Ohana Matsumae is trying to clean a room, which is divided up into an n by n grid of squares. Each square is initially either clean or dirty. Ohana can sweep her broom over columns of the grid. Her broom is very strange: if she sweeps over a clean square, it will become dirty, and if she sweeps over a dirty square, it will become clean. She wants to sweep some columns of the room to maximize the number of rows that are completely clean. It is not allowed to sweep over the part of the column, Ohana can only sweep the whole column.
Return the maximum number of rows that she can make completely clean.
The first line of input will be a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100).
The next n lines will describe the state of the room. The i-th line will contain a binary string with n characters denoting the state of the i-th row of the room. The j-th character on this line is '1' if the j-th square in the i-th row is clean, and '0' if it is dirty.
The output should be a single line containing an integer equal to a maximum possible number of rows that are completely clean.
Sample Input
4 0101 1000 1111 0101
3 111 111 111
In the first sample, Ohana can sweep the 1st and 3rd columns. This will make the 1st and 4th row be completely clean.
In the second sample, everything is already clean, so Ohana doesn't need to do anything.
女孩打扫房间 每次打扫一列 1变0 0变1 对每一列可以选择扫或不扫 输出最大的干净行数(一行全是1)
using namespace std;
char map[101][101];
int main()
int n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
int maxx=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
int sum=1;
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
return 0;