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  • 【Spring Boot】集成Netty Socket.IO通讯框架


     1 @Configuration
     2 public class NettySocketConfig {
     4     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NettySocketConfig.class);
     6     @Bean
     7     public SocketIOServer socketIOServer() {
     8         //创建Socket,并设置监听端口
     9         com.corundumstudio.socketio.Configuration config = new com.corundumstudio.socketio.Configuration();
    10         // 设置主机名,默认是0.0.0.0
    11         config.setHostname("");
    12         // 设置监听端口
    13         config.setPort(9096);
    14         // 协议升级超时时间(毫秒),默认10000。HTTP握手升级为ws协议超时时间
    15         config.setUpgradeTimeout(10000);
    16         // Ping消息间隔(毫秒),默认25000。客户端向服务器发送一条心跳消息间隔
    17         config.setPingInterval(60000);
    18         // Ping消息超时时间(毫秒),默认60000,这个时间间隔内没有接收到心跳消息就会发送超时事件
    19         config.setPingTimeout(180000);
    20         // 这个版本0.9.0不能处理好namespace和query参数的问题。所以为了做认证必须使用全局默认命名空间
    21         config.setAuthorizationListener(new AuthorizationListener() {
    22             @Override
    23             public boolean isAuthorized(HandshakeData data) {
    24                 // 可以使用如下代码获取用户密码信息
    25                 //String username = data.getSingleUrlParam("username");
    26                 //String password = data.getSingleUrlParam("password");
    27                 //logger.info("连接参数:username=" + username + ",password=" + password);
    28                 //ManagerInfo managerInfo = managerInfoService.findByUsername(username);
    29                 //
    30                 //String salt = managerInfo.getSalt();
    31                 //String encodedPassword = ShiroKit.md5(password, username + salt);
    32                 //// 如果认证不通过会返回一个Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR事件
    33                 //return encodedPassword.equals(managerInfo.getPassword());
    35                 return true;
    36             }
    37         });
    39         final SocketIOServer server = new SocketIOServer(config);
    40         System.out.println("注入SocketIOServer");
    41         return server;
    42     }
    44     @Bean
    45     public SpringAnnotationScanner springAnnotationScanner(SocketIOServer socketServer) {
    46         return new SpringAnnotationScanner(socketServer);
    47     }
    48 }
      1 @Component
      2 public class MessageEventHandler {
      4     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageEventHandler.class);
      6     /**
      7      * 服务器socket对象
      8      */
      9     public static SocketIOServer socketIoServer;
     11     /**
     12      * 客户端集合
     13      */
     14     static ArrayList<UUID> listClient = new ArrayList<>();
     16     /**
     17      * 超时时间
     18      */
     19     static final int limitSeconds = 60;
     21     @Autowired
     22     public LoginService loginService;
     24     /**
     25      * 初始化消息事件处理器
     26      *
     27      * @param server 服务器socket对象
     28      */
     29     @Autowired
     30     public MessageEventHandler(SocketIOServer server) {
     31         logger.info("初始化SOCKET消息事件处理器");
     32         this.socketIoServer = server;
     33     }
     35     /**
     36      * 客户端发起连接时触发
     37      *
     38      * @param client 客户端Socket对象信息
     39      */
     40     @OnConnect
     41     public void onConnect(SocketIOClient client) {
     42         logger.info("客户端{}已连接", client.getSessionId());
     43         listClient.add(client.getSessionId());
     44     }
     46     /**
     47      * 客户端断开连接时触发
     48      *
     49      * @param client 客户端Socket对象信息
     50      */
     51     @OnDisconnect
     52     public void onDisconnect(SocketIOClient client) {
     53         logger.info("客户端{}断开连接", client.getSessionId());
     54         if (listClient.contains(client.getSessionId())) {
     55             listClient.remove(client.getSessionId());
     56         }
     57     }
     60     /**
     61      * 客户端发送消息时触发
     62      *
     63      * @param client  客户端Socket对象信息
     64      * @param request AckRequest 回调对象
     65      * @param data    消息信息实体
     66      */
     67     @OnEvent(value = SocketConstants.SocketEvent.MESSAGE)
     68     public void onEvent(SocketIOClient client, AckRequest request, MessageInfo data) {
     69         System.out.println("发来消息:" + data.getMsgContent());
     70         socketIoServer.getClient(client.getSessionId()).sendEvent("messageevent", "back data");
     71     }
     73     /**
     74      * 效验连接事件并存储客户端信息
     75      *
     76      * @param client  客户端Socket对象信息
     77      * @param data    客户端数据
     78      * @param request AckRequest 回调对象
     79      */
     80     @OnEvent(value = SocketConstants.SocketEvent.HEALTH_CHECK)
     81     public void onEventByHealthCheck(SocketIOClient client, String data, AckRequest request) {
     82         //logger.info("客户端{}效验连接请求", client.getSessionId());
     83         ////解析请求数据
     84         //HealthCheckRequest healthCheckRequest = JSON.parseObject(data, HealthCheckRequest.class);
     85         //if (healthCheckRequest != null) {
     86         //    //存储客户端信息
     87         //    SocketInstance instance = SocketInstance.getSocketInstance();
     88         //    System.out.println(data);
     89         //    instance.insertSocketClient(healthCheckRequest.getEnCode(), client);
     90         //    logger.info("客户端{}效验连接响应:{}", client.getSessionId(), "OK");
     91         //    //响应客户端
     92         //    request.sendAckData("OK");
     93         //}
     94     }
     96     /**
     97      * 登录事件
     98      *
     99      * @param client  客户端Socket对象信息
    100      * @param data    客户端数据
    101      * @param request AckRequest 回调对象
    102      */
    103     @OnEvent(value = SocketConstants.SocketEvent.LOGIN)
    104     public void onEventByLogin(SocketIOClient client, String data, AckRequest request) {
    105         logger.info("客户端{}登录请求:{}", client.getSessionId(), data);
    106         AppResponseBase appResponseBase = new AppResponseBase(0, "通讯成功");
    107         //业务响应对象
    108         LoginResponse loginResponse = null;
    109         try {
    110             //解析请求数据
    111             LoginRequest loginRequest = JSON.parseObject(data, LoginRequest.class);
    112             if (loginRequest == null) {
    113                 throw new AppException(AppResultCode.LoginAnalysis_Fail);
    114             }
    115             //调用登陆接口
    116             loginResponse = loginService.appLogin(loginRequest);
    117             if (loginResponse == null) {
    118                 throw new AppException(AppResultCode.LoginCloud_Fail);
    119             }
    120             if (EnumResult.Success.equals(loginResponse.getResultCode())) {
    121                 //保存客户端Socket信息
    122                 SocketInstance instance = SocketInstance.getSocketInstance();
    123                 instance.insertSocketClient(loginRequest.getEnCode(), client);
    124             }
    125         } catch (AppException ex) {
    126             loginResponse = new LoginResponse(ex.getAppResultCode().getCode(), ex.getAppResultCode().getMsg());
    127         } catch (Exception ex) {
    128             loginResponse = new LoginResponse(AppResultCode.Exceptions.getCode(), AppResultCode.Exceptions.getMsg());
    129             ex.printStackTrace();
    130         }
    131         appResponseBase.setRespData(loginResponse);
    132         String result = JSON.toJSONString(appResponseBase);
    133         logger.info("客户端{}登录响应:{}", client.getSessionId(), result);
    134         //响应客户端
    135         request.sendAckData(result);
    136     }
    138     /**
    139      * 交易下单事件
    140      * @param callPayRequest 下单请求信息实体
    141      * @return
    142      */
    143     public static String sendByPayEvent(CallPayRequest callPayRequest) {
    144         String result = "";
    145         //获取客户端信息
    146         SocketInstance instance = SocketInstance.getSocketInstance();
    147         SocketIOClient client = instance.getClientSocket(callPayRequest.getEnCode());
    148         if (client != null) {
    149             //请求报文
    150             String requestParam = JSON.toJSONString(callPayRequest);
    151             //请求下单
    152             client.sendEvent(SocketConstants.SocketEvent.PAY, new AckCallback<String>(String.class) {
    153                 @Override
    154                 public void onSuccess(String s) {
    155                     //响应信息
    156                     System.out.println("ack from client: " + client.getSessionId() + " data: " + s.toString());
    157                 }
    158             }, requestParam);
    160         } else {
    161             //客户端已断开连接
    163         }
    164         return result;
    165     }
    166 }
     1 @Component
     2 @Order(value = 1)
     3 public class MyCommandLineRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
     5     private final SocketIOServer server;
     7     @Autowired
     8     public MyCommandLineRunner(SocketIOServer server) {
     9         System.out.println("初始化MyCommandLineRunner");
    10         this.server = server;
    11     }
    13     @Override
    14     public void run(String... args) {
    15         try {
    16             server.start();
    17             System.out.println("socket.io启动成功!");
    18         } catch (Exception ex) {
    19             ex.printStackTrace();
    20         }
    21     }
    22 }
     1 public class SocketConstants {
     3     /**
     4      * Socket事件类
     5      */
     6     public class SocketEvent {
     8         /**
     9          * 效验连接状况
    10          */
    11         public static final String HEALTH_CHECK = "HEALTH_CHECK";
    13         /**
    14          * 消息接收事件名称
    15          */
    16         public static final String MESSAGE = "message";
    18         /**
    19          * 登录事件名称
    20          */
    21         public static final String LOGIN = "LOGIN";
    23         /**
    24          * 获取交易要素事件名称
    25          */
    26         public static final String QUERY_PAY_FIELDS = "QUERY_PAY_FIELDS";
    28         /**
    29          * 创建订单事件名称
    30          */
    31         public static final String CREATE_ORDER = "CREATE_ORDER";
    33         /**
    34          * 监控订单状态事件名称
    35          */
    36         public static final String CHECK_ORDER_STATUS = "CHECK_ORDER_STATUS";
    38         /**
    39          * 获取订单事件名称
    40          */
    41         public static final String QUERY_ORDER = "QUERY_ORDER";
    43         /**
    44          * 支付事件名称
    45          */
    46         public static final String PAY = "PAY";
    47     }
    48 }
     1 public class SocketInstance {
     3     /**
     4      * 客户端Socket连接对象容器
     5      */
     6     private static Map<String, SocketIOClient> socketClients = null;
     8     /**
     9      * 私有构造
    10      */
    11     private SocketInstance() {
    12         //从缓存中获取socketClients
    13         socketClients = new HashMap<>();
    14     }
    16     /**
    17      * 定义一个私有的内部类,在第一次用这个嵌套类时,会创建一个实例。而类型为SocketInstanceHolder的类,只有在SocketInstance.getSocketInstance()中调用,
    18      * 由于私有的属性,他人无法使用SocketInstanceHolder,不调用SocketInstance.getSocketInstance()就不会创建实例。
    19      * 优点:达到了lazy loading的效果,即按需创建实例。
    20      * 无法适用于分布式集群部署
    21      */
    22     private static class SocketInstanceHolder {
    23         /**
    24          * 创建全局唯一实例
    25          */
    26         private final static SocketInstance instance = new SocketInstance();
    27     }
    29     /**
    30      * 获取全局唯一实例
    31      *
    32      * @return SocketInstance对象
    33      */
    34     public static SocketInstance getSocketInstance() {
    35         return SocketInstanceHolder.instance;
    36     }
    38     /**
    39      * 新增客户端连接到容器
    40      *
    41      * @param encode         设备En号
    42      * @param socketIOClient 客户端socket对象
    43      */
    44     public void insertSocketClient(String encode, SocketIOClient socketIOClient) {
    45         SocketIOClient oldSocketIOClient = socketClients.get(encode);
    46         if (oldSocketIOClient != null) {
    47             try {
    48                 //关闭客户端连接
    49                 oldSocketIOClient.disconnect();
    50             } catch (Exception ex) {
    51                 ex.printStackTrace();
    52             }
    53         }
    54         socketClients.put(encode, socketIOClient);
    55     }
    57     /**
    58      * 获取客户端Socket对象
    59      *
    60      * @param encode 设备encode
    61      * @return 客户端Socket对象
    62      */
    63     public SocketIOClient getClientSocket(String encode) {
    64         return socketClients.get(encode);
    65     }
    66 }


      1 public class SocketClient {
      3     /**
      4      * 最大重连次数
      5      */
      6     private int maxReConnectionCount = 5;
      8     /**
      9      * 重连次数
     10      */
     11     private int reConnectionCount = 0;
     13     /**
     14      * 等待框对象
     15      */
     16     private static ProgressDialog progressdialog;
     18     /**
     19      * 提示框
     20      */
     21     private static AlertDialog.Builder dialogExitBuilder;
     23     /**
     24      * Toast提示对象
     25      */
     26     private static Toast toast;
     28     /**
     29      * Socket客户端对象信息
     30      */
     31     public static Socket socket;
     33     /**
     34      * 主页面对象,每个页面onCreate时必须设置,可在每个页面监控Socket连接状况
     35      */
     36     public static Context nowContext;
     38     /**
     39      * Socket连接提示handler(等待框)
     40      */
     41     Handler dialogMessageHandler = new Handler() {
     42         @Override
     43         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
     44             super.handleMessage(msg);
     45             Bundle bundle = msg.getData();
     46             String message = bundle.getString(MessageUtil.MESSAGE);
     47             setDialogMessage(message);
     48         }
     49     };
     51     /**
     52      * Socket连接失败退出提示handler(提示框)
     53      */
     54     Handler dialogExitHandler = new Handler() {
     55         @Override
     56         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
     57             super.handleMessage(msg);
     58             Bundle bundle = msg.getData();
     59             String message = bundle.getString(MessageUtil.MESSAGE);
     60             dialogExit(message);
     61         }
     62     };
     64     /**
     65      * Socket连接提示handler(Toast)
     66      */
     67     Handler toastMessageHandler = new Handler() {
     68         @Override
     69         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
     70             super.handleMessage(msg);
     71             Bundle bundle = msg.getData();
     72             String message = bundle.getString(MessageUtil.MESSAGE);
     73             showToast(message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
     74         }
     75     };
     77     /**
     78      * 等待框
     79      *
     80      * @param message 提示文字
     81      */
     82     private static void setDialogMessage(String message) {
     83         if (progressdialog == null) {
     84             progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(nowContext);
     85         }
     86         progressdialog.setTitle("学通宝收银");
     87         progressdialog.setMessage(message);
     88         progressdialog.setCancelable(false);
     89         progressdialog.show();
     90     }
     92     /**
     93      * 退出提示框
     94      *
     95      * @param message 提示文字
     96      */
     97     private void dialogExit(String message) {
     98         //初始化退出builder
     99         if (dialogExitBuilder == null) {
    100             dialogExitBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(nowContext);
    101         }
    102         dialogExitBuilder.setMessage(message);
    103         dialogExitBuilder.setTitle("提示");
    104         dialogExitBuilder.setIcon(R.mipmap.warning);
    105         dialogExitBuilder.setPositiveButton("确认", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    106             public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    107                 dialog.dismiss();
    108                 //参数用作状态码;根据惯例,非 0 的状态码表示异常终止。
    109                 System.exit(0);
    110             }
    111         });
    112         dialogExitBuilder.create().show();
    113     }
    115     /**
    116      * Toast消息提醒
    117      *
    118      * @param text     标题
    119      * @param duration 时长
    120      */
    121     public void showToast(String text, int duration) {
    122         //只创建一次
    123         if (toast == null) {
    124             toast = Toast.makeText(nowContext, text, duration);
    125         } else {
    126             toast.setText(text);
    127             toast.setDuration(duration);
    128         }
    129         toast.show();
    130     }
    132     public void startSocket() throws URISyntaxException {
    133         //初始化Socket配置
    134         IO.Options options = new IO.Options();
    135         options.transports = new String[]{"websocket"};
    136         options.reconnectionAttempts = maxReConnectionCount; // 设置一个重连的最大尝试次数,超过这个值后Socket.io会使用所有允许的其他连接方式尝试重连,直到最终失败。
    137         options.reconnectionDelay = 500;  //为Socket.io的重连设置一个时间间隔,内部会在多次重连尝试时采用该值的指数值间隔,用来避免性能损耗(500 > 1000 > 2000 > 4000 > 8000)
    138         options.reconnection = true;      //当连接终止后,是否允许Socket.io自动进行重连
    139         options.timeout = 9000;           //连接超时时间(ms)
    140         options.forceNew = true;
    141         options.query = "appid=cn.xuetongbao.xtbpay";
    142         socket = IO.socket("", options);
    143         //连接成功
    144         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT, new Emitter.Listener() {
    145             @Override
    146             public void call(Object... args) {
    147                 //重连机制
    148                 if (reConnectionCount > 0) {
    149                     //连接存储客户端信息
    150                     DeviceInfoInstance instance = DeviceInfoInstance.getSocketInstance();
    151                     HealthCheckRequest healthCheckRequest = new HealthCheckRequest();
    152                     healthCheckRequest.setEnCode(instance.getDeviceInfo().getEnCode());
    153                     socket.emit(SocketConstants.SocketEvent.HEALTH_CHECK, RequestUtil.createObject(healthCheckRequest), (Ack) args1 -> {
    154                         System.out.println("args1:" + args1.toString());
    155                     });
    156                 }
    157                 System.out.println("连接成功...");
    158                 toastMessageHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("服务器连接成功"));
    159                 //关闭等待框
    160                 if (progressdialog != null) {
    161                     progressdialog.dismiss();
    162                 }
    163             }
    164         });
    166         //连接失败事件
    167         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR, new Emitter.Listener() {
    168             @Override
    169             public void call(Object... args) {
    170                 System.out.println("Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR");
    171                 System.out.println("reConnectionCount:" + reConnectionCount);
    172                 if (reConnectionCount >= maxReConnectionCount) {
    173                     dialogExitHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("服务器连接失败,请稍后再试"));
    174                 } else {
    175                     dialogMessageHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("服务器连接失败,正在重新连接..."));
    176                 }
    177             }
    178         });
    180         //连接中事件
    181         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_RECONNECTING, new Emitter.Listener() {
    182             @Override
    183             public void call(Object... args) {
    184                 reConnectionCount++;
    185                 System.out.println("Socket.EVENT_RECONNECTING");
    186                 dialogMessageHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("正在连接服务器..."));
    187             }
    188         });
    190         //连接超时事件
    191         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, new Emitter.Listener() {
    192             @Override
    193             public void call(Object... args) {
    194                 System.out.println("Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT");
    195                 if (nowContext != null) {
    196                     dialogMessageHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("与服务器连接超时,正在重新建立连接..."));
    197                     socket.connect();
    198                 }
    199             }
    200         });
    202         //心跳包
    203         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_PING, new Emitter.Listener() {
    204             @Override
    205             public void call(Object... args) {
    206                 System.out.println("Socket.EVENT_PING");
    207             }
    208         });
    209         //心跳包
    210         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_PONG, new Emitter.Listener() {
    211             @Override
    212             public void call(Object... args) {
    213                 System.out.println("Socket.EVENT_PONG");
    214             }
    215         });
    217         //消息接收事件
    218         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_MESSAGE, new Emitter.Listener() {
    219             @Override
    220             public void call(Object... args) {
    221                 System.out.println("-----------接受到消息啦--------" + Arrays.toString(args));
    222             }
    223         });
    225         //连接断开事件
    226         socket.on(Socket.EVENT_DISCONNECT, new Emitter.Listener() {
    227             @Override
    228             public void call(Object... args) {
    229                 reConnectionCount = 0;
    230                 System.out.println("客户端断开连接啦。。。");
    231                 if (nowContext != null) {
    232                     dialogMessageHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.createMessage("似乎与服务器断开连接,正在重新建立连接..."));
    233                     socket.connect();
    234                 }
    235             }
    236         });
    238         //交易事件
    239         socket.on(SocketConstants.SocketEvent.PAY, new Emitter.Listener() {
    240             @Override
    241             public void call(Object... args) {
    242                 Object data = args[0];
    243                 Object ackCallBack = args[1];
    244                 System.out.println("接收到服务端交易下单消息" + data);
    245                 CallPayRequest callPayRequest = JSON.parseObject(data.toString(), CallPayRequest.class);
    246                 if (callPayRequest != null) {
    248                 }
    249                 //data
    250                 CallPayResponse callPayResponse = new CallPayResponse();
    251                 callPayResponse.setResultCode(AppResultCode.Success.getCode());
    252                 callPayResponse.setResultMsg(AppResultCode.Success.getMsg());
    254                 //响应服务端
    255                 ((Ack) ackCallBack).call(JSON.toJSONString(callPayResponse));
    256             }
    257         });
    258         System.out.println("准备连接服务器...");
    259         socket.connect();
    260     }
    261 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kongnie/p/10251566.html
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