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  • 简单的python购物车



     1 products = [['Iphone8',6888],['MacPro',14800],['小米6',2499],['Coffee',31],['Book',80],['Nike Shoes',799]]
     3 shopping_cart = []
     4 #run_flag = True #标志位
     5 exit_flag = False
     6 while not exit_flag:
     7     print("---------商品列表------------")
     8     for index,p in enumerate(products):
     9         print("%s, %s   %s"  %(index,p[0],p[1]  ))
    11     choice = input("请输入你要买的商品编号:")
    12     if choice.isdigit():  #判断是不是str类型
    13         choice = int(choice)
    14         if choice >= 0 and choice < len(products):
    15           shopping_cart.append(products[choice])
    16           print("Add product %s into shopping_cart." %(products[choice]))
    17         else:
    18           print("该商品的编号不存在")
    19     elif choice == 'q':
    20         if len(shopping_cart) >0:
    21           print("-------你已经购买以下商品--------")
    22           for index,p in enumerate(shopping_cart) :
    23              print("%s, %s   %s" % (index, p[0], p[1]))
    25              #break
    26              #run_flag = False
    27              exit_flag = True





     1 #!/usr/bin/env.python
     2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     3 """
     4 -------------------------------------------------
     5  File Name:  shopping
     6  Description :
     7  Author :  lwh
     8  date:   2019/2/28
     9 -------------------------------------------------
    11 -------------------------------------------------
    12 """
    14 #定义一个商品的列表
    15 product_list = [
    16     ('iphone',5000),
    17     ('coffee',31),
    18     ('bicyle',888),
    19     ('iwatch,2666'),
    20     ('Mac Pro',15000),
    21     ('book',88)]
    23 shopping_list = [] #空列表,存放购买的商
    25 money = input("请输入你的工资:")
    26 if money.isdigit(): # isdigit() 用来检#检测字符串是否只由数字组成,是则返回True,否则False
    27     money = int(money)
    29     while True:
    30         for index,i in enumerate(product_list):  #index作为下标索引
    31             # enumerate() 函数用于将一个可遍历的数据对象(如列表、元组或字符串)组合为一个索引序列,同时列出数据和数据下标,一般用在 for 循环当中。
    32             print(index,i[0],i[1])  #qi'qin
    33         user_choice = input("请输入你要购买的商品: ")
    34         if user_choice.isdigit() :    #判断
    35                 user_choice = int(user_choice)
    36                 if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >= 0:
    37                     product_choice = product_list[user_choice]
    38                     if product_choice[1] < money: #买得起
    39                        shopping_list.append(product_choice) # 买得起,就放入购物车
    40                        money -= product_choice[1]
    41                        print("添加 %s 到你的购物车了,你的余额为 : 33[31;1m%s33[0m" % (product_choice, money))
    42                     else:
    43                         print("33[41;1m你的余额只剩%s啦,不够买该商品,请重新选择!33[0m" % money)
    44                         print("-----------购 物 车------------")
    45                         for s_index, s in enumerate(shopping_list):
    46                            print(s_index,s)
    47                         print("-----------商  品------------")
    48                         print("你的余额为:33[31;1m%s33[0m" % money)
    49                 else:
    50                     print("没有这个商品")
    51         elif user_choice == "q" :
    52                 print("-------购 物 清 单---------")
    53                 for s_index,s in enumerate(shopping_list):
    54                      print(s_index,s)
    55                 print("-----------购 物 清 单------------")
    56                 print("你的余额为 : 33[31;lm%s33[0m" % money)
    57                 exit()
    58         else:
    59                 print("输入错误,没有这个商品,请重新输入: ")
    60     else:
    61         print("输入错误,请重新输入: ")




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