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  • cursor.MySQLCursorDict Class cursor.MySQLCursorDict Class

    The MySQLCursorDict class inherits from MySQLCursor. This class is available as of Connector/Python 2.0.0.

    MySQLCursorDict cursor returns each row as a dictionary. The keys for each dictionary object are the column names of the MySQL result.


    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(database='world')
    cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True)
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM country WHERE Continent = 'Europe'")
    print("Countries in Europe:")
    for row in cursor:
        print("* {Name}".format(Name=row['Name']

    The preceding code produces output like this:

    Countries in Europe:
    * Albania
    * Andorra
    * Austria
    * Belgium
    * Bulgaria

    It may be convenient to pass the dictionary to format() as follows:

    cursor.execute("SELECT Name, Population FROM country WHERE Continent = 'Europe'")
    print("Countries in Europe with population:")
    for row in cursor:
        print("* {Name}: {Population}".format(**row))
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     User Comments
       Posted by blair gemmer on December 15, 2014
    If you want to use stored procedures, please use this format:

    cursor.callproc(stored_procedure_name, args)
    result = []
    for recordset in cursor.stored_results():
    for row in recordset:

    10.5.11 MySQLCursor.column_names Property


    sequence = cursor.column_names

    This read-only property returns the column names of a result set as sequence of Unicode strings.

    The following example shows how to create a dictionary from a tuple containing data with keys using column_names:

    cursor.execute("SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date "
                   "FROM employees WHERE emp_no = %s", (123,))
    row = dict(zip(cursor.column_names, cursor.fetchone()))
    print("{last_name}, {first_name}: {hire_date}".format(row))

    Alternatively, as of Connector/Python 2.0.0, you can fetch rows as dictionaries directly; see Section 10.6.4, “cursor.MySQLCursorDict Class”.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kungfupanda/p/5937342.html
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