嫉妒他人,遇事退缩,爱找借口,停止学习,无计划性,害怕做出改变和适应新环境……这样的创业者永远不会成功。 |
本文是与《创业者》(Entrepreneur)杂志的合作内容。最初发表在Entrepreneur.com网站。 无论是足球比赛、选举还是创业,有一件事是肯定的——最终总会有人赢,有人输。 想抓住一切机会让自己成为一名成功的创业者?那就先从杜绝这10种毛病开始吧。 1. 嫉妒眼红 你身边的人,哪怕是竞争对手,他们的成功对你都应当是一种激励。要知道,每个人都有在某一方面取得成功的能力,把时间浪费在嫉妒其他人的成功或成就上,只会让你偏离自己前进的轨道。 2. 退缩 你总会在某些时候,面临困境,作出艰难抉择,甚至可能会经历失败。不要因为一些小的磕磕碰碰就妨碍你的前进。想办法跨越障碍,继续前行,永远不要退缩。 3.找借口 如果你做了错误的决定,把事情搞砸了,就应当承认错误。如果事情没有按照你的预期进行,不要为此找借口。尝试找出问题的原因所在,并记住这一宝贵的商业教训。如果你发现并承认错误,就不会再犯同样的错误。而如果你不断为自己的错误开脱,就会继续重复犯错,因为你还没有正确地意识到问题的根源。 4.停止学习 年龄、经验或成就,都不应该成为你停止学习的理由。这个世界上没有哪个人是无所不知的。我们可以不断学习,从其他企业家身上获得启发,无论他们是家喻户晓的亿万富翁,还是刚刚起步的创业者。 5.和充满负能量的人交往 常常找借口、发牢骚或是抱持消极观点的人就像瘟疫一般,你应避之唯恐不及。我们都认识这样的人。无论你说什么或处于什么境况,他们总是用消极给予回应。这种人是一种癌症,他们的负能量会依附在你的身上。你应该让自己的身边环绕着志趣相投的人,他们应该和你一样专注而坚定。 |
This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at Entrepreneur.com. Whether we are talking about a football game, an election or an entrepreneurial journey, one thing is certain — there are going to be winners and there are going to be losers. Want to stack the odds of being a successful entrepreneur in your favor? You can start by taking note of the following 10 things that you should never do. 1. Be jealous or envious Seeing other people around you succeed should motivate you, even if they are your competitors. You should understand that every single person has the ability to become successful, and wasting time focusing on other people’s success or achievements will just sidetrack your own progress. 2. Look back You are going to face hard times, difficult decisions and possibly even failure at some point. Don’t let small bumps in the road stop your forward progress. Find ways to maneuver around obstacles and continue to push forward, never looking back. 3. Make excuses If you make a bad decision and screw up, own it. If something doesn’t work out as planned, don’t look for excuses. Search for the cause of the problem and chalk it up to a valuable business lesson. If you identify and own the problem you will not make the same mistake again. If you are constantly making excuses for your mistakes, you will continue to make them because you haven’t properly identified the root of the problem. 4. Stop learning Your age, years of experience or level of success should never prevent you from learning. There isn’t a single person on this planet who knows everything. We can all continue to learn and be inspired from other entrepreneurs, whether they are billionaire household names or those just starting his or her entrepreneurial journey. 5. Associate with negative individuals People who constantly make excuses, complain and have a negative outlook should be avoided like the plague. We all know people like this. No matter what you say or what the situation is, they always chime in with negativity. People like this are a cancer and their negative aura can rub off on you. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals that are as focused and determined as you are. |
6.无计划性 时间管理是成为一名企业家至关重要的一环。虽然一天有许多个小时,但为了更有效率,在开始一天的工作之前,你应该清楚自己有哪些目标和任务需要完成。如果每天你都在仓促地制定计划,就会遇到麻烦。请在每一天的结束前就定好第二天的任务清单。 7.害怕作出改变和适应新环境 你需要愿意并且有能力调整你的计划及整体策略,因为将来你有很大的可能会需要适应环境的变化,才能持续立于不败之地。想象一下,如果苹果公司(Apple)从不适应变化,只是埋头生产电脑,结果会怎么样呢?自从发售了iPod后,苹果就开始生产智能手机和平板电脑,现在又在推广自己的第一款可穿戴技术产品Apple Watch。这家曾经只经营电脑业务的公司,现在已然成为消费电子行业的巨头。 8.雷声大,雨点小 成功的企业家不会无所事事或夸夸其谈。他们制定、执行并努力完成计划。光说不做是无法获得任何成就的,光靠嘴皮子也无法给他人留下深刻印象。 9.眼里只有钱和小数点 不要一味追逐金钱,而要把注意力放在创造产品和服务上,这样才能让你别树一格,独具价值。如果你坚持创新,自然会财源滚滚。如果我说我开公司不为赚钱,那么我一定是在说谎。但专注于为顾客提供出色的服务,将会为你铺平生财之路。 10.被失败打倒 大多数数据显示,八成的新企业都以失败告终。成功的企业家在做任何事情时,都清楚会有失败的可能性。若真的失败了,他们也不会轻言放弃,而是将此视为自身成长的一部分,继续努力奋斗。 詹姆斯•戴森就是一个绝佳的范例,他之前研制的5,126台吸尘器原型都宣告失败,但是第5,127台就成功了,这款机器最后成为美国最畅销的吸尘器。戴森现在身家45亿美元,因为他从不允许自己被失败击倒。(财富中文网) 译者:南风 审校:薄锦 |
6. Wake up without a plan Time management is a crucial part of being an entrepreneur. There are only so many hours in a day, so to be efficient you need to know what your goals are and what tasks you need to get done prior to starting your day. If you are scrambling to create a plan of attack every day you are going to be in trouble. End each day by mapping out the following day’s to-do list. 7. Be scared to make changes and adapt You need to be willing and able to adjust your plan and overall strategy, because there is a very good chance that you will need to adapt to maintain success in the future. Imagine if Apple AAPL -3.25% never adapted and just stuck to making computers? After releasing the iPod it started manufacturing smartphones, tablets and now are releasing its first wearable technology, the Apple Watch. Once just a computer company, it is now a consumer-electronics powerhouse. 8. Let your bark be bigger than your bite Successful entrepreneurs don’t sit back and talk about what they are going to do. They plan, follow through and conquer. Nothing is going to get accomplished just by talking about it, and nobody is going to be impressed with words alone. 9. Focus solely on dollar signs and decimal points Instead of chasing the money, focus on creating products and services that make a difference and provide value. If you do this, the money will come. I would be lying if I said the goal of my company wasn’t to make money, but focusing on providing a great service paves the path for the money to follow. 10. Let failure stop you Most statistics state that eight out of every 10 new businesses fail. Successful entrepreneurs go into everything knowing that there is a chance of failure. If in fact they fail it is viewed as part of their growth and they keep plugging along. James Dyson is a perfect example, as his first 5,126 prototypes were failures, but the 5,127th one worked and went on to become the top-selling vacuum in the U.S. He is now worth $4.5 billion because he never once let failure stop him. |