in: 是参数的默认模式,这种模式就是在程序运行的时候已经具有值,在程序体中值不会改变。
out: 模式定义的参数只能在过程体内部赋值,表示该参数可以将某个值传递回调用他的过程。简单说:out参数在调用的时候,不需要传入参数(尝试传入会报错),不需要rutrun该参数,function结束会自动返回该out参数。
in out: 表示参数可以向该过程中传递值,也可以将某个值传出去。简单说:传参要指定对应参数,结束的时候,还需要专门当out参数去获取。
DROP TABLE test_type CASCADE ; DROP TYPE test_type CASCADE ; CREATE type test_type as ( id INT, info varchar(32) ); DROP TYPE test_type_Array; CREATE TYPE test_type_Array AS TABLE OF test_type;
DROP TABLE test; CREATE TABLE test(id VARCHAR(32), info varchar(32), crt_time TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO test values('1', 'test1', now()); INSERT INTO test values('1', 'test11', now()); INSERT INTO test values('2', 'test2', now());
/* * 测试简单类型的in out参数使用,参数需要指定,结果需要当做out参数获取* * exp:v_info := test_fnc(v_record_id, v_info); */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_fnc(id VARCHAR(32), info IN OUT varchar(32)) RETURNS varchar(32) AS $$ BEGIN info := info|| '_connect_' || id; raise notice 'info is: %', info; END $$ LANGUAGE plsql; /* * 测试简单类型的out参数使用,参数不需要指定,结果需要获取* * exp:v_info := test_fnc2(v_record_id); */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_fnc2(id VARCHAR(32), info OUT varchar(32)) RETURNS varchar(32) AS $$ BEGIN info := info|| '_connect_' || id; raise notice 'info is: %', info; END $$ LANGUAGE plsql; /* * 测试数组类型的in out参数使用,参数需要指定,结果需要当做out参数获取* * exp:test_A := test_array_fnc(v_record_id, test_A); */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_array_fnc(v_id VARCHAR(32), test_A IN OUT test_type_Array) RETURNS test_type_Array AS $$ DECLARE v_num int; one_type_value test_type; CURSOR test_values IS SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = v_id; BEGIN v_num := 1; FOR one_value IN test_values LOOP one_type_value.id := one_value.id; one_type_value.info := one_value.info; test_A.extend; test_A(v_num) := one_type_value; raise notice 'v_num is: %', v_num; raise notice 'test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; v_num := v_num + 1; END LOOP; END $$ LANGUAGE plsql; /* * 测试数组类型的out参数使用,参数不需要指定,结果需要获取* * exp:test_A := test_array_fnc2(v_record_id); */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_array_fnc2(v_id VARCHAR(32), test_A OUT test_type_Array) RETURNS test_type_Array AS $$ DECLARE v_num int; one_type_value test_type; CURSOR test_values IS SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = v_id; BEGIN v_num := 1; test_A := test_type_Array(); FOR one_value IN test_values LOOP one_type_value.id := one_value.id; one_type_value.info := one_value.info; test_A.extend; test_A(v_num) := one_type_value; raise notice 'v_num is: %', v_num; raise notice 'test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; v_num := v_num + 1; END LOOP; END $$ LANGUAGE plsql;
DO $BODY$ DECLARE test_A test_type_Array; v_record_id varchar(32); v_info varchar(32); BEGIN v_record_id := '1'; raise notice 'test object, like array. must use "in out":'; test_A := test_type_Array(); test_A := test_array_fnc(v_record_id, test_A); raise notice 'out: test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; raise notice ''; raise notice 'execute again, the object value will in the function:'; test_A := test_array_fnc(v_record_id, test_A); raise notice 'out: test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; --NOTICE:这样的用法,不会因为是in out参数而直接给参数赋值,相当于只是将参数传递进去了 raise notice ''; raise notice 'do not get the result:'; test_array_fnc(v_record_id, test_A); raise notice 'out: test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; raise notice ''; raise notice 'test object, like array. use "out":'; test_A := test_array_fnc2(v_record_id); raise notice 'out: test_A.count is: %', test_A.count; v_info := 'init'; raise notice ''; raise notice 'test vachar, use "in out":'; v_info := test_fnc(v_record_id, v_info); raise notice 'out: test_fnc: v_info is: %', v_info; raise notice ''; raise notice 'test varchar, just use "out":'; v_info := test_fnc2(v_record_id); raise notice 'out: test_fnc2: v_info is: %', v_info; END $BODY$
test object, like array. must use "in out": v_num is: 1 test_A.count is: 1 v_num is: 2 test_A.count is: 2 out: test_A.count is: 2 execute again, the object value will in the function: v_num is: 1 test_A.count is: 3 v_num is: 2 test_A.count is: 4 out: test_A.count is: 4
--上面可以看出,传入和传出都获取了相应的值。 do not get the result: v_num is: 1 test_A.count is: 5 v_num is: 2 test_A.count is: 6 out: test_A.count is: 4 test object, like array. use "out": v_num is: 1 test_A.count is: 1 v_num is: 2 test_A.count is: 2 out: test_A.count is: 2
--在里面做了初始化,传出值直接获取 test vachar, use "in out": info is: init_connect_1 out: test_fnc: v_info is: init_connect_1 test varchar, just use "out": info is: _connect_1 out: test_fnc2: v_info is: _connect_1
6.附加:Is table of:原生的使用方法,不需要转为数组和游标进行处理
DROP TYPE test_ty CASCADE ; DROP TYPE test_ty_Array CASCADE ; CREATE TYPE test_ty AS ( id int, name varchar(32), birthday timestamp ); CREATE type test_ty_Array as table of test_ty ;
--使用is table of直接使用,需要注意两个地方:
DO $$ DECLARE ret_array test_ty_Array; one_row test_ty; idx int; CURSOR ret_cur IS SELECT * FROM test; BEGIN idx := 1; ret_array := test_ty_Array(); FOR one_ret IN ret_cur loop raise notice 'id is: %, name is: %, birthday is: %', one_ret.id, one_ret.name, one_ret.birthday; one_row.id := one_ret.id; one_row.name := one_ret.name; one_row.birthday := one_ret.birthday; ret_array.extend; ret_array(idx) := one_row; idx := idx + 1; END LOOP; raise notice '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; FOR idx IN 1..ret_array.count loop one_row = ret_array(idx); raise notice 'idx: %, --> id is: %, name is: %, birthday is: %', idx, one_row.id, one_row.name, one_row.birthday; END loop; END $$