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  • 每天进步一点点------SOPC的Avalon-MM IP核(四) KEY_LED IP定制

     1  /*********************************************************************************
     2 * Company                    : 
     3 * Engineer                    : 空气微凉
     4 * 
     5 * Create Date                : 00:00:00 22/03/2013 
     6 * Design Name                : 
     7 * Module Name                :         
     8 * Project Name                :  
     9 * Target Devices            : 
    10 * Tool versions                : 
    11 * Description                :  
    12 *                                   http://www.cnblogs.com/kongqiweiliang/             
    13 * Dependencies                : 
    14 *                                Avalon_MM_Slave_IP
    15 * Revision                    : 
    16 * Revision                    : 0.01 - File Created
    17 * Additional Comments        : 
    18 ********************************************************************************/
    19 `timescale 1ns/1ps
    20 `define    UD  #1
    21 /*******************************************************************************/
    22 module Avalon_MM_Slave_KEY_LED
    23 ( 
    24     //clock input
    25     input                                         icsi_clk            ,// 
    26     input                                         ireset_n             ,// 
    27     //Avalon_MM_Slave interface  
    28     input                                         iavs_chipselect        ,//片选信号
    29     input                                        iavs_address        ,//地址,译码后确定寄存器offset
    30     input                                         iavs_write            ,//写使能信号
    31     input                            [31:0]         iavs_writedata        ,//32位写数据值
    32     input                                         iavs_read            ,//读时能信号
    33     output  reg                        [31:0]         oavs_readdata        ,//32位读数据值
    34     input                            [3 :0]        iavs_byteenable        ,//字节使能信号
    35     //hardware interface(Conduit End)    
    36     input                            [17:0]        iavs_export_KEY        ,//
    37     output  reg                        [17:0]        oavs_export_LEDR     //
    38 );  
    39 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 reg  [17:0]  oavs_export_LEDR_N;
    42 always@(posedge icsi_clk or negedge ireset_n)begin
    43     if(!ireset_n)
    44         oavs_export_LEDR <= 18'h0;
    45     else
    46         oavs_export_LEDR <= oavs_export_LEDR_N;
    47 end
    48 always@(*)begin
    49     if(iavs_chipselect && iavs_write && (iavs_address == 1'h0))
    50         oavs_export_LEDR_N = iavs_writedata[17:0];
    51     else
    52         oavs_export_LEDR_N = oavs_export_LEDR;
    53 end
    54 //
    55 reg  [31:0]  oavs_readdata_N;
    56 always@(posedge icsi_clk or negedge ireset_n)begin
    57     if(!ireset_n)
    58         oavs_readdata <= 32'h0;
    59     else
    60         oavs_readdata <= oavs_readdata_N;
    61 end
    62 always@(*)begin
    63     if(iavs_chipselect && iavs_read && (iavs_address == 1'h1))
    64         oavs_readdata_N = iavs_export_KEY;
    65     else
    66         oavs_readdata_N = oavs_readdata;
    67 end
    68 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 endmodule 

     1 /*********************************************************************************
     2 * Company                   : 
     3 * Engineer                  : 空气微凉
     4 * 
     5 * Create Date               : 00:00:00 22/03/2013 
     6 * Design Name               : 
     7 * Module Name               :        
     8 * Project Name              :  
     9 * Target Devices            : 
    10 * Tool versions             : 
    11 * Description               :  
    12 *                                   
    13 * Dependencies              : 
    14 *
    15 * Revision                  : 
    16 * Revision                  : 0.01 - File Created
    17 * Additional Comments       : 
    18 ********************************************************************************/
    19 #include <stdio.h>
    20 #include <string.h>
    21 #include "system.h"
    22 #include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
    23 #include "alt_types.h"
    24 #include "unistd.h"
    26 #define  LED(data)      IOWR(KEY_LED_BASE, 0, data)
    27 #define  KEY            IORD(KEY_LED_BASE, 1) 
    29 unsigned int i;
    31 int main(void)
    32 {
    34     while(1)
    35     {
    36         i = KEY;
    37         LED(i);         
    38     }
    39 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kongqiweiliang/p/3248194.html
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