(expr),sum(expr),avg(expr),count(*),count(expr),sum(distinct expr), func([all | distinct ] expr)
自联结: 表和它自身联结
select au_fname,au_lname,a.city from authors a inner join publishers p on a.city=p.city
select au_fname,au_lname,a.city from authors a , publishers p where a.city =p.city
交叉 select column from table1 cross join table2
select au_id,pub_id,a.state as "au_state",p.state as "pub_state" from authors a ,publishers p;
也可以使用 using() 替代 on xx = yy;
自然 select columns from table1 natural join table2 where xx = yy ...join_conditions
内 select columns from table1 inner join table2 on .. inner join .. on .. inner join .. on .. where ... and ...
外 select columns from left_table left(outer) join right_table on join_condition
自 select columns from table as alias1 inner join table as alias2 on join_condition
select pub_name from publishers where pub_id in (select pub_id from titles where type = 'biography')
常在子查询中的使用not in,not exists等,内联结都可写作子查询,但反过来就不行。外联结都可以写成子查询,尽管外联结不是可交换的。
简单子查询:select au_id,city from authors where city in (select city from publishers);
select max(ta.count_titles) as "max titles" from (select count(*) as count_titles from title_authors group by au_id) ta;
select t1.title_id,t1.sales, (select sum(t2.sales) from titles t2 where t2.title_id <= t1.title_id) as "running total" from titles t1;
select au_id,au_fname,au_lanme,state from authors where state=(select state from publishers where pub_name = 'tenterhooks press');
where test_expr op (subquery)
where (subquery) op (subquery)
where test_expr [not] in (subquery)
having test_expr [not] in (subquery)
where test_expr op all (subquery)
having test_expr op all (subquery)
where [not] exists (subquery)
having [not] exists (subquery)
< all (subquery) -> < min(subquery values)
> all (subquery) -> > max(subquery vlaues)
< any (subquery) -> < max(subquery values)
> any (subquery) -> > min(subquery values)
in = any , not in = <> all (not <> any)
例子: select distinct a.au_id from authors a inner join title_authors ta on a.au_id = ta.au_id;
——> select distinct a.au_id from authors a , title_authors ta where a.au_id = ta.au_id;
select au_id from authors a where au_id in (select au_id from title_authors);
——> select au_id from authors a where au_id = any( select au_id from title_authors);
select au_id from authors a where exists (select * from title_authors ta where a.au_id = ta.au_id);
——> select au_id from authors a where 0 < (select count(*) from title_authors ta where a.au_id = ta.au_id);
对提取的结果进行操作,并集(union),交集(intersect),差集 (except)
select state from authors union (all) select state from publishers (all 表示不删除重复的部分)
select city from authors intersect /except select city from publishers;
insert into table values (value1,value2,...,valueN);
insert into table (column1,column2,..) values (......);
insert into table [(column1,column2,...,columnN)] subquery;
update table set column = expr[where search_condition];
delete from table [where search_condition];
1.create table_name
column1 datatype1 [col constraints1],
columnN datatypeN [col constraintsN]
对于约束可以直接写在列定义的后面,也可以建立一个约束,建立约束的方法: constraint constraint_name;
如:constraint publishers_pk primary key(pub_id);
constraint royalties_title_id_fk foreign key(title_id) references titles (title_id);
on update | delete [cascade | set null | set default | no action]
对列的约束有以下几种:not null, primary key , foreign key, unique, check, default
如: constraint title_id_chk check (substring (title_id from 1 for 1 ) = 'T') ;
2.create temporary table 创建临时表:
create {local | global} temporary table table_name();
create table as 利用已存在的表创建新表:
create table new_table as subquery;
> create table authors2 as select * from authors;
> create table publishers as select * from publishers where 1=2;
3.alter table table_name alter_action:
>alter table authors add email_address char(25);
>alter table authors drop column email_address;
注意alter改变的是表的结构,update改变的是表的内容,若只是想把表清空,并不想删除,则可以使用 truncate: truncate table table_name;
create [unique] index index_name on table (index_columns);
create view view_name [(view_columns)] as select_statement;
事务的控制:commit,savepoint,rollback,set transaction
显示提交或回滚: >commit; / >rollback;
设置自动提交: > set autocommit on;
退回指定点: > rollback [work] to [savepoint];