Today, Rikka is going to learn how to use BIT to solve some simple data structure tasks. While studying, She finds there is a magic expression
in the template of BIT. After searching for some literature, Rikka realizes it is the implementation of the function
is defined on all positive integers. Let a1...am be the binary representation of x while a1 is the least significant digit, k be the smallest index which satisfies ak = 1. The value of
is equal to 2k-1.
After getting some interesting properties of
, Rikka sets a simple data structure task for you:
At first, Rikka defines an operator f(x), it takes a non-negative integer x. If x is equal to 0, it will return 0. Otherwise it will return
, each with the probability of
Then, Rikka shows a positive integer array A of length n, and she makes m operations on it.
There are two types of operations:
1. 1 L R, for each index i ∈ [L,R], change Ai to f(Ai).
2. 2 L R, query for the expectation value of
. (You may assume that each time Rikka calls f, the random variable used by f is independent with others.)
After getting some interesting properties of
At first, Rikka defines an operator f(x), it takes a non-negative integer x. If x is equal to 0, it will return 0. Otherwise it will return
Then, Rikka shows a positive integer array A of length n, and she makes m operations on it.
There are two types of operations:
1. 1 L R, for each index i ∈ [L,R], change Ai to f(Ai).
2. 2 L R, query for the expectation value of
The first line contains a single integer t(1 ≤ t ≤ 3), the number of the testcases.5
The first line of each testcase contains two integers n,m(1 ≤ n,m ≤ 10
). The second line contains n integers Ai
(1 ≤ Ai
≤ 108
And then m lines follow, each line contains three integers t,L,R(t ∈ {1,2}, 1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ n).
For each query, let w be the expectation value of the interval sum, you need to output
It is easy to find that w x 2
must be an integer.
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#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int maxn=1e5+10; const ll mod = 998244353; ll qp(ll a,ll b) {ll res=1;a%=mod; assert(b>=0); for(;b;b>>=1){if(b&1)res=res*a%mod;a=a*a%mod;}return res;} ll array1[maxn]; struct node1 { ll sum,addmark; } Node[maxn<<2]; void pushup(int node) { Node[node].sum=Node[node<<1].sum+Node[node<<1|1].sum; } void buildtree(int node,int left,int right) { Node[node].addmark=0; if(left==right) { Node[node].sum=array1[left]; return; } int m=(left+right)>>1; buildtree(node<<1,left,m); buildtree(node<<1|1,m+1,right); pushup(node); } void pushdown(int node,int left,int right) { if(Node[node].addmark) { int m=(left+right)>>1; Node[node<<1].addmark+=Node[node].addmark; Node[node<<1|1].addmark+=Node[node].addmark; Node[node<<1].sum+=(m-left+1)*Node[node].addmark; Node[node<<1|1].sum+=(right-m)*Node[node].addmark; Node[node].addmark=0; } } ll query(int node,int begin,int end,int left,int right) { if(left<=begin&&right>=end) return Node[node].sum; pushdown(node,begin,end); int m=(begin+end)>>1;//小心!! ll ans=0; if(left<=m) ans+=query(node<<1,begin,m,left,right); if(right>m) ans+=query(node<<1|1,m+1,end,left,right); return ans; } void update(int node,int add,int begin,int end,int left,int right) { if(begin>=left&&end<=right) { Node[node].sum+=(end-begin+1)*add; Node[node].addmark+=add; return; } int m=(begin+end)>>1;//小心!! pushdown(node,begin,end); if(left<=m) update(node<<1,add,begin,m,left,right); if(right>m) update(node<<1|1,add,m+1,end,left,right); pushup(node); } ll n,m; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0); int i,j,k,t; cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>n>>m; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) cin>>array1[i]; buildtree(1,1,n); for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { int a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; if(a==2) cout<<query(1,1,n,b,c)%mod*qp(2,n*m)%mod<<endl; } } return 0; }