create table denserank_amt like otheravgrank_amt;
alter table tmp rename to credit_card;
修改column属性 ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE [COLUMN] col_old_name col_new_name column_type [COMMENT col_comment] [FIRST|AFTER column_name]
alter table otheravg_amt change cr_tx_cod cr_tx_amt float;
增加/替换column(可以使用replace来删除不需要的字段) ALTER TABLE table_name ADD|REPLACE COLUMNS (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...) 比如 alter table alter_test replace columns (id int, name string); alter table alter_test add columns(test_columen INT);
hive> insert into table cite select * from tt; 追加数据到cite表格中 hive> insert overwrite table cite select * from tt; 覆盖已经存在的数据
建表 create table otheravg_amt(bus_inst_no string,canal string,sa_tx_dt string,dr_cr_cod string,cr_tx_cod float,f_fare float,counts bigint);
将查询结果插入新表,包含截取字段,求平均数 insert overwrite table otheravg_amt select substr(bus_inst_no,0,5),canal,sa_tx_dt,dr_cr_cod,avg(cr_tx_amt),avg(f_fare),avg(counts) from branch_amt group by substr(bus_inst_no,0,5),canal,sa_tx_dt,dr_cr_cod;
只取前5条记录 select * from otheravg_amt limit 5;
select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno having sum(sal)>10000;
select (select count from table where name = '1' )- (select count from table where name = '2') from dual; insert into table branch_atmzc_sum Select canal, XT_OP_TRL, SA_TX_DT,'number2-number1',b.cr_tx_amt-a.cr_tx_amt from branch_atmzc a, branch_atmzc b where a.canal = b.canal and a.XT_OP_TRL = b.XT_OP_TRL and a.SA_TX_DT = b.SA_TX_DT and a.tran_cd = 'number1' and b.tran_cd = 'number2'; mysql同一列时间依次与最大时间相减 SELECT SUM(TIMEDIFF(paytime, (SELECT MAX(paytime) FROM 表) )) FROM 表
load data local inpath '/mnt/pc/pcclientlogs/test.log' into table test partition (dt = '20120917');
语法:INSERT OVERWRITE [LOCAL] DIRECTORY directory1 select_statement1
Data written to the filesystem is serialized as text with columns separated by ^A
在python中可以使用line.split('x01')来进行切分,也可以用line.split(' 01')
bin/hive -e "select * from test" >> res.csv 或者是: bin/hive -f sql.q >> res.csv
这问题在使用hive hql streaming时也会遇到,当你使用hql strreaming 将输出直接写入到hdfs目录,然后你在该目录上创建hive 外部表时,hive的输出结果会将streaming 的key和value之间的分隔符修改为 01,所以,在hql streaming和输出为hive 外部表时,最好将streaming的最后输出的分隔符修改为 01,并且hive外部表的分隔符应该设置为 01,注意:不要使用^A和x01,如:
create external table site_user_mapping_info_month(uid String,tag string,project_ids string,site_interests string) PARTITIONED BY(year String, month String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' 01' LOCATION '/project/site_grouping/site_user_mapping_info_month';
1.将select的结果放到一个的的表格中(首先要用create table创建新的表格) insert overwrite table test select uid,name from test2; 2.将select的结果放到本地文件系统中 INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/tmp/reg_3' SELECT a.* FROM events a; 3.将select的结果放到hdfs文件系统中 INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/tmp/hdfs_out' SELECT a.* FROM invites a WHERE a.ds='<DATE>'
hive> insert overwrite local directory '/home/wyp/Documents/result' row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' select * from test;
hive> insert overwrite local directory './test-04' row format delimited FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY ',' MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':' select * from src;