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  • [terry笔记]学校管理系统


    # 角色:学校、学员、课程、讲师
    # 要求:
    # 1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
    # 2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linuxpy 在北京开, go 在上海开
    # 3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
    # 4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
    # 5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级
    # 5. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校,
    # 6. 提供两个角色接口
    # 6.1 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
    # 6.2 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
    # 6.3 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
    # 7. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里



    1 import sys, os, pickle
    2 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "\" + "core")
    3 from main import Main
    5 obj = Main()
    6 obj.run()
    View Code


     1 # 此程序作为初始化数据库
     2 import sys,os
     3 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"module")
     4 from pickle_file import pickle_wb,pickle_rb
     6 teacher_db = [["学校","讲师","年龄","性别"]]
     7 classes_db = [["班级","学校","课程","讲师","周期","价格"]]
     8 stu_db = [["编号","姓名","年龄","性别","学费","班级"]]
    10 def init_db():
    11     if "teacher_db" not in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"db"):
    12         pickle_wb("teacher_db", teacher_db)
    13     else:
    14         pass
    16     if "classes_db" not in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"db"):
    17         pickle_wb("classes_db", classes_db)
    18     else:
    19         pass
    21     if "stu_db" not in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"db"):
    22         pickle_wb("stu_db", stu_db)
    23     else:
    24         pass
    View Code


      1 # 角色:学校、学员、课程、讲师
      2 # 要求:
      3 # 1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
      4 # 2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linuxpy 在北京开, go 在上海开
      5 # 3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
      6 # 4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
      7 # 5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级
      8 # 5. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校,
      9 # 6. 提供两个角色接口
     10 # 6.1 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
     11 # 6.2 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
     12 # 6.3 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
     13 # 7. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里
     15 class Main(object):
     16     def __init__(self):
     17         pass
     19     def run(self):
     21         import sys,os,pickle
     22         sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"module")
     23         from init_db import init_db
     24         from school import School
     25         from lesson import Lesson
     26         from classes import Classes
     27         from school_member import Schoolmember,Teacher,Student
     28         from pickle_file import pickle_wb,pickle_rb
     31         msg = """
     32             学校管理系统
     33             1、学校管理
     34             2、讲师管理
     35             3、学员管理
     36             4、退出
     37         """
     38         mgr = """
     39             1、创建讲师
     40             2、创建班级
     41             3、创建课程
     42             4、查看讲师信息
     43             5、查看班级、课程信息
     44             6、返回上一级
     45         """
     46         stu = """
     47             1、注册
     48             2、交学费
     49             3、选择班级
     50             4、查看学员信息
     51             5、返回上一级
     52         """
     54         init_db()
     55         school_bj = School("北京")
     56         school_sh = School("上海")
     57         lesson_linux = Lesson("linux",10000,"6 month")
     58         lesson_python = Lesson("python",11000,"8 month")
     59         lesson_go = Lesson("go",8000,"6 month")
     60         flag = True
     61         while flag:
     62             print(msg)
     63             choice = input("请选择系统 :")
     64             if choice == "1":
     65                 while True:
     66                     print(mgr)
     67                     choice = input("请选择功能 :")
     68                     if choice == "1":
     69                         print("创建讲师 :
     70                         num = 0
     71                         while True:
     72                             school_num = input("请选择学校 :")
     73                             if num < 2:
     74                                 if school_num == "1":
     75                                     school_choice = school_bj.school_name
     76                                     break
     77                                 elif school_num == "2":
     78                                     school_choice = school_sh.school_name
     79                                     break
     80                                 else:
     81                                     print("请输入正确编号!")
     82                                     num += 1
     83                             else:
     84                                 print("尝试次数过多!")
     85                                 exit()
     86                         teacher_name = input("请输入教师名字 :")
     87                         age = input("请输入教师年龄 :")
     88                         sex = input("请输入教师性别 :")
     89                         teacher_data = school_bj.create_teacher(school_choice,teacher_name,age,sex)
     90                         teacher_db_data = pickle_rb("teacher_db")
     91                         teacher_db_data.append(teacher_data)
     92                         pickle_wb("teacher_db",teacher_db_data)
     93                     elif choice == "2":
     94                         classes_data = []
     95                         c_name_list = []
     96                         classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
     97                         while True:
     98                             c_name = input("
    请输入班级编号(格式001) :")
     99                             for i in classes_db_data:
    100                                 c_name_list.append(i[0])
    101                             if c_name in c_name_list:
    102                                 print("班级名称已存在!")
    103                                 print("已有如下班级:")
    104                                 for j in c_name_list:
    105                                     print(j)
    106                             else:break
    107                         school_num = input("
    请选择学校 :")
    108                         lesson_choice = ""
    109                         if school_num == "1":
    110                             school_choice = school_bj.school_name
    111                             lesson_num = input("
    请选择课程 :")
    112                             if lesson_num == "1":
    113                                 lesson_choice = lesson_linux.lesson_name
    114                                 lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_linux.cycle
    115                                 lesson_choice_price = lesson_linux.price
    116                             elif lesson_num == "2":
    117                                 lesson_choice = lesson_python.lesson_name
    118                                 lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_python.cycle
    119                                 lesson_choice_price = lesson_python.price
    120                             else:
    121                                 print("没有这门课程")
    122                                 exit()
    123                         elif school_num == "2":
    124                             school_choice = school_sh.school_name
    125                             lesson_choice = lesson_go.lesson_name
    126                             lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_go.cycle
    127                             lesson_choice_price = lesson_go.price
    128                         else:
    129                             print("没有此编号!")
    130                             exit()
    131                         teacher_data = pickle_rb("teacher_db")
    132                         teacher_name = {}
    133                         for i,ele in enumerate(teacher_data):
    134                             teacher_name[i] = ele[1]
    135                         for key,value in teacher_name.items():
    136                             if key == 0:continue
    137                             else:print("%s、%s" % (key,value))
    138                         teacher_choice = input("请选择讲师 :")
    139                         classes_data.append(c_name)
    140                         classes_data.append(school_choice)
    141                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice)
    142                         classes_data.append(teacher_name[int(teacher_choice)])
    143                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice_cycle)
    144                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice_price)
    145                         classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
    146                         classes_db_data.append(classes_data)
    147                         pickle_wb("classes_db",classes_db_data)
    148                     elif choice == "3":
    149                         classes_data = []
    150                         c_name_list = []
    151                         classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
    152                         school_num = input("
    请选择学校 :")
    153                         lesson_choice = ""
    154                         if school_num == "1":
    155                             school_choice = school_bj.school_name
    156                             lesson_num = input("
    请选择课程 :")
    157                             if lesson_num == "1":
    158                                 lesson_choice = lesson_linux.lesson_name
    159                                 lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_linux.cycle
    160                                 lesson_choice_price = lesson_linux.price
    161                             elif lesson_num == "2":
    162                                 lesson_choice = lesson_python.lesson_name
    163                                 lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_python.cycle
    164                                 lesson_choice_price = lesson_python.price
    165                             else:
    166                                 print("没有这门课程")
    167                                 exit()
    168                         elif school_num == "2":
    169                             school_choice = school_sh.school_name
    170                             lesson_choice = lesson_go.lesson_name
    171                             lesson_choice_cycle = lesson_go.cycle
    172                             lesson_choice_price = lesson_go.price
    173                         else:
    174                             print("没有此编号!")
    175                             exit()
    176                         while True:
    177                             c_name = input("
    请输入班级编号(格式001) :")
    178                             for i in classes_db_data:
    179                                 c_name_list.append(i[0])
    180                             if c_name in c_name_list:
    181                                 print("班级名称已存在!")
    182                                 print("已有如下班级:")
    183                                 for j in c_name_list:
    184                                     print(j)
    185                             else:break
    186                         teacher_data = pickle_rb("teacher_db")
    187                         teacher_name = {}
    188                         for i,ele in enumerate(teacher_data):
    189                             teacher_name[i] = ele[1]
    190                         for key,value in teacher_name.items():
    191                             if key == 0:continue
    192                             else:print("%s、%s" % (key,value))
    193                         teacher_choice = input("请选择讲师 :")
    194                         classes_data.append(c_name)
    195                         classes_data.append(school_choice)
    196                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice)
    197                         classes_data.append(teacher_name[int(teacher_choice)])
    198                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice_cycle)
    199                         classes_data.append(lesson_choice_price)
    200                         classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
    201                         classes_db_data.append(classes_data)
    202                         pickle_wb("classes_db",classes_db_data)
    203                     elif choice == "4":
    204                         teacher_data = pickle_rb("teacher_db")
    205                         for i,item in enumerate(teacher_data):
    206                             print(i,item)
    207                         input("回车返回上级菜单。")
    208                     elif choice == "5":
    209                         classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
    210                         for i,item in enumerate(classes_db_data):
    211                             print(i,item)
    212                         input("回车返回上级菜单。")
    213                     elif choice == "6":
    214                         break
    215             elif choice == "4":
    216                 exit()
    217             elif choice == "3":
    218                 while True:
    219                     print(stu)
    220                     choice = input("请选择功能 :")
    221                     if choice == "1":
    222                         stu_list = []
    223                         stu_db_data = pickle_rb("stu_db")
    224                         len_stu_db_data = len(stu_db_data)
    225                         stu_list.append("00"+str(len_stu_db_data))
    226                         stu_name = input("请输入学生姓名 :")
    227                         stu_age = input("请输入学生年龄 :")
    228                         stu_sex = input("请输入学生性别 :")
    229                         stu_data = Student(stu_name,stu_age,stu_sex)
    230                         stu_list.append(stu_data.name)
    231                         stu_list.append(stu_data.age)
    232                         stu_list.append(stu_data.sex)
    233                         stu_list.append("未付款")
    234                         stu_list.append("未选择")
    235                         stu_db_data = pickle_rb("stu_db")
    236                         stu_db_data.append(stu_list)
    237                         pickle_wb("stu_db",stu_db_data)
    239                     elif choice == "2":
    240                         stu_db_data = pickle_rb("stu_db")
    241                         stu_unpay = []
    242                         stu_unpay_id = []
    243                         stu_id = []
    244                         for i in stu_db_data:
    245                             if i[4] == "未付款":
    246                                 stu_unpay_id.append(i[0])
    247                                 stu_unpay.append(i)
    248                         if len(stu_unpay_id) == 0:
    249                             a = input("不存在未付款的学员,回车键返回。")
    250                             break
    251                         else:
    252                             print("如下同学还未付款 :")
    253                             for i in stu_unpay:
    254                                 print(i)
    255                         for i in stu_db_data:
    256                             stu_id.append(i[0])
    257                         pay_id = input("
    请输入付款学员的编号 :")
    258                         if pay_id not in stu_id:
    259                             a = input("没有这个学员编号,请输入正确学员编号,回车键返回")
    260                             break
    261                         elif pay_id in stu_id and pay_id not in stu_unpay_id:
    262                             a = input("这个学员已付款,回车键返回")
    263                         elif pay_id in stu_unpay_id:
    264                             for i in stu_db_data:
    265                                 if pay_id == i[0]:
    266                                     i[4] = "已付款"
    267                         pickle_wb("stu_db",stu_db_data)
    268                         a = input("编号:%s,此学员已付款完毕,回车键返回。" % (pay_id))
    270                     elif choice == "3":
    271                         stu_db_data = pickle_rb("stu_db")
    272                         stu_unchoice = []
    273                         stu_unchoice_id = []
    274                         stu_id = []
    275                         classes_db_data_id = []
    276                         for i in stu_db_data:
    277                             if i[5] == "未选择":
    278                                 stu_unchoice_id.append(i[0])
    279                                 stu_unchoice.append(i)
    280                         if len(stu_unchoice_id) == 0:
    281                             a = input("不存在未选课的学员,回车键返回。")
    282                             break
    283                         else:
    284                             print("如下同学还未选课 :")
    285                             for i in stu_unchoice:
    286                                 print(i)
    287                         for i in stu_db_data:
    288                             stu_id.append(i[0])
    289                         choice_id = input("
    请输入选课学员的编号 :")
    290                         print("
    291                         if choice_id not in stu_id:
    292                             a = input("没有这个学员编号,请输入正确学员编号,回车键返回")
    293                             break
    294                         elif choice_id in stu_id and choice_id not in stu_unchoice_id:
    295                             a = input("这个学员已选课,回车键返回")
    296                         elif choice_id in stu_unchoice_id:
    297                             classes_db_data = pickle_rb("classes_db")
    298                             for i,item in enumerate(classes_db_data):
    299                                 classes_db_data_id.append(item[0])
    300                                 print(i,item)
    301                             classes_id = input("请选择班级编号(如:001) :")
    302                             if classes_id not in classes_db_data_id:
    303                                 a = input("没有这个班级,请输入正确班级号,回车键返回。")
    304                                 break
    305                             else:
    306                                 for i in stu_db_data:
    307                                     if choice_id == i[0]:
    308                                         i[5] = classes_id
    309                             pickle_wb("stu_db",stu_db_data)
    310                             a = input("编号:%s学员,已选择班级%s,回车键返回" % (choice_id,classes_id))
    312                     elif choice == "4":
    313                         stu_data = pickle_rb("stu_db")
    314                         for i,item in enumerate(stu_data):
    315                             print(i,item)
    316                         input("回车返回上级菜单。")
    317                     elif choice == "5":
    318                         break
    319             elif choice == "2":
    320                 pass
    321             else:
    322                 a = input("请输入正确编号!按回车键返回。")
    323         return
    325 # ['姓名', '年龄', '性别', '学费', '班级']
    View Code


    1 class Classes(object):
    2     def __init__(self,classes_name):
    3         self.classes_name = classes_name
    View Code


    1 class Lesson(object):
    2     def __init__(self,lesson_name,price,cycle):
    3         self.lesson_name = lesson_name
    4         self.price = price
    5         self.cycle = cycle
    View Code


     1 import pickle
     2 import os
     4 def pickle_wb(file_name,data):
     5     f = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"db"+"\"+file_name,"wb")
     6     f.write(pickle.dumps(data))
     7     f.close()
     8     return
    11 def pickle_rb(file_name):
    12     f = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))+"\"+"db"+"\"+file_name,"rb")
    13     data = pickle.loads(f.read())
    14     return data
    View Code


     1 class School(object):
     2     def __init__(self,school_name):
     3         self.school_name = school_name
     5     def create_teacher(self,school_name,teacher_name,age,sex):
     6         teacher_data = [school_name,teacher_name,age,sex]
     7         return teacher_data
     9     def create_lesson(self,school_name,lesson_name,price,cycle):
    10         lesson_data = [school_name,lesson_name,price,cycle]
    11         return lesson_data
    View Code


     1 class Schoolmember(object):
     2     def __init__(self,name,age,sex):
     3         self.name = name
     4         self.age = age
     5         self.sex = sex
     7 class Teacher(Schoolmember):
     8     def __init__(self,name,age,sex):
     9         super(Teacher,self).__init__(name,age,sex)
    11 class Student(Schoolmember):
    12     def __index__(self,name,age,sex):
    13         super(Student,self).__init__(name,age,sex)
    View Code


  • 相关阅读:
    cookie 与 session 的区别详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kkterry/p/6103547.html
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