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  • 【翻译-Docker】Post-installation steps for Linux

    来源【Post-installation steps for Linux】

    Post-installation steps for Linux

    Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

    This section contains optional procedures for configuring Linux hosts to work better with Docker.


    Manage Docker as a non-root user

    The docker daemon binds to a Unix socket instead of a TCP port. By default that Unix socket is owned by the user root and other users can only access it using sudo. The docker daemon always runs as the rootuser.

    If you don’t want to use sudo when you use the docker command, create a Unix group called docker and add users to it. When the docker daemon starts, it makes the ownership of the Unix socket read/writable by the docker group.

    Warning: The docker group grants privileges equivalent to the root user. For details on how this impacts security in your system, see Docker Daemon Attack Surface.

    警告:docker组授予的权限等同与root用户,详细关于这会如何影响你系统安全,请参考Docker Daemon Attack Surface。

    To create the docker group and add your user:

    1. Create the docker group.

      $ sudo groupadd docker
    2. Add your user to the docker group.

      $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    3. Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

      If testing on a virtual machine, it may be necessary to restart the virtual machine for changes to take effect.

      On a desktop Linux environment such as X Windows, log out of your session completely and then log back in.

    4. Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo.

      $ docker run hello-world

      This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints an informational message and exits.

    Configure Docker to start on boot

    Most current Linux distributions (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu 16.04 and higher) use systemd to manage which services start when the system boots. Ubuntu 14.10 and below use upstart.

    最新的Linux发行版(RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu 16.04以及更高版本)使用systemd 来管理当系统启动时哪个服务启动。Ubuntu 14.10和低版本的使用upstart


    $ sudo systemctl enable docker

    To disable this behavior, use disable instead.

    $ sudo systemctl disable docker

    If you need to add an HTTP Proxy, set a different directory or partition for the Docker runtime files, or make other customizations, see customize your systemd Docker daemon options.

    如果你需要添加HTTP代理,为Docker运行时文件设置不同的目录和分区,或者使用其他自定义,查看自定义你的systemd Docker守护进程选项。


    Docker is automatically configured to start on boot using upstart. To disable this behavior, use the following command:

    $ echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/docker.override


    $ sudo chkconfig docker on

    Use a different storage engine

    For information about the different storage engines, see Storage drivers. The default storage engine and the list of supported storage engines depend on your host’s Linux distribution and available kernel drivers.


    Kernel compatibility

    Docker will not run correctly if your kernel is older than version 3.10 or if it is missing some modules. To check kernel compatibility, you can download and run the check-compatibility.sh script.

    关于不同存储引擎的信息,请查看存储驱动程序。默认的存储引擎和支持的存储引擎列表依赖于你 Linux主机的发行版和可用的内核引擎。
    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/docker/master/contrib/check-config.sh > check-config.sh
    $ bash ./check-config.sh

    The script will only work on Linux, not macOS.

    Cannot connect to the Docker daemon

    If you see an error such as the following, your Docker client may be configured to connect to a Docker daemon on a different host, and that host may not be reachable.

    Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker daemon' running on this host?

    To see which host your client is configured to connect to, check the value of the DOCKER_HOST variable in your environment.

    $ env | grep DOCKER_HOST

    If this command returns a value, the Docker client is set to connect to a Docker daemon running on that host. If it is unset, the Docker client is set to connect to the Docker daemon running on the local host. If it is set in error, use the following command to unset it:

    $ unset DOCKER_HOST

    You may need to edit your environment in files such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile to prevent the DOCKER_HOST variable from being set erroneously.

    If DOCKER_HOST is set as intended, verify that the Docker daemon is running on the remote host and that a firewall or network outage is not preventing you from connecting.

    IP forwarding problems

    If you manually configure your network using systemd-network with systemd version 219 or higher, Docker containers may be unable to access your network. Beginning with systemd version 220, the forwarding setting for a given network (net.ipv4.conf.<interface>.forwarding) defaults to off. This setting prevents IP forwarding. It also conflicts with Docker’s behavior of enabling the net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding setting within containers.

    To work around this on RHEL, CentOS, or Fedora, edit the <interface>.network file in /usr/lib/systemd/network/ on your Docker host (ex: /usr/lib/systemd/network/80-container-host0.network) and add the following block within the [Network]section.

    # OR

    This configuration allows IP forwarding from the container as expected.

    DNS resolver found in resolv.conf and containers can't use it

    Linux systems which use a GUI often have a network manager running, which uses a dnsmasq instance running on a loopback address such as or to cache DNS requests, and adds this entry to /etc/resolv.conf. The dnsmasq service speeds up DNS look-ups and also provides DHCP services. This configuration will not work within a Docker container which has its own network namespace, because the Docker container resolves loopback addresses such as to itself, and it is very unlikely to be running a DNS server on its own loopback address.

    If Docker detects that no DNS server referenced in /etc/resolv.conf is a fully functional DNS server, the following warning occurs and Docker uses the public DNS servers provided by Google at and for DNS resolution.

    使用GUI的Linux系统通常有一个运行的网络管理员,使用dnsmasq实例运行在回环地址上,比如127.0.0.1或者127.0.1.1以缓存DNS请求,并把这个条目加到 /etc/resolv.conf。dnsmasq 服务需要加快DNS查找并提供DHCP服务。这个配置不会对有自己网络命名空间的Docker容器生效,因为Docker容器可以自己解决类似127.0.0.1这样的回环地址,并且不太会在自己的回环地址上运行DNS服务。
    如果Docker检测到没有引用DNS服务的/etc/resolv.conf是一个功能完整的DNS服务,将会触发如下警告,并且Docker会使用 Google提供的公共DNS服务8.8.8.8和8.8.4.4用于DNS解析。
    WARNING: Local ( DNS resolver found in resolv.conf and containers
    can't use it. Using default external servers : []

    If you see this warning, first check to see if you use dnsmasq:

    $ ps aux |grep dnsmasq

    If your container needs to resolve hosts which are internal to your network, the public nameservers will not be adequate. You have two choices:

    • You can specify a DNS server for Docker to use, or
    • You can disable dnsmasq in NetworkManager. If you do this, NetworkManager will add your true DNS nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf, but you will lose the possible benefits of dnsmasq.

    You only need to use one of these methods.

    Specify DNS servers for Docker

    The default location of the configuration file is /etc/docker/daemon.json. You can change the location of the configuration file using the --config-file daemon flag. The documentation below assumes the configuration file is located at /etc/docker/daemon.json.

    1. Create or edit the Docker daemon configuration file, which defaults to /etc/docker/daemon.json file, which controls the Docker daemon configuration.

      $ sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
    2. Add a dns key with one or more IP addresses as values. If the file has existing contents, you only need to add or edit the dns line.

      	"dns": ["", ""]

      If your internal DNS server cannot resolve public IP addresses, include at least one DNS server which can, so that you can connect to Docker Hub and so that your containers can resolve internet domain names.

      Save and close the file.

    3. Restart the Docker daemon.

      $ sudo service docker restart
    4. Verify that Docker can resolve external IP addresses by trying to pull an image:

      $ docker pull hello-world
    5. If necessary, verify that Docker containers can resolve an internal hostname by pinging it.

      $ docker run --rm -it alpine ping -c4 <my_internal_host>
      PING google.com ( 56 data bytes
      64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=41 time=7.597 ms
      64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=41 time=7.635 ms
      64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=41 time=7.660 ms
      64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=41 time=7.677 ms



    If you prefer not to change the Docker daemon’s configuration to use a specific IP address, follow these instructions to disable dnsmasq in NetworkManager.

    1. Edit the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file.

    2. Comment out the dns=dnsmasq line by adding a # character to the beginning of the line.

      # dns=dnsmasq

      Save and close the file.

    3. Restart both NetworkManager and Docker. As an alternative, you can reboot your system.

      $ sudo restart network-manager
      $ sudo restart docker
    RHEL, CentOS, or Fedora

    To disable dnsmasq on RHEL, CentOS, or Fedora:

    1. Disable the dnsmasq service:

      $ sudo service dnsmasq stop
      $ sudo systemctl disable dnsmasq
    2. Configure the DNS servers manually using the Red Hat documentation.

    Allow access to the remote API through a firewall

    If you run a firewall on the same host as you run Docker and you want to access the Docker Remote API from another host and remote access is enabled, you need to configure your firewall to allow incoming connections on the Docker port, which defaults to 2376 if TLS encrypted transport is enabled or 2375 otherwise.


    UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) drops all forwarding traffic and all incoming traffic by default. If you want to access the Docker Remote API from another host and you have enabled remote access, you need to configure UFW to allow incoming connections on the Docker port, which defaults to 2376 if TLS encrypted transport is enabled or 2375 otherwise. By default, Docker runs without TLS enabled. If you do not use TLS, you are strongly discouraged from allowing access to the Docker Remote API from remote hosts, to prevent remote privilege-escalation attacks.

    To configure UFW and allow incoming connections on the Docker port:

    1. Verify that UFW is enabled.

      $ sudo ufw status

      If ufw is not enabled, the remaining steps will not be helpful.

    2. Edit the UFW configuration file, which is usually /etc/default/ufw or /etc/sysconfig/ufw. Set the DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY policy to ACCEPT.


      Save and close the file.

    3. If you need to enable access to the Docker Remote API from external hosts and understand the security implications (see the section before this procedure), then configure UFW to allow incoming connections on the Docker port, which is 2375 if you do not use TLS, and 2376 if you do.

      $ sudo ufw allow 2376/tcp
    4. Reload UFW.

      $ sudo ufw reload

    Your kernel does not support cgroup swap limit capabilities

    On Ubuntu or Debian hosts, You may see messages similar to the following when working with an image.

    WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.

    This warning does not occur on RPM-based systems, which enable these capabilities by default.

    If you don’t need these capabilities, you can ignore the warning. You can enable these capabilities on Ubuntu or Debian by following these instructions. Memory and swap accounting incur an overhead of about 1% of the total available memory and a 10% overall performance degradation, even if Docker is not running.

    1. Log into the Ubuntu or Debian host as a user with sudo privileges.

    2. Edit the /etc/default/grub file. Add or edit the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line to add the following two key-value pairs:

      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"

      Save and close the file.

    3. Update GRUB.

      $ sudo update-grub

      If your GRUB configuration file has incorrect syntax, an error will occur. In this case, repeat steps 3 and 4.

      The changes will take effect when the system is rebooted.

    Next steps

    DockerDocker documentationrequirementsaptinstallationubuntuinstalluninstallupgradeupdate

    1. daemon,守护神,进程守护

    2. ownership ,所有权,所有制

    3. equivalent ,相等的,等效的,n.当量[化]

    4. Log out and log back in,注销和重新登录

    5. membership,会员资格,全体成员

    6. evaluate,评价,评估

    7. system boots,系统引导

    8. partition,划分,分区

    10. customization,定制,自定义

    11. correctly,正确的。correct,合适的,改正,纠错

    12. compatibility,兼容性

    13. intended,预期的,已订婚者。

    14. intend,vt/vi. 计划,怀有某种意图。intent,n. 意图,目的;adj. 专心的

    15. outage,断供(多指电力)

    16. forwarding setting,转发设置。forwarding,促进,转寄。 setting,n. 环境,装置;v. 安排

    17. work around,解决,绕过

    18. speed up,加速

    19. look-ups ,查找

    20. adequate,足够的,适当的

    21. specify,指定,明确提出。 specific,具体的,明确的,特性

    22. documentation ,文档,参考资料

    23. instructions,操作指南,指令

    24. disable,使无能力,使伤残

    25. transport,运输

    26. discouraged,沮丧的。discourage,劝阻,使气馁

    27. privilege-escalation,特权,扩大,特权提升

    28.  incur ,招致,引起

    29. overhead of ,开销。overhead,头顶的;天花板,经费;在楼上

    30. overall,全部的

    31. degradation,退化,堕落

    32. syntax,语法

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kuboy/p/7802826.html
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