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  • C++ (C#)实现获取NX PART预览图

    VS环境下 C++版本:

     1 int GetPreviewImage(const TCHAR* prtFile, const TCHAR* imageFile) 
     2 {
     3     IStorage* pStorage = NULL;
     4     HRESULT hResult = StgOpenStorage(prtFile, NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, NULL, 0, &pStorage); 
     5     if (hResult != S_OK) 
     6     {
     7         return -1;
     8     }
    10     IStorage* pSubStorage = NULL;
    11     hResult = pStorage->OpenStorage(_T("images"), NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, 0, &pSubStorage); 
    12     if (hResult != S_OK) 
    13     {
    14         return -1;
    15     }
    17     IStream *pStream = NULL; 
    18     hResult = pSubStorage->OpenStream( L"preview", NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &pStream ); 
    19     if (hResult != S_OK) 
    20     {
    21         return -1;
    22     }
    24     const int nLen = 10*1024*1024;// 准备读入的长度 
    25     byte* image = new byte[nLen]; 
    26     if (NULL == image)
    27     {
    28         return -1;
    29     }
    31     ULONG actRead; 
    32     pStream->Read(
    33         image,       // 存放放入的数据的缓冲区 
    34         nLen,        // 要读入数据的长度,如不清楚可以设为较大的数 
    35         &actRead     // 实际读入的长度 
    36         ); 
    38     pStream->Release(); 
    39     pStorage->Release();
    40     pSubStorage->Release();
    42     ofstream outfile(imageFile, ios::binary); 
    43     outfile.write((char*)image, actRead); 
    44     outfile.close(); 
    45     delete image;
    46     return 0;
    47 }


     1         static void GetPartBmp(string sFileName)
     2         {
     3             string sOutputFileName = "";
     4             if (!File.Exists(sFileName))
     5             {
     6                 return;
     7             } 
     8             sOutputFileName = sFileName.Substring(0, sFileName.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".bmp";          
     9             ThumbnailCreator thumbnail = new ThumbnailCreator();
    10             Image img = thumbnail.GetThumbnail(sFileName);
    11             if (img != null)
    12             {
    13                 if (!File.Exists(sOutputFileName))
    14                 {
    15                     File.Delete(sOutputFileName);
    16                 }
    17                 img.Save(sOutputFileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
    18             }          
    19         }


      1 using System;
      2 using System.IO;
      3 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
      4 using System.Text;
      6 namespace SharedClasses
      7 {
      9     #region ThumbnailCreator
     11     /// Summary description for ThumbnailCreator.
     13     public class ThumbnailCreator : IDisposable
     14     {
     15         #region ShellFolder Enumerations
     16         [Flags]
     17         private enum ESTRRET : int
     18         {
     19             STRRET_WSTR = 0x0000, // Use STRRET.pOleStr
     20             STRRET_OFFSET = 0x0001, // Use STRRET.uOffset to Ansi
     21             STRRET_CSTR = 0x0002 // Use STRRET.cStr
     22         }
     23         [Flags]
     24         private enum ESHCONTF : int
     25         {
     26             SHCONTF_FOLDERS = 32,
     27             SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS = 64,
     28             SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN = 128
     29         }
     31         [Flags]
     32         private enum ESHGDN : int
     33         {
     34             SHGDN_NORMAL = 0,
     35             SHGDN_INFOLDER = 1,
     36             SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR = 16384,
     37             SHGDN_FORPARSING = 32768
     38         }
     39         [Flags]
     40         private enum ESFGAO : int
     41         {
     42             SFGAO_CANCOPY = 1,
     43             SFGAO_CANMOVE = 2,
     44             SFGAO_CANLINK = 4,
     45             SFGAO_CANRENAME = 16,
     46             SFGAO_CANDELETE = 32,
     47             SFGAO_HASPROPSHEET = 64,
     48             SFGAO_DROPTARGET = 256,
     49             SFGAO_CAPABILITYMASK = 375,
     50             SFGAO_LINK = 65536,
     51             SFGAO_SHARE = 131072,
     52             SFGAO_READONLY = 262144,
     53             SFGAO_GHOSTED = 524288,
     54             SFGAO_DISPLAYATTRMASK = 983040,
     55             SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR = 268435456,
     56             SFGAO_FOLDER = 536870912,
     57             SFGAO_FILESYSTEM = 1073741824,
     58             SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER = -2147483648,
     59             SFGAO_CONTENTSMASK = -2147483648,
     60             SFGAO_VALIDATE = 16777216,
     61             SFGAO_REMOVABLE = 33554432,
     62             SFGAO_COMPRESSED = 67108864
     63         }
     64         #endregion
     66         #region IExtractImage Enumerations
     67         private enum EIEIFLAG
     68         {
     69             IEIFLAG_ASYNC = 0x0001, // ask the extractor if it supports ASYNC extract (free threaded)
     70             IEIFLAG_CACHE = 0x0002, // returned from the extractor if it does NOT cache the thumbnail
     71             IEIFLAG_ASPECT = 0x0004, // passed to the extractor to beg it to render to the aspect ratio of the supplied rect
     72             IEIFLAG_OFFLINE = 0x0008, // if the extractor shouldn't hit the net to get any content neede for the rendering
     73             IEIFLAG_GLEAM = 0x0010, // does the image have a gleam ? this will be returned if it does
     74             IEIFLAG_SCREEN = 0x0020, // render as if for the screen (this is exlusive with IEIFLAG_ASPECT )
     75             IEIFLAG_ORIGSIZE = 0x0040, // render to the approx size passed, but crop if neccessary
     76             IEIFLAG_NOSTAMP = 0x0080, // returned from the extractor if it does NOT want an icon stamp on the thumbnail
     77             IEIFLAG_NOBORDER = 0x0100, // returned from the extractor if it does NOT want an a border around the thumbnail
     78             IEIFLAG_QUALITY = 0x0200 // passed to the Extract method to indicate that a slower, higher quality image is desired, re-compute the thumbnail
     79         }
     80         #endregion
     82         #region ShellFolder Structures
     83         [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4, Size = 0, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
     84         private struct STRRET_CSTR
     85         {
     86             public ESTRRET uType;
     87             [MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 520)]
     88             public byte[] cStr;
     89         }
     91         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
     92         private struct STRRET_ANY
     93         {
     94             [FieldOffset(0)]
     95             public ESTRRET uType;
     96             [FieldOffset(4)]
     97             public IntPtr pOLEString;
     98         }
    100         [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
    101         private struct SIZE
    102         {
    103             public int cx;
    104             public int cy;
    105         }
    106         #endregion
    108         #region Com Interop for IUnknown
    109         [ComImport, Guid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")]
    110         [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    111         private interface IUnknown
    112         {
    113             [PreserveSig]
    114             IntPtr QueryInterface(ref Guid riid, out IntPtr pVoid);
    116             [PreserveSig]
    117             IntPtr AddRef();
    119             [PreserveSig]
    120             IntPtr Release();
    121         }
    122         #endregion
    124         #region COM Interop for IMalloc
    125         [ComImportAttribute()]
    126         [GuidAttribute("00000002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")]
    127         [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    128         //helpstring("IMalloc interface")
    129         private interface IMalloc
    130         {
    131             [PreserveSig]
    132             IntPtr Alloc(int cb);
    134             [PreserveSig]
    135             IntPtr Realloc(
    136             IntPtr pv,
    137             int cb);
    139             [PreserveSig]
    140             void Free(IntPtr pv);
    142             [PreserveSig]
    143             int GetSize(IntPtr pv);
    145             [PreserveSig]
    146             int DidAlloc(IntPtr pv);
    148             [PreserveSig]
    149             void HeapMinimize();
    150         };
    151         #endregion
    153         #region COM Interop for IEnumIDList
    154         [ComImportAttribute()]
    155         [GuidAttribute("000214F2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")]
    156         [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    157         //helpstring("IEnumIDList interface")
    158         private interface IEnumIDList
    159         {
    160             [PreserveSig]
    161             int Next(
    162             int celt,
    163             ref IntPtr rgelt,
    164             out int pceltFetched);
    166             void Skip(
    167             int celt);
    169             void Reset();
    171             void Clone(
    172             ref IEnumIDList ppenum);
    173         };
    174         #endregion
    176         #region COM Interop for IShellFolder
    177         [ComImportAttribute()]
    178         [GuidAttribute("000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")]
    179         [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    180         //helpstring("IShellFolder interface")
    181         private interface IShellFolder
    182         {
    183             void ParseDisplayName(
    184             IntPtr hwndOwner,
    185             IntPtr pbcReserved,
    186             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpszDisplayName,
    187             out int pchEaten,
    188             out IntPtr ppidl,
    189             out int pdwAttributes
    190             );
    192             void EnumObjects(
    193             IntPtr hwndOwner,
    194             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ESHCONTF grfFlags,
    195             ref IEnumIDList ppenumIDList
    196             );
    198             void BindToObject(
    199             IntPtr pidl,
    200             IntPtr pbcReserved,
    201             ref Guid riid,
    202             ref IShellFolder ppvOut
    203             );
    205             void BindToStorage(
    206             IntPtr pidl,
    207             IntPtr pbcReserved,
    208             ref Guid riid,
    209             IntPtr ppvObj
    210             );
    212             [PreserveSig]
    213             int CompareIDs(
    214             IntPtr lParam,
    215             IntPtr pidl1,
    216             IntPtr pidl2
    217             );
    219             void CreateViewObject(
    220             IntPtr hwndOwner,
    221             ref Guid riid,
    222             IntPtr ppvOut
    223             );
    225             void GetAttributesOf(
    226             int cidl,
    227             IntPtr apidl,
    228             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref ESFGAO rgfInOut
    229             );
    231             void GetUIObjectOf(
    232             IntPtr hwndOwner,
    233             int cidl,
    234             ref IntPtr apidl,
    235             ref Guid riid,
    236             out int prgfInOut,
    237             ref IUnknown ppvOut
    238             );
    240             void GetDisplayNameOf(
    241             IntPtr pidl,
    242             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ESHGDN uFlags,
    243             ref STRRET_CSTR lpName
    244             );
    246             void SetNameOf(
    247             IntPtr hwndOwner,
    248             IntPtr pidl,
    249             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpszName,
    250             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ESHCONTF uFlags,
    251             ref IntPtr ppidlOut
    252             );
    254         };
    256         #endregion
    258         #region COM Interop for IExtractImage
    259         [ComImportAttribute()]
    260         [GuidAttribute("BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1")]
    261         [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    262         //helpstring("IExtractImage"),
    263         private interface IExtractImage
    264         {
    265             void GetLocation(
    266             [Out(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pszPathBuffer,
    267             int cch,
    268             ref int pdwPriority,
    269             ref SIZE prgSize,
    270             int dwRecClrDepth,
    271             ref int pdwFlags
    272             );
    274             void Extract(
    275             out IntPtr phBmpThumbnail
    276             );
    277         }
    279         #endregion
    281         #region UnManagedMethods for IShellFolder
    282         private class UnManagedMethods
    283         {
    284             [DllImport("shell32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    285             internal extern static int SHGetMalloc(out IMalloc ppMalloc);
    287             [DllImport("shell32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    288             internal extern static int SHGetDesktopFolder(out IShellFolder ppshf);
    290             [DllImport("shell32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    291             internal extern static int SHGetPathFromIDList(IntPtr pidl, StringBuilder pszPath);
    293             [DllImport("gdi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    294             internal extern static int DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);
    295         }
    296         #endregion
    298         #region Member Variables
    299         private IMalloc alloc = null;
    300         private bool disposed = false;
    301         private System.Drawing.Size desiredSize = new System.Drawing.Size(246, 184);
    302         private System.Drawing.Bitmap thumbNail = null;
    303         #endregion
    305         #region Implementation
    306         public System.Drawing.Bitmap ThumbNail
    307         {
    308             get
    309             {
    310                 return thumbNail;
    311             }
    312         }
    314         public System.Drawing.Size DesiredSize
    315         {
    316             get
    317             {
    318                 return desiredSize;
    319             }
    320             set
    321             {
    322                 desiredSize = value;
    323             }
    324         }
    326         private IMalloc Allocator
    327         {
    328             get
    329             {
    330                 if (!disposed)
    331                 {
    332                     if (alloc == null)
    333                     {
    334                         //Kaushik - fails here at times
    335                         UnManagedMethods.SHGetMalloc(out alloc);
    336                     }
    337                 }
    338                 else
    339                 {
    340                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Object has been disposed.");
    341                 }
    342                 return alloc;
    343             }
    344         }
    346         public System.Drawing.Bitmap GetThumbnail(string file)
    347         {
    348             if ((!File.Exists(file)) && (!Directory.Exists(file)))
    349             {
    350                 throw new FileNotFoundException(
    351                 String.Format("The file '{0}' does not exist", file),
    352                 file);
    353             }
    355             if (thumbNail != null)
    356             {
    357                 thumbNail.Dispose();
    358                 thumbNail = null;
    359             }
    361             IShellFolder folder = null;
    362             try
    363             {
    364                 folder = getDesktopFolder;
    365             }
    366             catch (Exception ex)
    367             {
    368                 throw ex;
    369             }
    371             if (folder != null)
    372             {
    373                 IntPtr pidlMain = IntPtr.Zero;
    374                 try
    375                 {
    376                     int cParsed = 0;
    377                     int pdwAttrib = 0;
    378                     string filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
    379                     pidlMain = IntPtr.Zero;
    380                     folder.ParseDisplayName(
    381                     IntPtr.Zero,
    382                     IntPtr.Zero,
    383                     filePath,
    384                     out cParsed,
    385                     out pidlMain,
    386                     out pdwAttrib);
    387                 }
    388                 catch (Exception ex)
    389                 {
    390                     Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folder);
    391                     throw ex;
    392                 }
    394                 if (pidlMain != IntPtr.Zero)
    395                 {
    396                     // IShellFolder:
    397                     Guid iidShellFolder = new
    398                     Guid("000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
    399                     IShellFolder item = null;
    401                     try
    402                     {
    403                         folder.BindToObject(pidlMain, IntPtr.Zero, ref iidShellFolder, ref item);
    404                     }
    405                     catch (Exception ex)
    406                     {
    407                         Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folder);
    408                         Allocator.Free(pidlMain);
    409                         throw ex;
    410                     }
    412                     if (item != null)
    413                     {
    414                         string sFileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
    415                         IntPtr pidlFile = IntPtr.Zero;
    416                         try
    417                         {
    418                             int cParsed = 0;
    419                             int pdwAttrib = 0;
    420                             item.ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, sFileName, out cParsed, out pidlFile, out pdwAttrib);
    421                             if (pidlFile != IntPtr.Zero)
    422                             {
    423                                 getThumbnail(file, pidlFile, item);
    424                                 Allocator.Free(pidlFile);
    425                             }
    426                         }
    427                         catch (Exception ex)
    428                         {
    429                             Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folder);
    430                             Allocator.Free(pidlMain);
    431                             throw ex;
    432                         }
    433                         Marshal.ReleaseComObject(item);
    434                     }
    436                     /*if (item != null)
    437                     {
    438                         //
    439                         IEnumIDList idEnum = null;
    440                         try
    441                         {
    442                             item.EnumObjects(
    443                             IntPtr.Zero,
    444                             (ESHCONTF.SHCONTF_FOLDERS |
    445                             ESHCONTF.SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS),
    446                             ref idEnum);
    447                         }
    448                         catch (Exception ex)
    449                         {
    450                             Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folder);
    451                             Allocator.Free(pidlMain);
    452                             throw ex;
    453                         }
    455                         if (idEnum != null)
    456                         {
    457                             // start reading the enum:
    458                             int hRes = 0;
    459                             IntPtr pidl = IntPtr.Zero;
    460                             int fetched = 0;
    461                             bool complete = false;
    462                             while (!complete)
    463                             {
    464                                 hRes = idEnum.Next(1, ref pidl, out fetched);
    465                                 if (hRes != 0)
    466                                 {
    467                                     pidl = IntPtr.Zero;
    468                                     complete = true;
    469                                 }
    470                                 else
    471                                 {
    472                                     if (getThumbnail(file, pidl, item))
    473                                     {
    474                                         complete = true;
    475                                     }
    476                                 }
    477                                 if (pidl != IntPtr.Zero)
    478                                 {
    479                                     Allocator.Free(pidl);
    480                                 }
    481                             }
    483                             Marshal.ReleaseComObject(idEnum);
    484                         }
    487                         Marshal.ReleaseComObject(item);
    488                     }*/
    490                     Allocator.Free(pidlMain);
    491                 }
    493                 Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folder);
    494             }
    495             return thumbNail;
    496         }
    498         private bool getThumbnail(string file, IntPtr pidl, IShellFolder item)
    499         {
    500             IntPtr hBmp = IntPtr.Zero;
    501             IExtractImage extractImage = null;
    503             try
    504             {
    505                 string pidlPath = PathFromPidl(pidl);
    506                 if (Path.GetFileName(pidlPath).ToUpper().Equals(Path.GetFileName(file).ToUpper()))
    507                 {
    508                     // we have the item: 
    509                     IUnknown iunk = null;
    510                     int prgf = 0;
    511                     Guid iidExtractImage = new Guid("BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1");
    512                     item.GetUIObjectOf(IntPtr.Zero, 1, ref pidl, ref iidExtractImage, out prgf, ref iunk);
    513                     extractImage = (IExtractImage)iunk;
    515                     if (extractImage != null)
    516                     {
    517                         //Got an IExtractImage object!
    518                         SIZE sz = new SIZE();
    519                         sz.cx = desiredSize.Width;
    520                         sz.cy = desiredSize.Height;
    521                         StringBuilder location = new StringBuilder(260, 260);
    522                         int priority = 0;
    523                         int requestedColourDepth = 32;
    525                         int uFlags = (int)flags;
    527                         try
    528                         {
    529                             extractImage.GetLocation(location, location.Capacity, ref priority, ref sz, requestedColourDepth, ref uFlags);
    530                         } catch {}
    532                         extractImage.Extract(out hBmp);
    533                         if (hBmp != IntPtr.Zero)
    534                         {
    535                             // create the image object:
    536                             thumbNail = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromHbitmap(hBmp);
    537                             // is thumbNail owned by the Bitmap?
    538                         }
    540                         Marshal.ReleaseComObject(extractImage);
    541                         extractImage = null;
    542                     }
    543                     return true;
    544                 }
    545                 else
    546                 {
    547                     return false;
    548                 }
    549             }
    550             catch (Exception ex)
    551             {
    552                 if (hBmp != IntPtr.Zero)
    553                 {
    554                     UnManagedMethods.DeleteObject(hBmp);
    555                 }
    556                 if (extractImage != null)
    557                 {
    558                     Marshal.ReleaseComObject(extractImage);
    559                 }
    560                 throw ex;
    561             }
    562         }
    564         private string PathFromPidl(IntPtr pidl)
    565         {
    566             StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(260, 260);
    567             int result = UnManagedMethods.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, path);
    568             if (result == 0)
    569             {
    570                 return string.Empty;
    571             }
    572             else
    573             {
    574                 return path.ToString();
    575             }
    576         }
    578         private IShellFolder getDesktopFolder
    579         {
    580             get
    581             {
    582                 IShellFolder ppshf;
    583                 int r = UnManagedMethods.SHGetDesktopFolder(out ppshf);
    584                 return ppshf;
    585             }
    586         }
    587         #endregion
    589         #region Constructor, Destructor, Dispose
    590         public ThumbnailCreator()
    591         {
    592         }
    594         public void Dispose()
    595         {
    596             if (!disposed)
    597             {
    598                 if (alloc != null)
    599                 {
    600                     Marshal.ReleaseComObject(alloc);
    601                 }
    602                 alloc = null;
    604                 if (thumbNail != null)
    605                 {
    606                     thumbNail.Dispose();
    607                 }
    609                 disposed = true;
    610             }
    611         }
    613         ~ThumbnailCreator()
    614         {
    615             Dispose();
    616         }
    617         #endregion
    618     }
    619     #endregion
    620 }
    View Code



      1 NX API
      2 Sample NX Open .NET C# program : create bitmap from selected part preview
      3 Note: 
      5 GTAC provides programming examples for illustration only, and assumes that you are familiar 
      6 with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. 
      7 GTAC support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but we 
      8 will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs.
     12 // Shows existing preview image from work part or selected part
     13 // and also works external with 'run_journal'
     14 using System;
     15 using System.Drawing;
     16 using System.Collections.Generic;
     17 using System.ComponentModel;
     18 using System.Data;
     19 using System.Text;
     20 using System.Windows.Forms;
     21 using NXOpen;
     23 public class Preview : Form
     24 {
     25     public static Session theSession;
     26     public static Part wp;
     27     public static ListingWindow lw;
     29     private System.Windows.Forms.Button preview_btn;
     30     private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1;
     31     private System.Windows.Forms.Button close_btn;
     32     private System.Windows.Forms.Button load_btn;
     33     private System.Windows.Forms.Button save_btn;
     34     private TextBox textRelease;
     36     public Preview()
     37     {
     38         InitializeComponent();
     39     }
     41     [STAThread]
     42     public static void Main(string[] args)
     43     {
     44         try
     45         {
     46             theSession = Session.GetSession();
     48             wp = theSession.Parts.Work;
     49             lw = theSession.ListingWindow;
     51             Preview preview = new Preview();
     52             preview.ShowDialog();
     53         }
     54         catch (NXException ex)
     55         {
     56             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
     57             Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
     58         }
     60     }
     62     private void getPreview(Part prt)
     63     {
     64         BasePart.HistoryEventInformation[] hInfo = prt.GetHistoryInformation();
     65         string strInfo = "";
     66         for (int i = 0; i < hInfo.Length; i++)
     67         {
     68             strInfo += hInfo[i] + "
     69         }
     70         textRelease.Text = strInfo;
     72         int width = 0;
     73         int height = 0;
     74         int[] pixels = null;
     76         prt.GetPreviewImage(out width, out height, out pixels);
     77         if (width > 0 && height > 0)
     78         {
     79             Bitmap image1 = createBitmap(width, height, pixels);
     80             pictureBox1.Image = image1;
     81             save_btn.Enabled = true;
     82         }
     83         else MessageBox.Show("Part has no valid preview", "Information");
     84     }
     86     private Bitmap createBitmap(int w, int h, int[] px)
     87     {
     88         //lw.WriteLine("Bitmap Image Size: " + w.ToString() + "x" + h.ToString());
     89         Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(w, h);
     91         for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
     92         {
     93             for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
     94             {
     95                 int pixel = px[y * w + x];
     96                 Color col1 = Color.FromArgb(pixel);
     97                 Color col2 = Color.FromArgb(255, col1);
     98                 //lw.WriteLine(col2.ToString());
     99                 bm.SetPixel(x, y, col2);
    100             }
    101         }
    103         return bm;
    104     }
    106     public static DialogResult select_part_file(ref String filename)
    107     {
    108         OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
    109         DialogResult result;
    111         ofd.Title = "Choose NX part file";
    112         ofd.AddExtension = true;
    113         ofd.DefaultExt = "prt";
    114         ofd.Filter = "NX Part files (*.prt)|*.prt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
    115         ofd.FilterIndex = 1;
    116         ofd.ShowHelp = true;
    118         // start browsing at current folder, uncomment for any other default directory
    119         // ofd.InitialDirectory = GetEnvironmentVariable("UGII_BASE_DIR");
    120         // ofd.InitialDirectory = GetEnvironmentVariable("UGII_BASE_DIR") + "Moldwizard";
    121         // ofd.InitialDirectory = "c:mypath1mypath2";
    122         result = ofd.ShowDialog();
    123         filename = ofd.FileName;
    124         ofd.Dispose();
    125         return result;
    126     }
    128     private void preview_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    129     {
    130         if (wp == null)
    131         {
    132             MessageBox.Show("No Part", "Information");
    133             return;
    134         }
    135         else
    136         {
    137             getPreview(wp);
    138         }
    139     }
    141     private void load_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    142     {
    143         String filename = "";
    144         if (select_part_file(ref filename) == DialogResult.OK)
    145         {
    146             PartLoadStatus loadStatus = null;
    147             int failCount = 0;
    149             Part mypart = theSession.Parts.Open(filename, out loadStatus);
    151             if (loadStatus.NumberUnloadedParts > 0)
    152                 failCount = reportLoadStatus(loadStatus);
    153             else
    154             {
    155                 getPreview(mypart);
    156                 mypart.Close(BasePart.CloseWholeTree.True, BasePart.CloseModified.CloseModified, null);
    157             }
    158         }
    159     }
    161     public static int reportLoadStatus(PartLoadStatus loadStatus)
    162     {
    164         lw.Open();
    166         int counter = 0;
    168         do
    169         {
    171             string file = loadStatus.GetPartName(counter);
    172             string failure = loadStatus.GetStatusDescription(counter);
    173             int statusCode = loadStatus.GetStatus(counter);
    174             MessageBox.Show("File: " + file + "
    Code: " + statusCode + "
    Status: " + failure, "Unloaded Part");
    176             counter += 1;
    177         }
    178         while (!(counter == loadStatus.NumberUnloadedParts));
    181         return counter;
    182     }
    184     private void save_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    185     {
    186         SaveFileDialog save = new SaveFileDialog();
    187         save.Filter = "Bitmap File(*.bmp)|*.bmp";
    188         if (save.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    189         {
    190             pictureBox1.Image.Save(save.FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
    191         }
    192     }
    194     private void close_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    195     {
    196         Close();
    197     }
    199     private void InitializeComponent()
    200     {
    201         this.preview_btn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    202         this.pictureBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
    203         this.close_btn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    204         this.load_btn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    205         this.save_btn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    206         this.textRelease = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
    207         ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox1)).BeginInit();
    208         this.SuspendLayout();
    209         // 
    210         // preview_btn
    211         // 
    212         this.preview_btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 481);
    213         this.preview_btn.Name = "preview_btn";
    214         this.preview_btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    215         this.preview_btn.TabIndex = 0;
    216         this.preview_btn.Text = "Work Part";
    217         this.preview_btn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    218         this.preview_btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.preview_btn_Click);
    219         // 
    220         // pictureBox1
    221         // 
    222         this.pictureBox1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
    223         this.pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 12);
    224         this.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1";
    225         this.pictureBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(534, 400);
    226         this.pictureBox1.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
    227         this.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 1;
    228         this.pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
    229         // 
    230         // close_btn
    231         // 
    232         this.close_btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(473, 481);
    233         this.close_btn.Name = "close_btn";
    234         this.close_btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    235         this.close_btn.TabIndex = 2;
    236         this.close_btn.Text = "Close";
    237         this.close_btn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    238         this.close_btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.close_btn_Click);
    239         // 
    240         // load_btn
    241         // 
    242         this.load_btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 481);
    243         this.load_btn.Name = "load_btn";
    244         this.load_btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    245         this.load_btn.TabIndex = 3;
    246         this.load_btn.Text = "Load Part";
    247         this.load_btn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    248         this.load_btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.load_btn_Click);
    249         // 
    250         // save_btn
    251         // 
    252         this.save_btn.Enabled = false;
    253         this.save_btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(191, 481);
    254         this.save_btn.Name = "save_btn";
    255         this.save_btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    256         this.save_btn.TabIndex = 3;
    257         this.save_btn.Text = "Save BMP";
    258         this.save_btn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    259         this.save_btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.save_btn_Click);
    260         // 
    261         // textRelease
    262         // 
    263         this.textRelease.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control;
    264         this.textRelease.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
    265         this.textRelease.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 418);
    266         this.textRelease.Multiline = true;
    267         this.textRelease.Name = "textRelease";
    268         this.textRelease.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical;
    269         this.textRelease.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(534, 57);
    270         this.textRelease.TabIndex = 4;
    271         // 
    272         // Preview
    273         // 
    274         this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
    275         this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
    276         this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(563, 516);
    277         this.Controls.Add(this.load_btn);
    278         this.Controls.Add(this.save_btn);
    279         this.Controls.Add(this.close_btn);
    280         this.Controls.Add(this.pictureBox1);
    281         this.Controls.Add(this.preview_btn);
    282         this.Controls.Add(this.textRelease);
    283         this.Name = "Preview";
    284         this.Text = "NX Part Preview";
    285         ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox1)).EndInit();
    286         this.ResumeLayout(false);
    287         this.PerformLayout();
    289     }
    291 }
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  • 相关阅读:
    indexing and hashing
    apply, bind, call方法剖析
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kuaixue/p/12717972.html
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