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  • 基于FPGA的数字秒表(数码管显示模块和按键消抖)实现





    秒表可以从00:00:00 -- 59:59:99 , 6位数码管。






    //  Filename      : debounce.v                             
    //  Author        : kingstacker                  
    //  Company       : School                       
    //  Email         : kingstacker_work@163.com     
    //  Device        : Altera cyclone4 ep4ce6f17c8  
    //  Description   : when the key is pressed ,porduce 1 period clk high;                            
    module  debounce (  //use shift reg logic;
    /*i*/   input    wire    clk          ,
            input    wire    rst_n        ,
            input    wire    key_i        ,
    /*o*/   output   wire    key_o     
    parameter CLK_MAX = 19'd49_9999; //0.01s;
    reg [18:0] cnt;
    reg clk_en;
    reg key_o_r;
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin //control cnt value;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            cnt <= 0;
        end //if
        else begin
            cnt <= (cnt == CLK_MAX) ? 19'd0 : cnt + 1'b1;    
        end //else
    end //always
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin //produce clk_en;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            clk_en <= 1'b0;
        end //if
        else begin
            clk_en <= (cnt == CLK_MAX) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;    
        end //else
    end //always
    reg [7:0] shift_val;
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin //shift logic;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            shift_val <= 8'hff;
        end //if
        else begin
            shift_val <= (clk_en) ? {shift_val[6:0],key_i} : shift_val;    
        end //else
    end //always
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        if (~rst_n) begin
            key_o_r <= 1'b0;
        end //if
        else begin
            if (shift_val == 8'b1000_0000 && clk_en) begin  //check key pressed negedge;
                key_o_r <= 1'b1;
            else begin
                key_o_r <= 1'b0;
        end //else
    end //always
    assign key_o = key_o_r;



    //  Filename      : led_display.v                             
    //  Author        : kingstacker                  
    //  Company       : School                       
    //  Email         : kingstacker_work@163.com     
    //  Device        : Altera cyclone4 ep4ce6f17c8  
    //  Description   :on board ok; one clk domain;input din is bcd ;                           
    module  led_display (
    /*i*/   input    wire              clk              ,
            input    wire              rst_n            ,
            input    wire    [23:0]    din              ,  //data from sco model;
    /*o*/   output   wire    [2:0]     sel              ,  //38 decoder;
            output   wire    [7:0]     seg                 //segement;      
    parameter MS_MAX = 17'd4_9999; //1ms dynamic refresh;//4_9999;
    reg          flag_1ms;
    reg  [16:0]  cnt_1ms;
    reg  [2:0]   sel_r;
    reg  [6:0]   seg_r;
    reg  [3:0]   seg_sel;
    reg  [2:0]   cnt_sel;
    wire         dp;  
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin   //control cnt_1ms value;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            cnt_1ms <= 0;
        end //if
        else begin
            cnt_1ms <= (cnt_1ms == MS_MAX) ? 16'd0 : cnt_1ms + 1'b1;    
        end //else
    end //always
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin //produce the flag_1ms high level;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            flag_1ms <= 1'b0;
        end //if
        else begin
            flag_1ms <= (cnt_1ms == MS_MAX) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;    
        end //else
    end //always
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin //cnt sel value control;
        if (~rst_n) begin
            cnt_sel <= 0;
        end //if
        else begin
            cnt_sel <= (cnt_sel == 3'd5 && flag_1ms) ? 3'd0 : (flag_1ms) ? cnt_sel + 1'b1 : cnt_sel;   
        end //else
    end //always
    always @(*) begin          //sel logic exchange;
            case (cnt_sel)
                3'd0: begin sel_r = 3'b101;seg_sel = din[3:0];   end
                3'd1: begin sel_r = 3'b100;seg_sel = din[7:4];   end
                3'd2: begin sel_r = 3'b011;seg_sel = din[11:8];  end
                3'd3: begin sel_r = 3'b010;seg_sel = din[15:12]; end
                3'd4: begin sel_r = 3'b001;seg_sel = din[19:16]; end
                3'd5: begin sel_r = 3'b000;seg_sel = din[23:20]; end
                default: begin sel_r = 3'b111;seg_sel = 4'd10;   end 
            endcase //case   
    end //always
    always @(*) begin         //display coder;
            case (seg_sel)
                4'd0: begin seg_r = 7'b100_0000;    end //0; 
                4'd1: begin seg_r = 7'b111_1001;    end //1; 
                4'd2: begin seg_r = 7'b010_0100;    end //2; 
                4'd3: begin seg_r = 7'b011_0000;    end //3; 
                4'd4: begin seg_r = 7'b001_1001;    end //4; 
                4'd5: begin seg_r = 7'b001_0010;    end //5; 
                4'd6: begin seg_r = 7'b000_0010;    end //6; 
                4'd7: begin seg_r = 7'b111_1000;    end //7; 
                4'd8: begin seg_r = 7'b000_0000;    end //8; 
                4'd9: begin seg_r = 7'b001_0000;    end //9; 
                default: begin seg_r = 7'b100_0000; end //x;
                endcase //case    
    end //always
    assign dp = !(cnt_sel == 3'd2 || cnt_sel == 3'd4);  //dp produce logic;
    assign seg = {dp,seg_r};
    assign sel = sel_r;





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kingstacker/p/8001064.html
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