1 打开core 开关
vim /etc/security/limits.conf
去掉 soft core 0 一行前面的注释 并将0改为 unlimited
2 修改core产生路径和命名规则
vim /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.core_pattern = /data/core/core-%e-%p-%t
%p - insert pid into filename 添加pid
%u - insert current uid into filename 添加当前uid
%g - insert current gid into filename 添加当前gid
%s - insert signal that caused the coredump into the filename 添加导致产生core的信号
%t - insert UNIX time that the coredump occurred into filename 添加core文件生成时的unix时间
%h - insert hostname where the coredump happened into filename 添加主机名
%e - insert coredumping executable name into filename 添加命令名
3 重启时生效
vim /etc/pam.d/login
增加一行 session required pam_limits.so
session required pam_limits.so