{ *************************************************************************** } { } { 功能:FMX平台win托盘图标 } { 名称:FMX.ZYJ.TrayIcon.pas } { 版本:1.1 } { 环境:Win8.1 } { 工具:Delphi XE3 AppMethod DelphiXE6 } { 日期:2014/3/12 20:27:56 } { 作者:ying32 } { QQ :1444386932 } { E-mail:1444386932@qq.com } { 版权所有 (C) 2014-2014 ying32 All Rights Reserved } { } { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { } { 备注: 需要以资源形式打包一个ico图标,然后指定资源名称即可 } { } { } { } { *************************************************************************** } unit FMX.ZYJ.TrayIcon; interface {$I 'ZYJFmx.inc'} uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, Winapi.ShellApi, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, FMX.Forms, FMX.Types, FMX.Platform.Win; type TBalloonFlags = (bfNone = NIIF_NONE, bfInfo = NIIF_INFO, bfWarning = NIIF_WARNING, bfError = NIIF_ERROR); TZYJTrayIcon = class(TFmxObject) public const WM_TRAYICON_MESSAGE = WM_USER + $128; private FIcon: string; FHandle: HWND; FData: TNotifyIconData; FHint: string; FVisible: Boolean; FOnLClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnRClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnDbLClick: TNotifyEvent; FOldWndProc : Pointer; FBalloonHint: string; FBalloonTitle: string; FBalloonFlags: TBalloonFlags; FBalloonTimeout: Integer; procedure SetTray(AId: Cardinal); procedure SetIcon(Value: string); procedure SetHint(Value: string); procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean); procedure UpdateShow; procedure SetBalloonHint(const Value: string); procedure SetBalloonTitle(const Value: string); procedure SetBalloonTimeout(const Value: Integer); function GetBalloonTimeout: Integer; protected procedure Loaded; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ShowBalloonHint; published property Hint: string read FHint write SetHint; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property Icon: string read FIcon write SetIcon; property BalloonHint: string read FBalloonHint write SetBalloonHint; property BalloonTitle: string read FBalloonTitle write SetBalloonTitle; property BalloonFlags: TBalloonFlags read FBalloonFlags write FBalloonFlags; property BalloonTimeout: Integer read GetBalloonTimeout write SetBalloonTimeout; property OnLClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnLClick write FOnLClick; property OnRClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnRClick write FOnRClick; property OnDbLClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDbLClick write FOnDbLClick; end; implementation var uTrayIconClass : TZYJTrayIcon = nil; function NewWinProc(hWd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam) : LRESULT; stdcall; begin case uMsg of TZYJTrayIcon.WM_TRAYICON_MESSAGE: begin case lParam of WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if Assigned(uTrayIconClass.FOnLClick) then uTrayIconClass.FOnLClick(uTrayIconClass); WM_RBUTTONDOWN: if Assigned(uTrayIconClass.FOnRClick) then uTrayIconClass.FOnRClick(uTrayIconClass); WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: if Assigned(uTrayIconClass.FOnDbLClick) then uTrayIconClass.FOnDbLClick(uTrayIconClass); end; Exit(1); end; end; Result := CallWindowProc(uTrayIconClass.FOldWndProc, hWd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; constructor TZYJTrayIcon.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FHandle := 0; if AOwner is TCustomForm then {$IFDEF DELPHIXE3UP} FHandle := FormToHWND(TCustomForm(AOwner)); {$ELSE} FHandle := FmxHandleToHWND(TCustomForm(AOwner).Handle); {$ENDIF} FBalloonHint := ''; FBalloonTitle := ''; FBalloonFlags := bfNone; FBalloonTimeout := 5000; FHint := ''; FVisible := False; FIcon := 'MAINICON'; FData.cbSize := Sizeof(FData); FData.Wnd := FHandle; FData.hIcon := LoadIcon(HInstance, PChar(FIcon)); FData.uid := FData.Wnd; FData.uTimeout := FBalloonTimeout; FData.uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP; FData.ucallbackmessage := WM_TRAYICON_MESSAGE; end; destructor TZYJTrayIcon.Destroy; begin if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin SetTray(NIM_DELETE); if (uTrayIconClass <> nil) then begin if IsWindow(FHandle) and (FOldWndProc <> nil) then SetWindowLong(FHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(FOldWndProc)); end; end; inherited; end; function TZYJTrayIcon.GetBalloonTimeout: Integer; begin Result := FData.uTimeout; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.Loaded; begin inherited; if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if uTrayIconClass = nil then begin uTrayIconClass := Self; if IsWindow(FHandle) then FOldWndProc := Pointer(SetWindowLong(FHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(@NewWinProc))); end; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetVisible(Value: Boolean); begin if FVisible <> Value then begin FVisible := Value; if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if FVisible then SetTray(NIM_ADD) else SetTray(NIM_DELETE); end; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.ShowBalloonHint; begin FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags or NIF_INFO; FData.dwInfoFlags := Cardinal(FBalloonFlags); UpdateShow; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetBalloonHint(const Value: string); begin if CompareStr(FBalloonHint, Value) <> 0 then begin FBalloonHint := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szInfo, FBalloonHint, Length(FData.szInfo) - 1); UpdateShow; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetBalloonTitle(const Value: string); begin if CompareStr(FBalloonTitle, Value) <> 0 then begin FBalloonTitle := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szInfoTitle, FBalloonTitle, Length(FData.szInfoTitle) - 1); UpdateShow; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetBalloonTimeout(const Value: Integer); begin FData.uTimeout := Value; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetHint(Value: string); begin if CompareStr(FHint, Value) <> 0 then begin FHint := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szTip, FHint, Length(FData.szTip) - 1); UpdateShow; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetIcon(Value: string); begin if CompareStr(FIcon, Value) <> 0 then begin if CompareStr(FIcon, '') = 0 then FIcon := 'MAINICON'; FIcon := Value; UpdateShow; end; end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.SetTray(AId: Cardinal); begin Shell_NotifyIcon(AId, @FData); end; procedure TZYJTrayIcon.UpdateShow; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin FData.HICON := LoadIcon(HInstance, PChar(FIcon)); if FVisible then SetTray(NIM_MODIFY); end; end; initialization RegisterClasses([TZYJTrayIcon]); end.