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  • ials代码

    # DataSet
    Created on Aug 8, 2016
    Processing datasets.
    @author: Xiangnan He (xiangnanhe@gmail.com)
    import scipy.sparse as sp
    import numpy as np
    class Dataset(object):
        def __init__(self, path):
            self.trainMatrix = self.load_rating_file_as_matrix(path + ".train.rating")
            self.testRatings = self.load_rating_file_as_list(path + ".test.rating")
            self.testNegatives = self.load_negative_file(path + ".test.negative")
            assert len(self.testRatings) == len(self.testNegatives)
            self.num_users, self.num_items = self.trainMatrix.shape
        def load_rating_file_as_list(self, filename):
            ratingList = []
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                line = f.readline()
                while line != None and line != "":
                    arr = line.split("	")
                    user, item = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])
                    ratingList.append([user, item])
                    line = f.readline()
            return ratingList
        def load_negative_file(self, filename):
            negativeList = []
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                line = f.readline()
                while line != None and line != "":
                    arr = line.split("	")
                    negatives = []
                    for x in arr[1:]:
                    line = f.readline()
            return negativeList
        def load_rating_file_as_matrix(self, filename):
            Read .rating file and Return dok matrix.
            The first line of .rating file is: num_users	 num_items
            # Get number of users and items
            num_users, num_items = 0, 0
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                line = f.readline()
                while line != None and line != "":
                    arr = line.split("	")
                    u, i = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])
                    num_users = max(num_users, u)
                    num_items = max(num_items, i)
                    line = f.readline()
            # Construct matrix
            mat = sp.dok_matrix((num_users + 1, num_items + 1), dtype=np.float32)
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                line = f.readline()
                while line != None and line != "":
                    arr = line.split("	")
                    user, item, rating = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1]), float(arr[2])
                    if (rating > 0):
                        mat[user, item] = 1.0
                    line = f.readline()
            return mat
    # evaluate.py
    Created on Apr 15, 2016
    Evaluate the performance of Top-K recommendation:
        Protocol: leave-1-out evaluation
        Measures: Hit Ratio and NDCG
        (more details are in: Xiangnan He, et al. Fast Matrix Factorization for Online Recommendation with Implicit Feedback. SIGIR'16)
    @author: hexiangnan
    import math
    import heapq  # for retrieval topK
    import multiprocessing
    import numpy as np
    from time import time
    # from numba import jit, autojit
    # Global variables that are shared across processes
    _model = None
    _testRatings = None
    _testNegatives = None
    _K = None
    def evaluate_model(model, testRatings, testNegatives, K, num_thread):
        Evaluate the performance (Hit_Ratio, NDCG) of top-K recommendation
        Return: score of each test rating.
        global _model
        global _testRatings
        global _testNegatives
        global _K
        _model = model
        _testRatings = testRatings
        _testNegatives = testNegatives
        _K = K
        hits, ndcgs = [], []
        if (num_thread > 1):  # Multi-thread
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_thread)
            res = pool.map(eval_one_rating, range(len(_testRatings)))
            hits = [r[0] for r in res]
            ndcgs = [r[1] for r in res]
            return (hits, ndcgs)
        # Single thread
        for idx in range(len(_testRatings)):
            (hr, ndcg) = eval_one_rating(idx)
        return (hits, ndcgs)
    def eval_one_rating(idx):
        rating = _testRatings[idx]
        items = _testNegatives[idx]
        u = rating[0]
        gtItem = rating[1]
        # Get prediction scores
        map_item_score = {}
        users = np.full(len(items), u, dtype='int32')
        predictions = _model.predict([users, np.array(items)],
                                     batch_size=100, verbose=0)
        for i in range(len(items)):
            item = items[i]
            map_item_score[item] = predictions[i]
        # Evaluate top rank list
        ranklist = heapq.nlargest(_K, map_item_score, key=map_item_score.get)
        hr = getHitRatio(ranklist, gtItem)
        ndcg = getNDCG(ranklist, gtItem)
        return (hr, ndcg)
    def getHitRatio(ranklist, gtItem):
        for item in ranklist:
            if item == gtItem:
                return 1
        return 0
    def getNDCG(ranklist, gtItem):
        for i in range(len(ranklist)):
            item = ranklist[i]
            if item == gtItem:
                return math.log(2) / math.log(i + 2)
        return 0
    # ials.py
    # coding=utf-8
    # Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    """Revisiting the Performance of IALS on Item Recommendation Benchmarks."""
    import concurrent.futures
    import numpy as np
    class DataSet():
      """A class holding the train and test data."""
      def __init__(self, train_by_user, train_by_item, test, num_batches):
        """Creates a DataSet and batches it.
          train_by_user: list of (user, items)
          train_by_item: list of (item, users)
          test: list of (user, history_items, target_items)
          num_batches: partitions each set using this many batches.
        self.train_by_user = train_by_user
        self.train_by_item = train_by_item
        self.test = test
        self.num_users = len(train_by_user)
        self.num_items = len(train_by_item)
        self.user_batches = self._batch(train_by_user, num_batches)
        self.item_batches = self._batch(train_by_item, num_batches)
        self.test_batches = self._batch(test, num_batches)
      def _batch(self, xs, num_batches):
        batches = [[] for _ in range(num_batches)]
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
          batches[i % num_batches].append(x)
        return batches
    def map_parallel(fn, xs, *args):
      """Applies a function to a list, equivalent to [fn(x, *args) for x in xs]."""
      if len(xs) == 1:
        return [fn(xs[0], *args)]
      num_threads = len(xs)
      executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(num_threads)
      futures = [executor.submit(fn, x, *args) for x in xs]
      results = [future.result() for future in futures]
      return results
    class Recommender():
      """A Recommender class used to evaluate a recommendation algorithm.
      Inheriting classes must implement the score() method.
      def _evaluate_user(self, user_history, ground_truth, exclude):
        """Evaluates one user.
          user_history: list of items to use in the projection.
          ground_truth: list of target items.
          exclude: list of items to exclude, usually the same as ground_truth.
          A tuple of (Recall@20, Recall@50 and nDCG@100).
        scores = self.score(user_history)
        scores[exclude] = -np.infty
        topk = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
        def recall(k, gt_set, topk):
          result = 0.0
          for i in range(k):
            if topk[i] in gt_set:
              result += 1
          return result / min(k, len(gt_set))
        def ndcg(k, gt_set, topk):
          result = 0.0
          norm = 0.0
          for i in range(k):
            if topk[i] in gt_set:
              result += 1.0/np.log2(i+2)
          for i in range(min(k, len(gt_set))):
            norm += 1.0/np.log2(i+2)
          return result / norm
        gt_set = ground_truth
        return np.array([
            recall(20, gt_set, topk), recall(50, gt_set, topk),
            ndcg(100, gt_set, topk)
      def _evaluate_users(self, users):
        """Evaluates a set of users.
          users: a list of users, where each user is a tuple
            (id, history, ground truth).
          A dict mapping user id to a tuple of (Recall@20, Recall@50, nDCG@100).
        metrics = {}
        for user_id, ground_truth, history in users:
          if set(ground_truth) & set(history):
            raise ValueError("The history and ground_truth must be disjoint.")
          metrics[user_id] = self._evaluate_user(history, ground_truth, history)
        return metrics
      def evaluate(self, users_batches):
        results = map_parallel(self._evaluate_users, users_batches)
        all_metrics = []
        for r in results:
        return np.mean(all_metrics, axis=0)
    class IALS(Recommender):
      """iALS solver."""
      def __init__(self, num_users, num_items, embedding_dim, reg,
                   unobserved_weight, stddev):
        self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
        self.reg = reg
        self.unobserved_weight = unobserved_weight
        self.user_embedding = np.random.normal(
            0, stddev, (num_users, embedding_dim))
        self.item_embedding = np.random.normal(
            0, stddev, (num_items, embedding_dim))
      def _update_user_gramian(self):
        self.user_gramian = np.matmul(self.user_embedding.T, self.user_embedding)
      def _update_item_gramian(self):
        self.item_gramian = np.matmul(self.item_embedding.T, self.item_embedding)
      def score(self, user_history):
        user_emb = project(
            user_history, self.item_embedding, self.item_gramian, self.reg,
        result = np.dot(user_emb, self.item_embedding.T)
        return result
      def train(self, ds):
        """Runs one iteration of the IALS algorithm.
          ds: a DataSet object.
        # Solve for the user embeddings
        self._solve(ds.user_batches, is_user=True)
        # Solve for the item embeddings
        self._solve(ds.item_batches, is_user=False)
      def _solve(self, batches, is_user):
        """Solves one side of the matrix."""
        if is_user:
          embedding = self.user_embedding
          args = (self.item_embedding, self.item_gramian, self.reg,
          embedding = self.item_embedding
          args = (self.user_embedding, self.user_gramian, self.reg,
        results = map_parallel(solve, batches, *args)
        for r in results:
          for user, emb in r.items():
            embedding[user, :] = emb
    def project(user_history, item_embedding, item_gramian, reg, unobserved_weight):
      """Solves one iteration of the iALS algorithm."""
      if not user_history:
        raise ValueError("empty user history in projection")
      emb_dim = np.shape(item_embedding)[1]
      lhs = np.zeros([emb_dim, emb_dim])
      rhs = np.zeros([emb_dim])
      for item in user_history:
        item_emb = item_embedding[item]
        lhs += np.outer(item_emb, item_emb)
        rhs += item_emb
      lhs += unobserved_weight * item_gramian
      lhs = lhs + np.identity(emb_dim) * reg
      return np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
    def solve(data_by_user, item_embedding, item_gramian, global_reg,
      user_embedding = {}
      for user, items in data_by_user:
        reg = global_reg *(len(items) + unobserved_weight * item_embedding.shape[0])
        user_embedding[user] = project(
            items, item_embedding, item_gramian, reg, unobserved_weight)
      return user_embedding
    # ials_samples
    # coding=utf-8
    # Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # coding=utf-8
    r"""Evaluation of iALS following the protocol of the NCF paper.
     - iALS is the algorithm from:
       Hu, Y., Koren, Y., and Volinsky, C.: Collaborative Filtering for Implicit
       Feedback Datasets. ICDM 2008
     - Evaluation follows the protocol from:
       He, X., Liao, L., Zhang, H., Nie, L., Hu, X., and Chua, T.-S.: Neural
       collaborative filtering. WWW 2017
    import argparse
    # Dataset and evaluation protocols reused from
    # https://github.com/hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filtering
    from Dataset import Dataset
    from evaluate import evaluate_model
    import numpy as np
    from collections import defaultdict
    from ials import IALS
    from ials import DataSet as IALSDataset
    class MFModel(IALS):
      def _predict_one(self, user, item):
        """Predicts the score of a user for an item."""
        return np.dot(self.user_embedding[user],
      def predict(self, pairs, batch_size, verbose):
        """Computes predictions for a given set of user-item pairs.
          pairs: A pair of lists (users, items) of the same length.
          batch_size: unused.
          verbose: unused.
          predictions: A list of the same length as users and items, such that
          predictions[i] is the models prediction for (users[i], items[i]).
        del batch_size, verbose
        num_examples = len(pairs[0])
        assert num_examples == len(pairs[1])
        predictions = np.empty(num_examples)
        for i in range(num_examples):
          predictions[i] = self._predict_one(pairs[0][i], pairs[1][i])
        return predictions
    def evaluate(model, test_ratings, test_negatives, K=10):
      """Helper that calls evaluate from the NCF libraries."""
      (hits, ndcgs) = evaluate_model(model, test_ratings, test_negatives, K=K,
      return np.array(hits).mean(), np.array(ndcgs).mean()
    def main():
      # Command line arguments
      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
      parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, default='Data/ml-1m',
                          help='Path to the dataset')
      parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=128,
                          help='Number of training epochs')
      parser.add_argument('--embedding_dim', type=int, default=8,
                          help='Embedding dimensions, the first dimension will be '
                               'used for the bias.')
      parser.add_argument('--regularization', type=float, default=0.0,
                          help='L2 regularization for user and item embeddings.')
      parser.add_argument('--unobserved_weight', type=float, default=1.0,
                          help='weight for unobserved pairs.')
      parser.add_argument('--stddev', type=float, default=0.1,
                          help='Standard deviation for initialization.')
      args = parser.parse_args()
      # Load the dataset
      dataset = Dataset(args.data)
      train_pos_pairs = np.column_stack(dataset.trainMatrix.nonzero())
      test_ratings, test_negatives = (dataset.testRatings, dataset.testNegatives)
      print('Dataset: #user=%d, #item=%d, #train_pairs=%d, #test_pairs=%d' % (
          dataset.num_users, dataset.num_items, train_pos_pairs.shape[0],
      train_by_user = defaultdict(list)
      train_by_item = defaultdict(list)
      for u, i in train_pos_pairs:
      train_by_user = list(train_by_user.items())
      train_by_item = list(train_by_item.items())
    # 获取batch数据
      train_ds = IALSDataset(train_by_user, train_by_item, [], 1)
      # Initialize the model
      model = MFModel(dataset.num_users, dataset.num_items,
                      args.embedding_dim, args.regularization,
                      args.stddev / np.sqrt(args.embedding_dim))
      # Train and evaluate model
      hr, ndcg = evaluate(model, test_ratings, test_negatives, K=10)
      print('Epoch %4d:	 HR=%.4f, NDCG=%.4f	'
            % (0, hr, ndcg))
      for epoch in range(args.epochs):
        # Training
        _ = model.train(train_ds)
        # Evaluation
        hr, ndcg = evaluate(model, test_ratings, test_negatives, K=10)
        print('Epoch %4d:	 HR=%.4f, NDCG=%.4f	'
              % (epoch+1, hr, ndcg))
    if __name__ == '__main__':




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/laojifuli/p/15528181.html
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