function DataGrid(options) { this.options = { height: "100%", sortable: true, reorderable: true, scrollable: true, filterable: { mode: "menu", extra: false, operators: { string: { contains: "Contains", equal: "Equal to" } } }, editable: { mode: "popup" }, resizable: true, columnMenu: true, pageable: { refresh: true, pageSizes: true, buttonCount: 5 }, dataSourceOptions: { transport: {}, batch: true, pageSize: 50, schema: { model: false, data: function (d) { return d.Data; }, total: function (d) { return d.RowCount; } }, serverPaging: true, serverFiltering: true, serverSorting: true } }; this.init = function () { this.setOptions(options); var thatOptions = this.options.temp; var self = this; // render KendoUI Grid $("#" + thatOptions.id).kendoGrid(self.options); $("#" + thatOptions.id).addClass("grid-column-command-default"); return self; }; this.setOptions = function (options) { var self = this; //Only assign the property values the keys of which are included in 'options' for (var property in options) { if (this.options.hasOwnProperty(property) && property != "dataSourceOptions") { this.options[property] = options[property]; } } this.options.temp = options; // cache the old options // Append each item to toolbar container if (options.toolbar) { this.setToolbar(options); } this.setDataSource(options); this.setColumns(options); if (options.showCheckBox) { this.options.columns.unshift({ headerTemplate: '<input type="checkbox" />', template: '<input type="checkbox" />', 35 }); } this.options.dataBound = function () { options.gridActions && options.gridActions.edit && self.bindRowDblClick(); options.contextMenuOptions && self.bindRowContextMenu(); options.showCheckBox && (typeof self.bindHeaderCheckBoxClick == "function") && self.bindHeaderCheckBoxClick(); var id = options.id; $("#" + id + " tbody tr[role=row]").each(function () { if (!$("#" + id).data("kendoGrid")) { return; } var rowItem = $("#" + id).data("kendoGrid").dataItem($(this)); var status = rowItem.Status; if (status && status != "Active") { $(this).addClass("row-inactive").addClass("row-inactive-" + status); } var isHighlighted = rowItem.IsHighlighted; if (isHighlighted) { $(this).addClass("row-highlighted"); } }); self.bindClearAllFiltersClick();//clear all filters (default function) (typeof options.dataBound == "function") && options.dataBound(); $("#" + id + " .k-grid-create").off("click").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.showDialog(null, self, options); }); self.resize(); }; this.options.edit = function (e) { if (options.editable && typeof window[options.editable.rowEditCallback] == "function") { window[options.editable.rowEditCallback](e); } }; this.options.remove = function (e) { if (options.editable && typeof window[options.editable.rowRemoveCallback] == "function") { window[options.editable.rowRemoveCallback](e); } }; this.options.save = function (e) { if (typeof options.save == "function") { options.save(e); //Force to reload the data of gridview var timer = setInterval(function () { if ($("#" + options.id).data("ajaxcompleted")) { clearInterval(timer); self.refresh(); } }, 500); } }; this.options.filter = function (e) { if (e.filter && e.filter.filters) { for (var i = 0; i < e.filter.filters.length; i++) { var item = e.filter.filters[i]; item.value = item.value.replace(/^s*└s*/g, ""); } } $('#' + options.id + ' .alert-warning').remove(); }; }; this.setDataSource = function (options) { var self = this; if (options.dataSourceOptions) { var thatOptions = options; this.options.dataSourceOptions.transport = { read: { type: "post", url: options.dataSourceOptions.read, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }, update: { type: "post", url: options.dataSourceOptions.update, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }, create: { type: "post", url: options.dataSourceOptions.update, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }, destroy: { type: "post", url: options.dataSourceOptions.destroy, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }, parameterMap: function (options, operation) { if (operation === "read") { var criteria = { Limit: options.take || 50, Offset: options.skip || 0 }; if (options.filter && options.filter.filters) { criteria.PostFilters = options.filter.filters; //Assign the column datatype for (var i = 0; i < criteria.PostFilters.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < thatOptions.columns.length; j++) { if (criteria.PostFilters[i].field == thatOptions.columns[j].field) { criteria.PostFilters[i].DataType = thatOptions.columns[j].filterDataType; continue; } } } } if (options.sort && options.sort.length > 0) { criteria.SortBy = options.sort[0].field; criteria.SortDirection = options.sort[0].dir + "ending"; } // Apply custom parameterMap logic var grid = $("#" + thatOptions.id).data("kendoGrid"); var customParamMap = grid.options.temp.dataSourceOptions.customParamMap; if (customParamMap) { criteria = customParamMap(criteria); } grid.options.temp.criteria = criteria;//Cache the all filters return kendo.stringify(criteria); } if (operation === "create" || operation === "update") { if (thatOptions.editable && thatOptions.editable.mode == "inline") { return kendo.stringify(options.models ? options.models[0] : {}); } } if (operation === "destroy") { if (thatOptions.editable && thatOptions.editable.mode == "inline") { return kendo.stringify(options.models ? options.models[0] : {}); } } } }; this.options.dataSourceOptions.schema.model = { id: "Id", fields: options.dataSourceOptions.modelFields }; this.options.dataSourceOptions.pageSize = options.dataSourceOptions.pageSize || 50; this.options.dataSourceOptions.requestStart = function (e) { $("#" + options.id).data("ajaxcompleted", false); }; this.options.dataSourceOptions.requestEnd = function (e) { $("#" + options.id).data("ajaxcompleted", true); }; } this.options.dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource(this.options.dataSourceOptions); }; this.setColumns = function (options) { var columnsOptions = options.columnsOptions || {}; //Fetch columns data from server $.ajax({ type: "post", url: columnsOptions.url || "/GridView/GetColumnHeaders", data: columnsOptions.params || { metaType: options.metaType }, dataType: "json", async: false, success: function (data) { options.columns = data; } }); //Set filter-menu features of each column this.setFilterMenus(options); //Enable Row-Editing function if (options.editable && options.editable.mode == "inline") { options.editable.commandColumn && options.columns.push(options.editable.commandColumn); } this.options.columns = options.columns; }; this.setFilterMenus = function (gridOptions) { gridOptions.columns && $(gridOptions.columns).each(function (index, column) { var serviceOptions = { transport: { read: { type: "post", url: column.filterControlDataService, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }, parameterMap: function (options, operation) { if (operation === "read") { var criteria = {}; if (options.filter && options.filter.filters && options.filter.filters.length) { criteria = options.filter.filters[0]; } return kendo.stringify(criteria); } } }, serverFiltering: true }; var filterableOptions = null; switch (column.filterControlType) { case 1://DropDownList if (column.filterDataType == 2) { serviceOptions = [{ Text: "false", Value: "false" }, { Text: "true", Value: "true" }]; } filterableOptions = { operators: { string: { equal: "Equal to" } }, ui: function (element) { element.kendoDropDownList({ autoWidth: true, filter: "contains", dataTextField: "Text", dataValueField: "Value", dataSource: serviceOptions }); } }; break; case 3://AutoComplete filterableOptions = { operators: { string: { contains: "Contains" } }, ui: function (element) { element.kendoAutoComplete({ autoWidth: true, filter: "contains", dataTextField: "Text", dataValueField: "Value", dataSource: serviceOptions }); } }; break; default: break; } $.extend(column, { filterable: filterableOptions }); }); }; this.setToolbar = function (options) { if (!options.toolbar) { return; } if (options.toolbar === "All") { options.toolbar = { items: [{ name: "addRecord", text: "Add Record" }, { name: "importExcel", text: "Excel Bulk Edit" }, { name: "excel", text: "Generate Excel Report" }, { name: "pdf", text: "Generate PDF Report" }, { name: "clearFilters", text: "Clear All Filters" }] }; } var toolbarItems = []; options.toolbar.items && $(options.toolbar.items).each(function (index, toolItem) { var displayOrNot = toolItem.display == "always" ? "" : " style='display:none;'"; switch (toolItem.name) { case "addRecord": toolbarItems.push({ template: "<a role='button' class='k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-create' href='javascript:void(0);'" + displayOrNot + "><span class='k-icon k-i-plus'></span>" + toolItem.text + "</a>" }); break; case "importExcel": var dropdownListId = options.id + "_bulk_edit"; var dropdownTemplate = "<div class='dropdown' style='display: inline-block;'><a id='" + dropdownListId + "' role='button' class='k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-import' href='javascript:void(0);' " + displayOrNot + " data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='true'><span class='k-icon k-i-menu'></span> " + toolItem.text + "</a>"; dropdownTemplate += "<ul id='" + dropdownListId + "DropDownMenu' class='dropdown-menu' aria-labelledby='" + dropdownListId + "'>"; dropdownTemplate += "<li><a href='javascript:void(0)' id='btn_" + dropdownListId + "_by_search'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-file-excel-o mr-5'></i><span class='ml-5'>Download template for Current Search</span></a></li>"; dropdownTemplate += "<li><a href= 'javascript:void(0)' id= 'btn_" + dropdownListId + "_by_all' ><i class='fa fa-fw fa-file-excel-o mr-5'></i><span class='ml-5'>Download template for All Records</span></a></li>"; dropdownTemplate += "<li role='separator' class='divider'></li>"; dropdownTemplate += "<li><a href='javascript:void(0)' id='btn_" + dropdownListId + "_by_custom'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-upload mr-5'></i><span class='ml-5'>Import Bulk Edit Worksheet</span></a></li>"; dropdownTemplate += "</ul></div>"; toolbarItems.push({ template: dropdownTemplate }); break; case "excel": toolbarItems.push({ name: "excel", text: toolItem.text }); options.excel = { fileName: "ExcelReport.xlsx", proxyURL: "/GridView/GenerateExcelReport", filterable: true }; break; case "pdf": toolbarItems.push({ name: "pdf", text: toolItem.text }); options.pdf = { allPages: true, avoidLinks: true, paperSize: "A4", margin: { top: "2cm", left: "1cm", right: "1cm", bottom: "1cm" }, landscape: true, repeatHeaders: true, template: '<div class="page-template">' + '< div class="header" >' + '<div style="float: right">Page #: pageNum # of #: totalPages #</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="watermark">M+W Group</div>' + '<div class="footer">Page #: pageNum # of #: totalPages #</div>' + '</div>', scale: 0.8 }; break; case "create": toolbarItems.push({ name: "create", text: "Add", template: "<a role="button" class="k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-add" href="##"" + displayOrNot + "><span class="k-icon k-i-plus"></span>" + toolItem.text + "</a>" }); break; case "clearFilters": toolbarItems.push({ template: "<a role='button' class='k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-clearfilters pull-right' href='javascript:void(0);'><span class='k-icon k-i-filter-clear'></span>" + toolItem.text + "</a>" }); break; default: toolbarItems.push(toolItem); break; } }); this.options.toolbar = toolbarItems; }; this.clearAllFilters = function () { var options = this.options.temp; $("#" + options.id).find(".k-grid-toolbar .k-grid-clearfilters").click(); }; this.bindClearAllFiltersClick = function () { var options = this.options.temp; //Clear the selected filters of gridview $("#" + options.id).find(".k-grid-toolbar .k-grid-clearfilters").off("click").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //Clear gridview filters: var grid = $("#" + options.id).data("kendoGrid"); grid.options.temp.dataSourceOptions.customParamMap = function (criterias) { criterias.MetaType = grid.options.temp.MetaType; return criterias; }; var datasource = grid.dataSource; datasource.filter([]); $("#" + options.id + " .alert-warning").remove(); }); } this.bindRowDblClick = function () { var thatOptions = this.options.temp; var self = this; $("#" + thatOptions.id + " tbody tr[role=row]").off("dblclick").on("dblclick", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.showDialog($(this), self, thatOptions); }); }; this.bindRowContextMenu = function () { var that = this; var thatOptions = that.options.temp; if (!thatOptions.contextMenuOptions) { return; } var defaultRemoveAction = function (e) { var dataKey = $("#" + thatOptions.id).data("kendoGrid").dataItem(e.target).Id; kendo.confirm("The data of this row will be deleted, are you sure to proceed?").then(function () { $.post(thatOptions.gridActions.remove + "/" + dataKey, function (d) { if (d && d.Ok) { that.refresh(); } }); }); } var menuItems = [ { name: "view", onClick: function (e) { that.showDialog(e.target, that, thatOptions); } }, { name: "edit", onClick: function (e) { that.showDialog(e.target, that, thatOptions); } }, { name: "remove", onClick: defaultRemoveAction } ]; thatOptions.contextMenuOptions.items && $(thatOptions.contextMenuOptions.items).each(function (index, item) { for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { if (menuItems[i].name == item.name) { if (!item.onClick) { item.onClick = menuItems[i].onClick; } } } }); var contextMenuOptions = { targetId: thatOptions.id, filter: "tbody tr[role=row]", items: thatOptions.contextMenuOptions.items || menuItems, metaType: thatOptions.metaType }; new ContextMenu(contextMenuOptions).init(); }; this.showDialog = function (target, grid, options) { var dataKey = "", url; if (target) { dataKey = $("#" + options.id).data("kendoGrid").dataItem($(target)).Id; url = $.format("{0}/{1}", options.gridActions.edit, dataKey); } else { url = options.gridActions.create; } new ModalDialog({ id: options.id + "_dialog", title: options.metaType, content: url, dataKey: dataKey, metaType: options.metaType, showSave: true, callbackAfterSaving: function () { grid.refresh(); } }).show(); }; // Select multiple rows through checking the checkbox in front of each data rows this.bindHeaderCheckBoxClick = function () { var thatOptions = this.options.temp; $("#" + thatOptions.id + " thead tr[role=row] th:first-child :checkbox").on("click", function () { var parentCheckBox = $(this); $("#" + thatOptions.id + " tbody tr[role=row] td:first-child :checkbox").each(function () { $(this).prop("checked", $(parentCheckBox).prop("checked")); }); }); $("#" + thatOptions.id + " tbody tr[role=row] td:first-child :checkbox").on("click", function () { var parentCheckBox = $("#" + thatOptions.id + " thead tr[role=row] th:first-child :checkbox"); if ($("#" + thatOptions.id + " tbody tr[role=row] td:first-child :checked").size() != $("#" + thatOptions.id + " tbody tr[role=row] td:first-child :checkbox").size()) { parentCheckBox.prop("checked", false); } else { parentCheckBox.prop("checked", true); } }); }; this.refresh = function () { var self = this; var thatOptions = this.options.temp; if ($("#" + thatOptions.id).data("kendoGrid")) { $("#" + thatOptions.id).data("kendoGrid").dataSource.read(); } var timer = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timer); self.options.dataBound && self.options.dataBound(); self.resize(); }, 50); }; this.resize = function () {//Fix Grid Height autofit issue var thatOptions = this.options.temp; var timer = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timer); var gridElement = $("#" + thatOptions.id), dataArea = gridElement.find(".k-grid-content"), gridHeight = gridElement.innerHeight(), otherElements = gridElement.children().not(".k-grid-content"), otherElementsHeight = 0; otherElements.each(function () { otherElementsHeight += $(this).outerHeight(); }); dataArea.height(gridHeight - otherElementsHeight); }, 500); }; return this; } // Provider a Grid Widget Plugin $(function () { $.fn.extend({ dataGrid: function (options) { return this.each(function () { var selfOptions = $(this).data(); if (selfOptions.optionsKey && window[selfOptions.optionsKey]) { $.extend(selfOptions, window[selfOptions.optionsKey]); } selfOptions.id = $(this).prop("id"); var dataSourceOptions = selfOptions.dataSourceOptions || {}; selfOptions.dataSourceOptions = { read: ((dataSourceOptions ? dataSourceOptions.read : null) || "/GridView/GetDataSource"), update: (dataSourceOptions ? dataSourceOptions.update : null), destroy: (dataSourceOptions ? dataSourceOptions.destroy : null), modelFields: selfOptions.modelFields, customParamMap: function (criteria) { criteria.PreFilters = options.preFilters || selfOptions.preFilters; criteria.PostFilters = options.postFilters || []; selfOptions.postFilters && $(selfOptions.postFilters).each(function (index, item) { criteria.PostFilters.push(item); }); criteria.MetaType = options.metaType || selfOptions.metaType; return criteria; }, pageSize: dataSourceOptions.pageSize || 50 }; if (selfOptions.filterable == undefined) { selfOptions.filterable = false; } if (selfOptions.columnMenu == undefined) { selfOptions.columnMenu = false; } if (selfOptions.pageable == undefined) { selfOptions.pageable = false; } if (options) { $.extend(selfOptions, options); } var instance = new DataGrid(selfOptions).init(); $(this).data("cutomeGrid", instance); }); } }); });
<div id="gridDeliverables" data-role="custom_grid" data-toolbar='[{ "name": "addRecord", "text": "Add Record" }, { "name": "importExcel", "text": "Import from Excel" }, { "name": "excel", "text": "Export to Excel" }, { "name": "pdf", "text": "Export to PDF" }]' data-dialog-Options='{"id": "PackageDeliverableDialog","title": "Deliverable"}' data-sortable="true" data-reorderable="true" data-filterable="false" data-column-Menu="false" data-height="" data-url="@Url.Action("GetDataSource", "GridView")" data-filters='[{ "Field": "PrimaryPackageId", "Value": "@Model.Id", "Operator": "Eq" }]' data-meta-Type="@MetaType.Deliverables" data-grid-Columns-Url="@Url.Action("GetColumnHeaders", "GridView")" data-grid-Columns-Params='{ "metaType": "@MetaType.Deliverables" }' data-grid-Row-Create-Url='@Url.Action("Create", "DesignDeliverable")'> </div>
$(".dialog [data-role=custom_grid]").each(function () {// Render cunstom grid by hand var self = $(this); setTimeout(function () { if (!self.data("kendoGrid") && !self.data("rendercompleted")) { var options = self.data(); options.id = self.prop("id"); options.dataSourceOptions = { url: options.url, customParamMap: function (criterias) { criterias.Filters = options.filters || []; criterias.MetaType = options.metaType; return criterias; } }; $.kendoGrid.init(options); self.data("rendercompleted", true); } }, 1000); });