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  • LeetCode DB : Delete Duplicate Emails

    Write a SQL query to delete all duplicate email entries in a table named Person, keeping only unique emails based on its smallest Id.

    | Id | Email            |
    | 1  | john@example.com |
    | 2  | bob@example.com  |
    | 3  | john@example.com |

    Id is the primary key column for this table.
    For example, after running your query, the above Person table should have the following rows:

    | Id | Email            |
    | 1  | john@example.com |
    | 2  | bob@example.com  |


    # Write your MySQL query statement below
    delete from Person where id in  (select * from (select A.id from Person as A, Person as B where A.id>B.id and A.Email = B.Email) X);


    delete from Person where Id not in 
    (select min_id from (select min(Id) as min_id from Person group by Email) as Cid) ;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lailailai/p/4700546.html
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