0. C++11 compiler support shootout
1. Important Minor Syntax Cleanups
//Spaces in Template Expressions std::vector<std::list<int>>; //nullptr and std::nullptr_t f(0); //calls f(int) f(NULL); //calls f(int) if NULL is 0,ambiguous otherwise f(nullptr); //calls f(void*)
2. Automatic Type Deduction with auto
auto i = 42; // i has type int // std::vector<std::string> v; auto pos = v.begin(); // std::vector<std::string>::iterator // auto func = [](int x)->bool { //.... }; // the type of lambda taking an int and returnin a bool
3. Uniform Initialization and Initializer Lists
/* not support in vs2012 */ int values[] { 1, 2,3 }; std::vector<int> v {2, 3, 5, 7,11, 13, 17}; std::vector<std::string> cities { "Berlin", "New York", "London", "Braunschweig", "Cairo", "Cologne" }; //std::initializer_list<> class P { public: P(int,int); P(std::initializer_list<int>); }; // P p(77,5); //calls P::P(int,int) P q{77,5}; //calls P::P(initializer_list) P r{77,5,42}; //calls P::P(initializer_list) P s={77,5}; //calls P::P(initializer_list)
4. Range-Based for Loops
/* for ( decl :coll ){ statement } */ std::vector<int> v; for(auto& item : v) { //.... }