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  • Hive LLAP


    LLAP是hive 2.0.0版本引入的新特性,hive官方称为(Live long and process),hortonworks公司的CDH称为(low-latency analytical processing),其实它们都是一样的,都是实现将数据预取、缓存到基于yarn运行的守护进程中,降低和减少系统IO和与HDFS DataNode的交互,具体的特性细节参考官方文档 Hive llap (如果链接未生效,在文章后面的链接中获取),但是由于版本更新频繁和官方文档的维护不力因素,很多地方和使用上让人概念不清、正确和错误分不清,特别是用CDH这样的集成套件,很多细节被忽略,本文一一来细说和总结各类问题。

    1 hive llap该怎么部署

    分两种情况: 1. 如果使用的hadoop yarn版本是3.1.0以下(不包含3.1.0),需要使用 Apache slider 来部署,因为在hadoop yarn 3.1.0之前,yarn本身不支持长时间运行的服务(long running services),而slider组件是可以打包、管理和部署长时间运行的服务到yarn上运行的。 2. 如果使用的hadoop yarn版本是3.1.0及以上,完全不需要slider组件了,因为从 hadoop yarn 3.1.0 开始,yarn已经合并支持long running services了,slider项目也停止更新了。


    2 注意事项

    1. llap 目前只支持tez引擎,需要先部署好hive和tez;
    2. 由于llap依赖zookeeper和hadoop组件,如果集群开启了安全认证(比如kerberos),llap也要进行安全认证相关配置,使用到的配置参数如:


    1. 一些网上资料和CDH文档的部署方式使用hive用户和权限运行llap服务,hive的权限很大,如果集群很大,使用的人很多,对权限控制粒度要求高,不适合使用这种方式,应该考虑多个llap服务,为不同的用户或者项目组开放不同的llap服务。
    2. 由于LLAP所具有的优势(预取、缓存),对于大的集群,考虑面向不同场景和用户使用不同的llap服务,提高查询命中率,提升性能,我认为是合理的。

    3 llap初始化

    以下以hadoop 3.1.0,hive 3.1.0,tez 0.9.1,集群无安全认证为例,首先配置llap;


    hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts 配置llap 实例名称,这个名称和启动的名称相同。然后打包和准备部署llap 服务的文件;

    hive --service llap --name sywu-llap01 --instances 4 --size 60g --loglevel info --cache 30g --executors 10 --iothreads 10 --args " -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:-ResizePLAB" 

    这个命令会在当前目录生成llap 服务文件夹,里面包含启动llap的脚本,llap的相关配置和jar包;

    $ ll
    total 184M
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 sywu01 sywu01 184M Oct 20 15:28 llap-20Oct2020.tar.gz
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 sywu01 sywu01  273 Oct 20 15:28 run.sh
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 sywu01 sywu01 2.0K Oct 20 15:29 Yarnfile

    执行run.sh 文件启动llap服务。到此llap部署到yarn上并运行。

    LLAP Application running with ApplicationId=application_1602234006497_0592
    LLAP Application running with ApplicationId=application_1602234006497_0592
      "amInfo" : {
        "appName" : "sywu-llap01",
        "appType" : "yarn-service",
        "appId" : "application_1602234006497_0592"
      "state" : "RUNNING_ALL",
      "desiredInstances" : 4,
      "liveInstances" : 4,
      "launchingInstances" : 0,
      "appStartTime" : 0,
      "runningThresholdAchieved" : false,
      "runningInstances" : [ {
        "hostname" : "sywu01",
        "containerId" : "container_e48_1602234006497_0592_01_000013",
        "statusUrl" : "http://sywu01:15002/status",
        "webUrl" : "http://sywu01:15002",
        "rpcPort" : 45795,
        "mgmtPort" : 15004,
        "shufflePort" : 15551,
        "yarnContainerExitStatus" : 0
      }, {
        "hostname" : "sywu02",
        "containerId" : "container_e48_1602234006497_0592_01_000005",
        "statusUrl" : "http://sywu02:15002/status",
        "webUrl" : "http://sywu02:15002",
        "rpcPort" : 46845,
        "mgmtPort" : 15004,
        "shufflePort" : 15551,
        "yarnContainerExitStatus" : 0
      }, {
        "hostname" : "sywu01",
        "containerId" : "container_e48_1602234006497_0592_01_000008",
        "statusUrl" : "http://sywu01:15002/status",
        "webUrl" : "http://sywu01:15002",
        "rpcPort" : 33382,
        "mgmtPort" : 15004,
        "shufflePort" : 15551,
        "yarnContainerExitStatus" : 0
      }, {
        "hostname" : "sywu03",
        "containerId" : "container_e48_1602234006497_0592_01_000010",
        "statusUrl" : "http://sywu03:15002/status",
        "webUrl" : "http://sywu03:15002",
        "rpcPort" : 43520,
        "mgmtPort" : 15004,
        "shufflePort" : 15551,
        "yarnContainerExitStatus" : 0
      } ]

    4 性能测试

    到此,hive已经有mr和tez引擎,并支持llap,使用hortonworks公司开源的 hive-testbench项目 生成1Tb数据;

     $ ./tpcds-setup.sh 1000

    用query10.sql 中的关联脚本查询测试;

      cd_gender,cd_marital_status,cd_education_status,count(*) cnt1,cd_purchase_estimate,count(*) cnt2,cd_credit_rating,count(*) cnt3,cd_dep_count,count(*) cnt4,cd_dep_employed_count,count(*) cnt5,cd_dep_college_count,count(*) cnt6
      customer c,customer_address ca,customer_demographics
      c.c_current_addr_sk = ca.ca_address_sk and
      ca_county in ('Fillmore County','McPherson County','Bonneville County','Boone County','Brown County') and
      cd_demo_sk = c.c_current_cdemo_sk and 
      exists (select *
              from store_sales,date_dim
              where c.c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk and
                    ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
                    d_year = 2000 and
                    d_moy between 3 and 3+3) and
       (exists (select *
                from web_sales,date_dim
                where c.c_customer_sk = ws_bill_customer_sk and
                      ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
                      d_year = 2000 and
                      d_moy between 3 ANd 3+3) or 
        exists (select * 
                from catalog_sales,date_dim
                where c.c_customer_sk = cs_ship_customer_sk and
                      cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
                      d_year = 2000 and
                      d_moy between 3 and 3+3))
     group by cd_gender,
     order by cd_gender,
    limit 100;

    mr 引擎执行情况;

    INFO  : Query ID = sywu01_20201023113411_add04434-7382-4376-8883-26ab298b1c6f
    INFO  : Total jobs = 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-24:MAPREDLOCAL] in parallel
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-25:MAPREDLOCAL] in parallel
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-26:MAPREDLOCAL] in parallel
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-27:MAPREDLOCAL] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-20:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 2 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-14:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 3 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-11:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 4 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-18:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-17:CONDITIONAL] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 5 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-3:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 6 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-4:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : Launching Job 7 out of 8
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-5:MAPRED] in parallel
    INFO  : MapReduce Jobs Launched: 
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-18: Map: 3   Cumulative CPU: 779.28 sec   HDFS Read: 77140427 HDFS Write: 5298244 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-20: Map: 350   Cumulative CPU: 4134.07 sec   HDFS Read: 3203667384 HDFS Write: 193140638 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-11: Map: 153  Reduce: 151   Cumulative CPU: 4631.57 sec   HDFS Read: 886558268 HDFS Write: 46326191 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-14: Map: 257  Reduce: 271   Cumulative CPU: 6646.95 sec   HDFS Read: 1049371661 HDFS Write: 106287345 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-3: Map: 19  Reduce: 2   Cumulative CPU: 394.45 sec   HDFS Read: 351370942 HDFS Write: 1399528 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-4: Map: 2  Reduce: 1   Cumulative CPU: 15.71 sec   HDFS Read: 1415039 HDFS Write: 12296 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Stage-Stage-5: Map: 1  Reduce: 1   Cumulative CPU: 8.31 sec   HDFS Read: 23606 HDFS Write: 7168 SUCCESS
    INFO  : Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 0 days 4 hours 36 minutes 50 seconds 340 msec
    INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=sywu01_20201023113411_add04434-7382-4376-8883-26ab298b1c6f); Time taken: 838.106 seconds
    INFO  : OK
    | cd_gender  | cd_marital_status  |  cd_education_status  | cnt1  | cd_purchase_estimate  | cnt2  | cd_credit_rating  | cnt3  | cd_dep_count  | cnt4  | cd_dep_employed_count  | cnt5  | cd_dep_college_count  | cnt6  |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 0             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 5                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 1                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 0             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 3             | 1     | 2                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 0                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 6                      | 1     | 6                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | Low Risk          | 1     | 0             | 1     | 3                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    100 rows selected (850.686 seconds)

    tez 引擎执行情况;

    INFO  : Query ID = sywu01_20201023175253_265d5780-7be4-47ad-ad4b-ef8154bb3842
    INFO  : Total jobs = 1
    INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 1
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in parallel
    Map 6 .......... container     SUCCEEDED     14         14        0        0       0      10  
    Map 7 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      4          4        0        0       3       3  
    Map 1 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      6          6        0        0       0       1  
    Map 9 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       1  
    Reducer 5 ...... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       1  
    Map 8 .......... container     SUCCEEDED     20         20        0        0       0       0  
    Map 10 ......... container     SUCCEEDED      6          6        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 11 ..... container     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       0  
    Map 12 ......... container     SUCCEEDED     10         10        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 13 ..... container     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 2 ...... container     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 3 ...... container     SUCCEEDED    145        145        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 4 ...... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
    VERTICES: 13/13  [==========================>>] 100%  ELAPSED TIME: 36.01 s    
    INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=sywu01_20201023175253_265d5780-7be4-47ad-ad4b-ef8154bb3842); Time taken: 54.039 seconds
    INFO  : OK
    - Query Execution Summary
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - OPERATION                            DURATION
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - Compile Query                           0.00s
    - Prepare Plan                            0.00s
    - Get Query Coordinator (AM)              0.00s
    - Submit Plan                         1603446798.35s
    - Start DAG                               1.05s
    - Run DAG                                34.93s
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - Task Execution Summary
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -      Map 1          16546.00        130,790          1,748      13,963,497           82,778
    -     Map 10           4568.00         49,540            484      27,755,681           15,784
    -     Map 12           3554.00         75,240            987      55,261,069           41,887
    -      Map 6          14520.00        131,700          5,584       6,000,000           42,697
    -      Map 7          13490.00         34,760            780       1,920,800        1,920,800
    -      Map 8           4073.00         80,900            472     106,067,119           73,854
    -      Map 9           3146.00         10,200            375          10,000              366
    - Reducer 11           1531.00         27,450            623          15,784          157,859
    - Reducer 13           1026.00         32,250            697          41,887          261,474
    -  Reducer 2           4577.00        267,060          4,652         575,965           22,170
    -  Reducer 3           4046.00        263,850          5,876          22,170           61,923
    -  Reducer 4            503.00          1,430             20          61,923                0
    -  Reducer 5          12877.00          2,360              0          82,778                3
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    | cd_gender  | cd_marital_status  |  cd_education_status  | cnt1  | cd_purchase_estimate  | cnt2  | cd_credit_rating  | cnt3  | cd_dep_count  | cnt4  | cd_dep_employed_count  | cnt5  | cd_dep_college_count  | cnt6  |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 0             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 5                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 1                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 0             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 3             | 1     | 2                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 0                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 6                      | 1     | 6                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | Low Risk          | 1     | 0             | 1     | 3                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    100 rows selected (61.765 seconds)

    tez引擎 + llap 执行情况;

    INFO  : Query ID = sywu01_20201023174916_f4c7d891-7395-4720-9eb1-5bf1fd7c024c
    INFO  : Total jobs = 1
    INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 1
    INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in parallel
    Map 6 ..........      llap     SUCCEEDED      3          3        0        0       0       0  
    Map 7 ..........      llap     SUCCEEDED      4          4        0        0       0       0  
    Map 1 ..........      llap     SUCCEEDED      6          6        0        0       0       0  
    Map 9 ..........      llap     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 5 ......      llap     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
    Map 8 ..........      llap     SUCCEEDED      6          6        0        0       0       0  
    Map 10 .........      llap     SUCCEEDED      6          6        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 11 .....      llap     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       0  
    Map 12 .........      llap     SUCCEEDED      7          7        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 13 .....      llap     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       0  
    Reducer 2 ......      llap     SUCCEEDED    234        234        0        0       0       2  
    Reducer 3 ......      llap     SUCCEEDED    145        145        0        0       0       3  
    Reducer 4 ......      llap     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
    VERTICES: 13/13  [==========================>>] 100%  ELAPSED TIME: 11.34 s    
    INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=sywu01_20201023174916_f4c7d891-7395-4720-9eb1-5bf1fd7c024c); Time taken: 30.035 seconds
    INFO  : OK
     - Query Execution Summary
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     - OPERATION                            DURATION
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     - Compile Query                           0.00s
     - Prepare Plan                            0.00s
     - Get Query Coordinator (AM)              0.00s
     - Submit Plan                         1603446581.98s
     - Start DAG                               1.00s
     - Run DAG                                11.02s
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     - Task Execution Summary
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     -      Map 1           2042.00              0              0      13,963,497           82,778
     -     Map 10           1527.00              0              0      27,755,681           15,767
     -     Map 12           1530.00              0              0      55,261,069           40,935
     -      Map 6            514.00              0              0       6,000,000           42,697
     -      Map 7            514.00              0              0       1,920,800        1,920,800
     -      Map 8           3063.00              0              0     106,067,119           59,399
     -      Map 9              0.00              0              0          10,000              366
     - Reducer 11           1536.00              0              0          15,767           14,579
     - Reducer 13           1019.00              0              0          40,935           33,694
     -  Reducer 2           3059.00              0              0         190,450           22,170
     -  Reducer 3           2540.00              0              0          22,170           14,423
     -  Reducer 4            278.00              0              0          14,423                0
     -  Reducer 5           2041.00              0              0          82,778                3
     - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    | cd_gender  | cd_marital_status  |  cd_education_status  | cnt1  | cd_purchase_estimate  | cnt2  | cd_credit_rating  | cnt3  | cd_dep_count  | cnt4  | cd_dep_employed_count  | cnt5  | cd_dep_college_count  | cnt6  |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 0             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 0                      | 1     | 5                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 500                   | 1     | Good              | 1     | 1             | 1     | 1                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 0             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 3             | 1     | 2                      | 1     | 1                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 4                      | 1     | 0                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | High Risk         | 1     | 5             | 1     | 6                      | 1     | 6                     | 1     |
    | F          | D                  | 2 yr Degree           | 1     | 3500                  | 1     | Low Risk          | 1     | 0             | 1     | 3                      | 1     | 4                     | 1     |
    100 rows selected (37.668 seconds) 

    5 总结

    可以看到,mr引擎的执行耗时(850.686 seconds)是tez引擎执行耗时(61.765 seconds)和tez引擎+llap执行耗时(37.668 seconds)的近14倍,资源使用率远远高于后者;tez引擎和tez引擎+llap确实极大的提升了查询性能,也让hive更越进一步,而这一切的代价,仅是对架构、底层的了解和认识以及组件的升级和更新能够获得的。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lanston/p/13868096.html
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