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  • WinDbg调试流程的学习及对TP反调试的探索

    基础知识推荐阅读《软件调试》的第十八章 内核调试引擎


    KdPitchDebugger : Boolean 用来表示是否显示的抑制内核调试, 当启动项中包含 /NODEBUG选项时,这个变量会被置为 TRUE

    KdDebuggerEnabled : Boolean 用来表示内核调试是否被启用。当启动项中包含 /DEBUG 或者/ DEBUGPORT 而且不包含/NODEBUG时,这个变量置为TRUE

    kiDebugRoutine : 函数指针类型 ,用来记录内核调试引擎的异常处理回调函数,当内核调试引擎活动时,指向KdpTrap函数,否则指向KdpStub函数

    KdpBreakpointTable : 结构体数组类型,用来记录代码断点。每一个元素为BREAKPOINT_ENTRY结构,用来描述一个断点,包括断点地址。

    然后开始动手,打开Windbg,调试虚拟机(Win7 x86 sp1) Ctrl+Break 断下来,输入k 命令观察断点的栈回溯,观察到最后的几个函数:


    用ida 反汇编查看KeUpdateRunTime函数,看到对KdDebuggerEnabled标识位的检测,如果为0则直接返回,不对KdCheckForDebugBreak函数进行调用。

    然后继续反汇编KdCheckForDebugBreak函数,可以看到最KdDebuggerEnabled和 KdPitchDebugger的检测

    可以看到调用了KdPollBreakIn() 函数,我们继续跟进kdPollBreakIn()函数,可以看到主要也是对KdPitchDebugger和KdDebuggerEnabled的检测,如果为0就直接退出,返回0

    接着跟入DbgBreakPointWithStatus() 函数可以发现并没有做什么处理,直接向下执行RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction()   可以看到我们的int 3 ,俗称CC断点









    我们要做的就是把这几个全局变量置换成未调试时的状态,但是在Windows自己的调试引擎中检测的几个全局变量替换成我们自己的全局变量,而且对于TP的TenSa**.sys可以查看导入表,存在IoAllocMdl(),猜测TP对于几个全局变量的访问应该是采用MDL的方式来访问,可以考虑hook掉 IoAllocMdl这个函数,让他检测到其他地方。


    还有处理关于kiDebugRoutine 的问题,当内核调试引擎处于活动的时候,KiDebugRoutine这个函数指针是指向的KdpTrap,来处理我们调试是产生的异常,当我们将KiDebugRoutine指向了KdpStub之后,可以绕过对KiDebugRoutine的检测,但是内核调试引擎来处理我们触发的异常时,调用的不是KdpTrap,而变成了KdpStub,很显然不能继续进项调试,所以我们还需要做的一项工作就是hook KdpTrap,让他跳转到KdpTrap,这个内核引擎可以正常工作,也可以绕过TP的检测。


    kd> dd KdPitchDebugger
    80546efc  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    kd> dd KdDebuggerEnabled
    8054d4c1  01000001 00000000 00000000 01000000
    kd> dd kiDebugRoutine
    80553f04  80661a06 00000000 7c92e4a8 7c92e45c
    kd> u 80661a06 
    80661a06 8bff            mov      edi,edi
    80661a08 55              push     ebp
    80661a09 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
    80661a0b 51              push     ecx
    80661a0c 51              push     ecx
    80661a0d 8b4510          mov     eax,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
    80661a10 813803000080    cmp     dword ptr [eax],80000003h
    80661a16 56              push     esi
    先将KdPitchDebugger 置为1
    kd> ed KdPitchDebugger 1
    kd> dd KdPitchDebugger
    80546efc  00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
    然后设置KiDebugRoutine 指向的指针 从KdpTrap 改成 KdpStub 
    kd> dd KiDebugRoutine
    80553f04  80661a06 00000000 7c92e4a8 7c92e45c
    kd> u 80661a06 
    80661a06 8bff            mov     edi,edi
    80661a08 55              push    ebp
    80661a09 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
    80661a0b 51              push    ecx
    80661a0c 51              push    ecx
    80661a0d 8b4510          mov     eax,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
    80661a10 813803000080    cmp     dword ptr [eax],80000003h
    80661a16 56              push    esi
    kd> u KdpStub
    804f7c76 8bff            mov     edi,edi
    804f7c78 55              push    ebp
    804f7c79 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
    804f7c7b 8b4510          mov     eax,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
    804f7c7e 813803000080    cmp     dword ptr [eax],80000003h
    804f7c84 7525            jne     nt!KdpStub+0x35 (804f7cab)
    804f7c86 83781000        cmp     dword ptr [eax+10h],0
    804f7c8a 761f            jbe     nt!KdpStub+0x35 (804f7cab)
    kd> ed KiDebugRoutine 804f7c76
    kd> dd KiDebugRoutine
    80553f04  804f7c76 00000000 7c92e4a8 7c92e45c
    最后恢复KdDebuggerEnabled 为 0
    kd> ed KdDebuggerEnabled 0

    现在会发生什么,对,就是WinDbg接受不到调试消息包了,就是因为KdDebuggerEnabled 置为0 了,内核调试引擎在关键校验的地方不通过,不发送调试信息。

    然后就是代码上的问题,完成上诉的功能就可以达到双机调试TP了。下面放出代码,就是按照上诉的思路来解决的,因为一些函数的定位和关键值的确定都是采用的针对的Win 7 Ultimate x86 sp1硬编码,如果想过其他的系统就要改改硬编码了,而且TP经常的更新,掌握了原理才是正道,强烈推荐《软件调试》这本书。

    #ifndef CXX_TPWDG_H
    #define CXX_TPWDG_H
    #include <ntifs.h>
    #include <devioctl.h>
    #include <ntimage.h>
    #define kmalloc(_s)    ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, _s, 'Lanren')
    #define OP_NONE 0x00
    #define OP_MODRM 0x01
    #define OP_DATA_I8 0x02
    #define OP_DATA_I16 0x04
    #define OP_DATA_I32 0x08
    #define OP_DATA_PRE66_67 0x10
    #define OP_WORD 0x20
    #define OP_REL32 0x40
    #define SystemModuleInformation 11
    typedef unsigned char BYTE;
    typedef BYTE *PBYTE;
    typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION//系统模块信息
        ULONG Reserved[2];
        ULONG Base;
        ULONG Size;
        ULONG Flags;
        USHORT Index;
        USHORT Unknown;
        USHORT LoadCount;
        USHORT ModuleNameOffset;
        CHAR ImageName[256];
    typedef struct _tagSysModuleList//模块链结构
        ULONG ulCount;
    NTSTATUS __stdcall ZwQuerySystemInformation(
        ULONG_PTR SystemInformationClass,
        PVOID SystemInformation,
        ULONG SystemInformationLength,
        PULONG ReturnLength
    typedef PMDL(__stdcall *_MyIoAllocateMdl)(
        PVOID VirtualAddress,
        ULONG Length,
        BOOLEAN SecondaryBuffer,
        BOOLEAN ChargeQuota,
        PIRP Irp
    SIZE_T GetKdEnteredDebuggerAddr();
    PMDL MyIoAllocateMdl(PVOID VirtualAddress,ULONG Length,
        BOOLEAN SecondaryBuffer,BOOLEAN ChargeQuota,
        PIRP Irp
    unsigned long __fastcall SizeOfCode(void *Code, unsigned char **pOpcode);
    unsigned long GetPatchSize(void *Proc, unsigned long dwNeedSize);
    VOID WpOffAndToDpcLevel();
    VOID WpOn();
    VOID WritableClose();
    VOID InlineHookEngine(ULONG uHookPoint, ULONG uNewFuncAddr);
    VOID UnInlineHookEngine(ULONG uHookPoint, char* pCode, ULONG uLength);
    NTSTATUS WriteKernelMemory(PVOID Address, ULONG Size, PVOID InBuffer);
    void Hook(PVOID Func, PVOID New_Func, PVOID Proxy_Func);
    void UnHook(PVOID Func, PVOID Proxy_Func);
    void HookIoAllocMdl(BOOLEAN bEnble);
    VOID LoadImageRoutine(
        IN PUNICODE_STRING FullImageName,
        IN HANDLE ProcessId,//where image is mapped
        IN PIMAGE_INFO ImageInfo
    ULONG FindCharacteristicCode(ULONG uAddr, char* pCode, ULONG uLength);
    VOID GetKdpStubAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr);
    VOID GetKdpTrapAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr);
    VOID GetKdDebuggerEnabledAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr);
    ULONG GetFuncAddrFromName(IN PCWSTR FunctionName);
    VOID DriverUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject);
    void WPOFF();
    void WPON();
    PVOID GetFuncAddress(LPWSTR lpFuncName);
    ULONG_PTR GetKeUpdateSystemTimeAddr();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdCheckForDebugBreak();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_1();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_2();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_3();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_4();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdPitchDebugger_1();
    ULONG_PTR GetKdPitchDebugger_2();
    void MoveGlobal();
    void RecoverGlobal();
    static KIRQL OldIrql;
    ULONG ulKdpStub, ulKdpTrap;
    ULONG ulKdDisableDebugger;
    ULONG ulKdDisableDebuggerWithLock;
    ULONG ulKdInitSystem;
    ULONG ulKiDebugRoutine;
    ULONG ulKeEnterKernelDebugger;
    ULONG ulKdDebuggerEnabled;
    extern SIZE_T KdEnteredDebugger;
    _MyIoAllocateMdl OldIoAllocateMdl;
    UCHAR OpcodeFlags[256] = 
        OP_MODRM,                      // 00
        OP_MODRM,                      // 01
        OP_MODRM,                      // 02
        OP_MODRM,                      // 03
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 04
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 05
        OP_NONE,                       // 06
        OP_NONE,                       // 07
        OP_MODRM,                      // 08
        OP_MODRM,                      // 09
        OP_MODRM,                      // 0A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 0B
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 0C
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 0D
        OP_NONE,                       // 0E
        OP_NONE,                       // 0F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 10
        OP_MODRM,                      // 11
        OP_MODRM,                      // 12
        OP_MODRM,                      // 13
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 14
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 15
        OP_NONE,                       // 16
        OP_NONE,                       // 17
        OP_MODRM,                      // 18
        OP_MODRM,                      // 19
        OP_MODRM,                      // 1A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 1B
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 1C
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 1D
        OP_NONE,                       // 1E
        OP_NONE,                       // 1F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 20
        OP_MODRM,                      // 21
        OP_MODRM,                      // 22
        OP_MODRM,                      // 23
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 24
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 25
        OP_NONE,                       // 26
        OP_NONE,                       // 27
        OP_MODRM,                      // 28
        OP_MODRM,                      // 29
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2B
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 2C
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 2D
        OP_NONE,                       // 2E
        OP_NONE,                       // 2F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 30
        OP_MODRM,                      // 31
        OP_MODRM,                      // 32
        OP_MODRM,                      // 33
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 34
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 35
        OP_NONE,                       // 36
        OP_NONE,                       // 37
        OP_MODRM,                      // 38
        OP_MODRM,                      // 39
        OP_MODRM,                      // 3A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 3B
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 3C
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 3D
        OP_NONE,                       // 3E
        OP_NONE,                       // 3F
        OP_NONE,                       // 40
        OP_NONE,                       // 41
        OP_NONE,                       // 42
        OP_NONE,                       // 43
        OP_NONE,                       // 44
        OP_NONE,                       // 45
        OP_NONE,                       // 46
        OP_NONE,                       // 47
        OP_NONE,                       // 48
        OP_NONE,                       // 49
        OP_NONE,                       // 4A
        OP_NONE,                       // 4B
        OP_NONE,                       // 4C
        OP_NONE,                       // 4D
        OP_NONE,                       // 4E
        OP_NONE,                       // 4F
        OP_NONE,                       // 50
        OP_NONE,                       // 51
        OP_NONE,                       // 52
        OP_NONE,                       // 53
        OP_NONE,                       // 54
        OP_NONE,                       // 55
        OP_NONE,                       // 56
        OP_NONE,                       // 57
        OP_NONE,                       // 58
        OP_NONE,                       // 59
        OP_NONE,                       // 5A
        OP_NONE,                       // 5B
        OP_NONE,                       // 5C
        OP_NONE,                       // 5D
        OP_NONE,                       // 5E
        OP_NONE,                       // 5F
        OP_NONE,                       // 60
        OP_NONE,                       // 61
        OP_MODRM,                      // 62
        OP_MODRM,                      // 63
        OP_NONE,                       // 64
        OP_NONE,                       // 65
        OP_NONE,                       // 66
        OP_NONE,                       // 67
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // 68
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_PRE66_67,   // 69
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 6A
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 6B
        OP_NONE,                       // 6C
        OP_NONE,                       // 6D
        OP_NONE,                       // 6E
        OP_NONE,                       // 6F
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 70
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 71
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 72
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 73
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 74
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 75
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 76
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 77
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 78
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 79
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7A
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7B
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7C
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7D
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7E
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // 7F
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 80
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_PRE66_67,   // 81
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 82
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 83
        OP_MODRM,                      // 84
        OP_MODRM,                      // 85
        OP_MODRM,                      // 86
        OP_MODRM,                      // 87
        OP_MODRM,                      // 88
        OP_MODRM,                      // 89
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 8F
        OP_NONE,                       // 90
        OP_NONE,                       // 91
        OP_NONE,                       // 92
        OP_NONE,                       // 93
        OP_NONE,                       // 94
        OP_NONE,                       // 95
        OP_NONE,                       // 96
        OP_NONE,                       // 97
        OP_NONE,                       // 98
        OP_NONE,                       // 99
        OP_DATA_I16 | OP_DATA_PRE66_67,// 9A
        OP_NONE,                       // 9B
        OP_NONE,                       // 9C
        OP_NONE,                       // 9D
        OP_NONE,                       // 9E
        OP_NONE,                       // 9F
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // A0
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // A1
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // A2
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // A3
        OP_NONE,                       // A4
        OP_NONE,                       // A5
        OP_NONE,                       // A6
        OP_NONE,                       // A7
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // A8
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // A9
        OP_NONE,                       // AA
        OP_NONE,                       // AB
        OP_NONE,                       // AC
        OP_NONE,                       // AD
        OP_NONE,                       // AE
        OP_NONE,                       // AF
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B0
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B1
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B2
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B3
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B4
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B5
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B6
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // B7
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // B8
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // B9
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BA
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BB
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BC
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BD
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BE
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67,              // BF
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C0
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C1
        OP_DATA_I16,                   // C2
        OP_NONE,                       // C3
        OP_MODRM,                      // C4
        OP_MODRM,                      // C5
        OP_MODRM   | OP_DATA_I8,       // C6
        OP_MODRM   | OP_DATA_PRE66_67, // C7
        OP_DATA_I8 | OP_DATA_I16,      // C8
        OP_NONE,                       // C9
        OP_DATA_I16,                   // CA
        OP_NONE,                       // CB
        OP_NONE,                       // CC
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // CD
        OP_NONE,                       // CE
        OP_NONE,                       // CF
        OP_MODRM,                      // D0
        OP_MODRM,                      // D1
        OP_MODRM,                      // D2
        OP_MODRM,                      // D3
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // D4
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // D5
        OP_NONE,                       // D6
        OP_NONE,                       // D7
        OP_WORD,                       // D8
        OP_WORD,                       // D9
        OP_WORD,                       // DA
        OP_WORD,                       // DB
        OP_WORD,                       // DC
        OP_WORD,                       // DD
        OP_WORD,                       // DE
        OP_WORD,                       // DF
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E0
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E1
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E2
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E3
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E4
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E5
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E6
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // E7
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // E8
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // E9
        OP_DATA_I16 | OP_DATA_PRE66_67,// EA
        OP_DATA_I8,                    // EB
        OP_NONE,                       // EC
        OP_NONE,                       // ED
        OP_NONE,                       // EE
        OP_NONE,                       // EF
        OP_NONE,                       // F0
        OP_NONE,                       // F1
        OP_NONE,                       // F2
        OP_NONE,                       // F3
        OP_NONE,                       // F4
        OP_NONE,                       // F5
        OP_MODRM,                      // F6
        OP_MODRM,                      // F7
        OP_NONE,                       // F8
        OP_NONE,                       // F9
        OP_NONE,                       // FA
        OP_NONE,                       // FB
        OP_NONE,                       // FC
        OP_NONE,                       // FD
        OP_MODRM,                      // FE
        OP_MODRM | OP_REL32            // FF
    UCHAR OpcodeFlagsExt[256] =
        OP_MODRM,                      // 00
        OP_MODRM,                      // 01
        OP_MODRM,                      // 02
        OP_MODRM,                      // 03
        OP_NONE,                       // 04
        OP_NONE,                       // 05
        OP_NONE,                       // 06
        OP_NONE,                       // 07
        OP_NONE,                       // 08
        OP_NONE,                       // 09
        OP_NONE,                       // 0A
        OP_NONE,                       // 0B
        OP_NONE,                       // 0C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 0D
        OP_NONE,                       // 0E
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 0F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 10
        OP_MODRM,                      // 11
        OP_MODRM,                      // 12
        OP_MODRM,                      // 13
        OP_MODRM,                      // 14
        OP_MODRM,                      // 15
        OP_MODRM,                      // 16
        OP_MODRM,                      // 17
        OP_MODRM,                      // 18
        OP_NONE,                       // 19
        OP_NONE,                       // 1A
        OP_NONE,                       // 1B
        OP_NONE,                       // 1C
        OP_NONE,                       // 1D
        OP_NONE,                       // 1E
        OP_NONE,                       // 1F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 20
        OP_MODRM,                      // 21
        OP_MODRM,                      // 22
        OP_MODRM,                      // 23
        OP_MODRM,                      // 24
        OP_NONE,                       // 25
        OP_MODRM,                      // 26
        OP_NONE,                       // 27
        OP_MODRM,                      // 28
        OP_MODRM,                      // 29
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 2F
        OP_NONE,                       // 30
        OP_NONE,                       // 31
        OP_NONE,                       // 32
        OP_NONE,                       // 33
        OP_NONE,                       // 34
        OP_NONE,                       // 35
        OP_NONE,                       // 36
        OP_NONE,                       // 37
        OP_NONE,                       // 38
        OP_NONE,                       // 39
        OP_NONE,                       // 3A
        OP_NONE,                       // 3B
        OP_NONE,                       // 3C
        OP_NONE,                       // 3D
        OP_NONE,                       // 3E
        OP_NONE,                       // 3F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 40
        OP_MODRM,                      // 41
        OP_MODRM,                      // 42
        OP_MODRM,                      // 43
        OP_MODRM,                      // 44
        OP_MODRM,                      // 45
        OP_MODRM,                      // 46
        OP_MODRM,                      // 47
        OP_MODRM,                      // 48
        OP_MODRM,                      // 49
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 4F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 50
        OP_MODRM,                      // 51
        OP_MODRM,                      // 52
        OP_MODRM,                      // 53
        OP_MODRM,                      // 54
        OP_MODRM,                      // 55
        OP_MODRM,                      // 56
        OP_MODRM,                      // 57
        OP_MODRM,                      // 58
        OP_MODRM,                      // 59
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 5F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 60
        OP_MODRM,                      // 61
        OP_MODRM,                      // 62
        OP_MODRM,                      // 63
        OP_MODRM,                      // 64
        OP_MODRM,                      // 65
        OP_MODRM,                      // 66
        OP_MODRM,                      // 67
        OP_MODRM,                      // 68
        OP_MODRM,                      // 69
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 6F
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 70
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 71
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 72
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // 73
        OP_MODRM,                      // 74
        OP_MODRM,                      // 75
        OP_MODRM,                      // 76
        OP_NONE,                       // 77
        OP_NONE,                       // 78
        OP_NONE,                       // 79
        OP_NONE,                       // 7A
        OP_NONE,                       // 7B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 7C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 7D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 7E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 7F
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 80
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 81
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 82
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 83
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 84
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 85
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 86
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 87
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 88
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 89
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8A
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8B
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8C
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8D
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8E
        OP_DATA_PRE66_67 | OP_REL32,   // 8F
        OP_MODRM,                      // 90
        OP_MODRM,                      // 91
        OP_MODRM,                      // 92
        OP_MODRM,                      // 93
        OP_MODRM,                      // 94
        OP_MODRM,                      // 95
        OP_MODRM,                      // 96
        OP_MODRM,                      // 97
        OP_MODRM,                      // 98
        OP_MODRM,                      // 99
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9A
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9B
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9C
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9D
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9E
        OP_MODRM,                      // 9F
        OP_NONE,                       // A0
        OP_NONE,                       // A1
        OP_NONE,                       // A2
        OP_MODRM,                      // A3
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // A4
        OP_MODRM,                      // A5
        OP_NONE,                       // A6
        OP_NONE,                       // A7
        OP_NONE,                       // A8
        OP_NONE,                       // A9
        OP_NONE,                       // AA
        OP_MODRM,                      // AB
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // AC
        OP_MODRM,                      // AD
        OP_MODRM,                      // AE
        OP_MODRM,                      // AF
        OP_MODRM,                      // B0
        OP_MODRM,                      // B1
        OP_MODRM,                      // B2
        OP_MODRM,                      // B3
        OP_MODRM,                      // B4
        OP_MODRM,                      // B5
        OP_MODRM,                      // B6
        OP_MODRM,                      // B7
        OP_NONE,                       // B8
        OP_NONE,                       // B9
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // BA
        OP_MODRM,                      // BB
        OP_MODRM,                      // BC
        OP_MODRM,                      // BD
        OP_MODRM,                      // BE
        OP_MODRM,                      // BF
        OP_MODRM,                      // C0
        OP_MODRM,                      // C1
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C2
        OP_MODRM,                      // C3
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C4
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C5
        OP_MODRM | OP_DATA_I8,         // C6 
        OP_MODRM,                      // C7
        OP_NONE,                       // C8
        OP_NONE,                       // C9
        OP_NONE,                       // CA
        OP_NONE,                       // CB
        OP_NONE,                       // CC
        OP_NONE,                       // CD
        OP_NONE,                       // CE
        OP_NONE,                       // CF
        OP_MODRM,                      // D0
        OP_MODRM,                      // D1
        OP_MODRM,                      // D2
        OP_MODRM,                      // D3
        OP_MODRM,                      // D4
        OP_MODRM,                      // D5
        OP_MODRM,                      // D6
        OP_MODRM,                      // D7
        OP_MODRM,                      // D8
        OP_MODRM,                      // D9
        OP_MODRM,                      // DA
        OP_MODRM,                      // DB
        OP_MODRM,                      // DC
        OP_MODRM,                      // DD
        OP_MODRM,                      // DE
        OP_MODRM,                      // DF
        OP_MODRM,                      // E0
        OP_MODRM,                      // E1
        OP_MODRM,                      // E2
        OP_MODRM,                      // E3
        OP_MODRM,                      // E4
        OP_MODRM,                      // E5
        OP_MODRM,                      // E6
        OP_MODRM,                      // E7
        OP_MODRM,                      // E8
        OP_MODRM,                      // E9
        OP_MODRM,                      // EA
        OP_MODRM,                      // EB
        OP_MODRM,                      // EC
        OP_MODRM,                      // ED
        OP_MODRM,                      // EE
        OP_MODRM,                      // EF
        OP_MODRM,                      // F0
        OP_MODRM,                      // F1
        OP_MODRM,                      // F2
        OP_MODRM,                      // F3
        OP_MODRM,                      // F4
        OP_MODRM,                      // F5
        OP_MODRM,                      // F6
        OP_MODRM,                      // F7 
        OP_MODRM,                      // F8
        OP_MODRM,                      // F9
        OP_MODRM,                      // FA
        OP_MODRM,                      // FB
        OP_MODRM,                      // FC
        OP_MODRM,                      // FD
        OP_MODRM,                      // FE
        OP_NONE                        // FF
    //1. KeUpdateSystemTime
    //nt!KeUpdateSystemTime + 0x417:
    //84096d65 33c9            xor     ecx, ecx
    //84096d67 8d542420        lea     edx, [esp + 20h]
    //nt!KeUpdateSystemTime + 0x41d :
    //84096d6b 803d2c1d188400  cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdDebuggerEnabled(84181d2c)], 0        <--ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1
    //84096d72 7464            je      nt!KeUpdateSystemTime + 0x48a (84096dd8)
    //2. KeUpdateRunTime
    //nt!KeUpdateRunTime + 0x149:
    //840970c2 803d2c1d188400  cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdDebuggerEnabled(84181d2c)], 0        <--ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_2
    //840970c9 7412            je      nt!KeUpdateRunTime + 0x164 (840970dd)
    //3. KdCheckForDebugBreak
    //kd > uf kdcheckfordebugbreak
    //840970e9 803d275d148400  cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdPitchDebugger(84145d27)], 0        <--ul_KdPitchDebugger_1
    //840970f0 7519            jne     nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak + 0x22 (8409710b)
    //nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak + 0x9 :
    //840970f2 803d2c1d188400  cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdDebuggerEnabled(84181d2c)], 0        <--ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_3
    //840970f9 7410            je      nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak + 0x22 (8409710b)
    //4. KdPollBreakIn
    //kd > uf KdPollBreakIn
    //8409711f 8bff            mov     edi, edi
    //84097121 55              push    ebp
    //84097122 8bec            mov     ebp, esp
    //84097124 51              push    ecx
    //84097125 53              push    ebx
    //84097126 33db            xor     ebx, ebx
    //84097128 381d275d1484    cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdPitchDebugger(84145d27)], bl        <--ul_KdPitchDebugger_2
    //8409712e 7407            je      nt!KdPollBreakIn + 0x18 (84097137)
    //nt!KdPollBreakIn + 0x11:
    //84097130 32c0            xor     al, al
    //84097132 e9d2000000      jmp     nt!KdPollBreakIn + 0xea (84097209)
    //nt!KdPollBreakIn + 0x18 :
    //84097137 885dff          mov     byte ptr[ebp - 1], bl
    //8409713a 381d2c1d1884    cmp     byte ptr[nt!KdDebuggerEnabled(84181d2c)], bl        <--ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_4
    //84097140 0f84c0000000    je      nt!KdPollBreakIn + 0xe7 (84097206)
    ULONG_PTR ul_KeUpdateSystemTimeAssist;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KeUpdateSystemTime;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KeUpdateRunTime;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdCheckForDebugBreak;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdPollBreakIn;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_2;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_3;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_4;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdPitchDebugger_1;
    ULONG_PTR ul_KdPitchDebugger_2;
    ULONG_PTR ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled;
    ULONG_PTR ul_oldKdPitchDebugger;
    BOOLEAN bool_myKdDebuggerEnabled = TRUE;
    BOOLEAN bool_myKdPitchDebugger = FALSE;
    NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath)
        NTSTATUS status;
        status = PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine(LoadImageRoutine);
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
            return status;
        ulKdDisableDebugger = GetFuncAddrFromName(L"KdDisableDebugger");
        KdPrint(("ulKdDisableDebugger: 0x%08X
    ", ulKdDisableDebugger));
        ulKdDisableDebuggerWithLock = (ulKdDisableDebugger + 2) + *(ULONG*)(ulKdDisableDebugger + 3) + 5;
        KdPrint(("ulKdDisableDebuggerWithLock: 0x%08X
    ",  ulKdDisableDebuggerWithLock));
        ulKeEnterKernelDebugger = GetFuncAddrFromName(L"KeEnterKernelDebugger");
        KdPrint(("ulKeEnterKernelDebugger: 0x%08X
    ", ulKeEnterKernelDebugger));
        //Hook KdpStub头部直接跳转到KdpTrap
        InlineHookEngine(ulKdpStub, ulKdpTrap);
            mov eax, ulKdDisableDebugger
            mov byte ptr ds:[eax], 0x90//nop
            mov byte ptr ds:[eax + 0x1], 0xc3//ret
            mov eax, ulKdDebuggerEnabled
            mov dword ptr ds:[eax], 0x0
        pDriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
    SIZE_T GetKdEnteredDebuggerAddr()
        return KdEnteredDebugger;
    PMDL MyIoAllocateMdl(
        PVOID VirtualAddress,
        ULONG Length,
        BOOLEAN SecondaryBuffer,
        BOOLEAN ChargeQuota,
        PIRP Irp
        PVOID pKdEnteredDebugger;
        pKdEnteredDebugger = (PVOID)GetKdEnteredDebuggerAddr();
        if (pKdEnteredDebugger == VirtualAddress)
            VirtualAddress = (PVOID)((SIZE_T)pKdEnteredDebugger + 0x4);//+0x4是让它读到其他的位置
        return OldIoAllocateMdl(VirtualAddress, Length, SecondaryBuffer, ChargeQuota, Irp);
    unsigned long __fastcall SizeOfCode(void *Code, unsigned char **pOpcode)
        PUCHAR cPtr;
        UCHAR Flags;
        BOOLEAN PFX66, PFX67;
        BOOLEAN SibPresent;
        UCHAR iMod, iRM, iReg;
        UCHAR OffsetSize, Add;
        UCHAR Opcode;
        OffsetSize = 0;
        PFX66 = FALSE;
        PFX67 = FALSE;
        cPtr = (PUCHAR)Code;
        while ((*cPtr == 0x2E) || (*cPtr == 0x3E) || (*cPtr == 0x36) ||
            (*cPtr == 0x26) || (*cPtr == 0x64) || (*cPtr == 0x65) || 
            (*cPtr == 0xF0) || (*cPtr == 0xF2) || (*cPtr == 0xF3) ||
            (*cPtr == 0x66) || (*cPtr == 0x67)) 
            if (*cPtr == 0x66) PFX66 = TRUE;
            if (*cPtr == 0x67) PFX67 = TRUE;
            if (cPtr > (PUCHAR)Code + 16) return 0; 
        Opcode = *cPtr;
        if (pOpcode) *pOpcode = cPtr; 
        if (*cPtr == 0x0F)
            Flags = OpcodeFlagsExt[*cPtr];
        } else 
            Flags = OpcodeFlags[Opcode];
            if (Opcode >= 0xA0 && Opcode <= 0xA3) PFX66 = PFX67;
        if (Flags & OP_WORD) cPtr++;    
        if (Flags & OP_MODRM)
            iMod = *cPtr >> 6;
            iReg = (*cPtr & 0x38) >> 3;  
            iRM  = *cPtr &  7;
            if ((Opcode == 0xF6) && !iReg) Flags |= OP_DATA_I8;    
            if ((Opcode == 0xF7) && !iReg) Flags |= OP_DATA_PRE66_67; 
            SibPresent = !PFX67 & (iRM == 4);
            switch (iMod)
            case 0: 
                if ( PFX67 && (iRM == 6)) OffsetSize = 2;
                if (!PFX67 && (iRM == 5)) OffsetSize = 4; 
            case 1: OffsetSize = 1;
            case 2: if (PFX67) OffsetSize = 2; else OffsetSize = 4;
            case 3: SibPresent = FALSE;
            if (SibPresent)
                if (((*cPtr & 7) == 5) && ( (!iMod) || (iMod == 2) )) OffsetSize = 4;
            cPtr = (PUCHAR)(ULONG)cPtr + OffsetSize;
        if (Flags & OP_DATA_I8) cPtr ++;
        if (Flags & OP_DATA_I16) cPtr += 2;
        if (Flags & OP_DATA_I32) cPtr += 4;
        if (PFX66) Add = 2;
        else Add = 4;
        if (Flags & OP_DATA_PRE66_67) cPtr += Add;
        return (ULONG)cPtr - (ULONG)Code;
    unsigned long GetPatchSize(void *Proc, unsigned long dwNeedSize)
        ULONG Length;
        PUCHAR pOpcode;
        ULONG PatchSize = 0;
            Length = SizeOfCode(Proc, &pOpcode);
            if ((Length == 1) && (*pOpcode == 0xC3)) break;
            if ((Length == 3) && (*pOpcode == 0xC2)) break;
            Proc = (PVOID)((ULONG)Proc + Length);
            PatchSize += Length;
            if (PatchSize >= dwNeedSize)
        } while (Length);
        return PatchSize;
    VOID WpOffAndToDpcLevel()
        OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel();
            push eax
            mov eax, cr0
            and eax, 0FFFEFFFFh
            mov cr0, eax
            pop eax
    VOID WpOn()
            push eax
            mov eax, cr0
            or eax, 10000h
            mov cr0, eax
            pop eax
    VOID WritableOpen()
            mov eax, cr0
            and eax, not 0x10000
            mov cr0, eax
    VOID WritableClose()
            mov eax, cr0
            or eax, 0x10000
            mov cr0, eax
    VOID InlineHookEngine(ULONG uHookPoint, ULONG uNewFuncAddr)
        ULONG uJmp = uNewFuncAddr - uHookPoint - 5;
            mov eax, uHookPoint
            mov byte ptr ds:[eax], 0xe9
            mov ebx, uJmp
            mov dword ptr ds:[eax + 0x1], ebx
    VOID UnInlineHookEngine(ULONG uHookPoint, char* pCode, ULONG uLength)
        RtlCopyMemory((char*)uHookPoint, pCode, uLength);
    NTSTATUS WriteKernelMemory(PVOID Address, ULONG Size, PVOID InBuffer)
        PMDL pMdl = 0;
        PVOID pAddress = 0;
        KSPIN_LOCK spinlock;
        KIRQL oldirql;
        if (!Address) return st;
        pMdl = IoAllocateMdl(Address, Size, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        if (pMdl)
            pAddress = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(pMdl, NormalPagePriority);
            KdPrint(("pAddress: 0x%08x
    ", pAddress));
            if (pAddress)
                    KeAcquireSpinLock(&spinlock, &oldirql);
                    RtlCopyMemory(pAddress, InBuffer, Size);
                    KeReleaseSpinLock(&spinlock, oldirql);
                    st = STATUS_SUCCESS;
                __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)
        return st;
    void Hook(PVOID Func, PVOID New_Func, PVOID Proxy_Func)
        ULONG PatchSize;
        BYTE g_HookCode[5] = {0xe9, 0, 0, 0, 0};//相对跳转
        BYTE Jmp_Orig_Code[7] = {0xea, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x08, 0x00};//绝对地址跳转
        PatchSize = GetPatchSize(Func, 5);//获得要Patch的字节数 
        memcpy((PBYTE)Proxy_Func, (PBYTE)Func, PatchSize);//实现原函数头
        *((PULONG)(Jmp_Orig_Code + 1)) = (ULONG)((PBYTE)Func + PatchSize);//原函数+N地址
        memcpy((PBYTE)Proxy_Func + PatchSize, Jmp_Orig_Code, 7);//绝对地址跳转
        *((ULONG*)(g_HookCode + 1)) = (ULONG)New_Func - (ULONG)Func - 5;//计算JMP地址
        WriteKernelMemory(Func, 5, g_HookCode);
    void UnHook(PVOID Func, PVOID Proxy_Func)
        WriteKernelMemory(Func, 5, Proxy_Func);
    void HookIoAllocMdl(BOOLEAN bEnble)
        if (bEnble == TRUE)
            OldIoAllocateMdl = kmalloc(20);
            memset(OldIoAllocateMdl, 0x90, 20);
            Hook(IoAllocateMdl, MyIoAllocateMdl, (PVOID)OldIoAllocateMdl);
            DbgPrint("IoAllocateMdl hooked!
            UnHook(IoAllocateMdl, OldIoAllocateMdl);
            DbgPrint("IoAllocateMdl unhooked!
    VOID LoadImageRoutine(
        IN PUNICODE_STRING FullImageName,
        IN HANDLE ProcessId,//where image is mapped
        IN PIMAGE_INFO ImageInfo
        if (wcsstr(FullImageName->Buffer, L"TesSafe.sys") != NULL)
            KdPrint(("TesSafe.sys Loaded!
            KdPrint(("TesSafe.sys ImageBase: 0x%08X
    ", (ULONG)ImageInfo->ImageBase));
            KdPrint(("TesSafe.sys ImageSize: 0x%08X
    ", (ULONG)ImageInfo->ImageSize));
            KdPrint(("断点命令: ba e 1 0x%08X
    ", (ULONG)ImageInfo->ImageBase));
    ULONG FindCharacteristicCode(ULONG uAddr, char* pCode, ULONG uLength)
        char szTemp[256];
        ULONG i = 5000;
        while(i --)
            RtlMoveMemory(szTemp, (char*)uAddr, uLength);
            if (RtlCompareMemory(pCode, szTemp, uLength) == uLength)
                return uAddr;
            uAddr ++;
        return 0;
    VOID GetKdpStubAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr)
        kd> u KdDisableDebugger
        83f32846 6a01            push    1
        83f32848 e806ffffff      call    nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock (83f32753)
        83f3284d c3              ret
        83f1b7bb 8b0d6c89fa83    mov     ecx,dword ptr [nt!KeNumberProcessors (83fa896c)]
        83f1b7c1 33c0            xor     eax,eax
        83f1b7c3 85c9            test    ecx,ecx
        83f1b7c5 761a            jbe     nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock+0x8e (83f1b7e1)
        83f1b7c7 8b0c85c088fa83  mov     ecx,dword ptr nt!KiProcessorBlock (83fa88c0)[eax*4]
        83f1b7ce 389908030000    cmp     byte ptr [ecx+308h],bl
        83f1b7d4 7551            jne     nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock+0xd4 (83f1b827)
        83f1b7d6 8b0d6c89fa83    mov     ecx,dword ptr [nt!KeNumberProcessors (83fa896c)]
        83f1b7dc 40              inc     eax
        83f1b7dd 3bc1            cmp     eax,ecx
        83f1b7df 72e6            jb      nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock+0x74 (83f1b7c7)
        83f1b7e1 381d2c3dfa83    cmp     byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (83fa3d2c)],bl
        83f1b7e7 741b            je      nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock+0xb1 (83f1b804)
        83f1b7e9 e8021a2500      call    nt!KdpSuspendAllBreakpoints (8416d1f0)
        83f1b7ee 881d2c3dfa83    mov     byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (83fa3d2c)],bl
        83f1b7f4 c705bc89fa83afb9f183 mov dword ptr [nt!KiDebugRoutine (83fa89bc)],offset nt!KdpStub (83f1b9af)
        ULONG ulTemp;
        char code[4] = {(char)0x40, (char)0x3b, (char)0xc1, (char)0x72};
        ulTemp = FindCharacteristicCode(uStartSearchAddr, code, 4) + 0x1e;
        if (!MmIsAddressValid((PVOID)ulTemp))
            KdPrint(("ulTemp is invalid!
        ulKdpStub = *(ULONG*)ulTemp;
        KdPrint(("ulKdpStub: 0x%08X
    ", ulKdpStub));
    VOID GetKdpTrapAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr)
        83f2efc0 8731            xchg    esi,dword ptr [ecx]
        83f2efc2 85f6            test    esi,esi
        83f2efc4 7507            jne     nt!KeEnterKernelDebugger+0x3c (83f2efcd)
        83f2efc6 50              push    eax
        83f2efc7 50              push    eax
        83f2efc8 e83dc12400      call    nt!KdInitSystem (8417b10a)
        83f2efcd 6a05            push    5
        83f2efcf e893f0ffff      call    nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak (83f2e067)
        8417b38f 99              cdq
        8417b390 a3109cf783      mov     dword ptr [nt!KdVersionBlock+0x10 (83f79c10)],eax
        8417b395 8915149cf783    mov     dword ptr [nt!KdVersionBlock+0x14 (83f79c14)],edx
        8417b39b c644241101      mov     byte ptr [esp+11h],1
        8417b3a0 a1109cf783      mov     eax,dword ptr [nt!KdVersionBlock+0x10 (83f79c10)]
        8417b3a5 33f6            xor     esi,esi
        8417b3a7 807c241100      cmp     byte ptr [esp+11h],0
        8417b3ac a3409cf783      mov     dword ptr [nt!KdDebuggerDataBlock+0x18 (83f79c40)],eax
        8417b3b1 8935449cf783    mov     dword ptr [nt!KdDebuggerDataBlock+0x1c (83f79c44)],esi
        8417b3b7 0f8428010000    je      nt!KdInitSystem+0x3db (8417b4e5)
        8417b3bd 53              push    ebx
        8417b3be e8977acdff      call    nt!KdDebuggerInitialize0 (83e52e5a)
        8417b3c3 85c0            test    eax,eax
        8417b3c5 0f8c1a010000    jl      nt!KdInitSystem+0x3db (8417b4e5)
        8417b3cb 803d18801c8400  cmp     byte ptr [nt!KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized (841c8018)],0
        8417b3d2 c705bc99fb83f2c41784 mov dword ptr [nt!KiDebugRoutine (83fb99bc)],offset nt!KdpTrap (8417c4f2)
        ULONG uTemp;
        char code1[3] = {(char)0x50, (char)0x50, (char)0xe8};
        char code2[3] = {(char)0x85, (char)0xc0, (char)0x0f};
        uTemp = FindCharacteristicCode(uStartSearchAddr, code1, 3) + 2;
        if (!MmIsAddressValid((PVOID)uTemp))
            KdPrint(("uTemp is invalid!
        ulKdInitSystem = uTemp + *(ULONG*)(uTemp + 1) + 5;
        KdPrint(("ulKdInitSystem: 0x%08X
    ", ulKdInitSystem));
        uTemp = FindCharacteristicCode(ulKdInitSystem + 0x285, code2, 3);
        ulKdpTrap = *(ULONG*)(uTemp + 0x15);
        KdPrint(("ulKdpTrap: 0x%08X
    ", ulKdpTrap));
    VOID GetKdDebuggerEnabledAddr(ULONG uStartSearchAddr)
        kd> u
        83ee2f9e 8935fcc1f383    mov     dword ptr [nt!KiHardwareTrigger (83f3c1fc)],esi
        83ee2fa4 e8dbd9f9ff      call    nt!KeDisableInterrupts (83e80984)
        83ee2fa9 33c0            xor     eax,eax
        83ee2fab 38052c8df683    cmp     byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (83f68d2c)],al
        83ee2fb1 751a            jne     nt!KeEnterKernelDebugger+0x3c (83ee2fcd)
        83ee2fb3 380527cdf283    cmp     byte ptr [nt!KdPitchDebugger (83f2cd27)],al
        83ee2fb9 7512            jne     nt!KeEnterKernelDebugger+0x3c (83ee2fcd)
        83ee2fbb b980c1f383      mov     ecx,offset nt!KiBugCheckDriver+0x4 (83f3c180)
        ULONG ulTemp;
        char code[3] = {(char)0x33, (char)0xc0, (char)0x38};
        ulTemp = FindCharacteristicCode(uStartSearchAddr, code, 3);
        ulKdDebuggerEnabled = *(ULONG*)(ulTemp + 4);
        KdPrint(("ulKdDebuggerEnabled: 0x%08X
    ", ulKdDebuggerEnabled));
    ULONG GetFuncAddrFromName(IN PCWSTR FunctionName)
        UNICODE_STRING FuncName;
        RtlInitUnicodeString(&FuncName, FunctionName);
        return (ULONG)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&FuncName);
    VOID DriverUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject)
        char code[5] = {(char)0x8b, (char)0xff, (char)0x55, (char)0x8b, (char)0xec};
        UnInlineHookEngine(ulKdpStub, code, 5);
            mov eax, ulKdDisableDebugger
            mov byte ptr ds:[eax], 0x6a
            mov byte ptr ds:[eax + 0x1], 0x01
            mov eax, ulKdDebuggerEnabled
            mov dword ptr ds:[eax], 0x1
    PVOID GetFuncAddress(LPWSTR lpFuncName)
        PVOID pFuncName;
        UNICODE_STRING usFuncName;
        RtlInitUnicodeString(&usFuncName, lpFuncName);
    ", &usFuncName));
        pFuncName = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&usFuncName);
        return pFuncName;
    void WPOFF()
    #ifdef _WIN64
        __writecr0(__readcr0() & (~(0x10000)));
            MOV EAX, CR0;
            AND EAX, NOT 10000H;
            MOV CR0, EAX;
    void WPON()
    #ifdef _WIN64
        __writecr0(__readcr0() ^ 0x10000);
            MOV EAX, CR0;
            OR EAX, 10000H;
            MOV CR0, EAX;
    ULONG_PTR GetKeUpdateSystemTimeAddr()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KeUpdateSystemTimeAssist;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0xe8 &&
                *(pStart + i + 5) == 0xfa)
                retAddress = *(ULONG_PTR*)(pStart + i + 1) + (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i) + 5;
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdCheckForDebugBreak()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KeUpdateRunTime;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0x100; i < 0x200; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0xe8 &&
                *(pStart + i + 5) == 0x5f)
                retAddress = *(ULONG_PTR*)(pStart + i + 1) + (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i) + 5;
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_1()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KeUpdateSystemTime;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0x400; i < 0x500; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x80 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x3d &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x74 &&
                *(pStart + i + 8) == 0x64)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_2()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KeUpdateRunTime;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0x100; i < 0x200; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x80 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x3d &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x74 &&
                *(pStart + i + 8) == 0x12)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_3()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KdCheckForDebugBreak;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x80 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x3d &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x74 &&
                *(pStart + i + 8) == 0x10)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdDebuggerEnabled_4()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KdPollBreakIn;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x38 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x1d &&
                *(pStart + i + 6) == 0x0f &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x84)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdPitchDebugger_1()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KdCheckForDebugBreak;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x80 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x3d &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x75 &&
                *(pStart + i + 8) == 0x19)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    ULONG_PTR GetKdPitchDebugger_2()
        ULONG i;
        PUCHAR pStart = (PUCHAR)ul_KdPollBreakIn;
        ULONG_PTR retAddress;
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (*(pStart + i) == 0x38 &&
                *(pStart + i + 1) == 0x1d &&
                *(pStart + i + 6) == 0x74 &&
                *(pStart + i + 7) == 0x07)
                retAddress = (ULONG_PTR)(pStart + i + 2);
                return retAddress;
        return 0;
    void MoveGlobal()
        ul_KeUpdateSystemTimeAssist = (ULONG_PTR)GetFuncAddress(L"KeUpdateSystemTime");
        ul_KeUpdateSystemTime = GetKeUpdateSystemTimeAddr();
        ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1 = GetKdDebuggerEnabled_1();
        ul_KeUpdateRunTime = (ULONG_PTR)GetFuncAddress(L"KeUpdateRunTime");
        ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_2 = GetKdDebuggerEnabled_2();
        ul_KdCheckForDebugBreak = GetKdCheckForDebugBreak();
        ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_3 = GetKdDebuggerEnabled_3();
        ul_KdPitchDebugger_1 = GetKdPitchDebugger_1();
        ul_KdPollBreakIn = (ULONG_PTR)GetFuncAddress(L"KdPollBreakIn");
        ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_4 = GetKdDebuggerEnabled_4();
        ul_KdPitchDebugger_2 = GetKdPitchDebugger_2();
        ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled = *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1;
        ul_oldKdPitchDebugger = *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdPitchDebugger_1;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_2 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_3 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_4 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdPitchDebugger_1 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdPitchDebugger;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdPitchDebugger_2 = (ULONG_PTR)&bool_myKdPitchDebugger;
    void RecoverGlobal()
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_1 = ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_2 = ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_3 = ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdDebuggerEnabled_4 = ul_oldKdDebuggerEnabled;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdPitchDebugger_1 = ul_oldKdPitchDebugger;
        *(ULONG_PTR*)ul_KdPitchDebugger_2 = ul_oldKdPitchDebugger;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lanrenxinxin/p/4378218.html
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