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  • 【转载】有关web效率





    另:有关web效率,有著名的14条规则,由yahoo性能效率小组所总结,并广为流传。业已出现相关插件(YSlow),14 rules列在下面:

    1. Make Fewer HTTP Requests


    Image maps  图像中增加url可以将多个图片合为一个,减少http请求。

    CSS Sprites  通过css 将图片引入到页面中减少页面请求http

    Combined files合并文件不如合并多个请求的javascript为一个。减少http请求。


    2. Use a Content Delivery Network

    3. Add an Expires Header


    4. Gzip Components


    毫无疑问,对站点内容进行压缩是一个比较常用的 Web 优化手段.但是并不一定都能达到理想的效果.原因在于 mod-gzip 模块不但消耗服务器端 CPU资源,也消耗客户端 CPU资源. 而且, mod_gzip 压缩文件后创建的临时文件是放到磁盘上的,这也会给磁盘 IO带来严重的问题.

    Flickr 采用的是 Httpd 2.x 以后支持的 mod_deflate 模块.压缩操作都在内存中进行.mod_deflate Httpd 1.x 是不可用的, 不过可以通过创建 RAM盘的方式来间接提高性能.

    当然, mod_gzip 到也不是一无是处, 对于预压缩的文件, 还是有好处的. 而且, 采用压缩的时候,也要注意策略. 图片文件压缩就没什么必要了(Flickr 上图像多, 而且压缩得不到什么好处). Flickr 只对JavaScript CSS进行压缩. mod_gzip 新一点的版本能够自动通过配置 mod_gzip_update_static 选项自动处理预压缩的文件. Cal 也指出这个特性在一些旧版本的浏览器上会出问题.

    压缩的另一个主要手段是内容的压缩. 针对 JavaScript 可以进行通过减少注释、合并空格、使用紧凑的语法等小技巧(Google 的所有脚本都非常难读,而且非常紧凑,思想类似).当然,经过这样处理的 JavaScript 可能带了很多括号不容易解析,Flickr 使用了 Dojo Compressor 来构建解析树。Dojo Compressor 开销很低,而且对于最终用户是透明的. JavaScript 的处理方法介绍过,CSS 处理则相对简单.通过简单的正则表达式替换(比如把多个空格替换为一个空格符), 最高可以获得 50% 的压缩比。

    5. Put CSS at the Top


    · Move Scripts to the Bottom


    6Put JS components as close to the bottom of the page as possible.


    7Avoid CSS Expressions


    8Make JavaScript and CSS External


    9Reduce DNS Lookups


    10Minify JavaScript


    11Avoid doing redirects.


    12Remove Duplicates Scripts


    13Configure ETags


    Flickr 的开发者充分利用了 Http 1.1 规范定义的 Etag 与 Last-Modified 机制 来提高 Caching 的效率. 值得注意的是,Cal 介绍了一个在负载均衡条件下的 e-Tag 小技巧. 即可以设定 Apache 通过文件调整时间与文件大小获得 E-Tag ,而默认情况下, Apache 是通过文件节点获取 e-Tag 的。当然,这也不是很完美,因为会影响 if-modified-since


    14Make Ajax Cacheable



    15Flush the Header


    We improved the page load times by flushing the apache output buffer after the document HEAD was generated.This had two benefits.

    First, the HEAD contains SCRIPT and LINK tags for scripts and stylesheets. By flushing the HEAD, those tags are received and parsed by the browser sooner, and in turn the browser starts downloading those components earlier.

    Second, the HEAD is flushed before actually generating the search results. This is a win for any property doing a significant backend computation or especially making one or more backend web service calls.

    16Split Static Content Across Multiple Hostnames


    If you have many (10 or more) components downloaded from a single hostname, it might be better to split those across two hostnames.

    17Reduce the Size of Cookies


    Reduce the amount of data in the cookie by storing state information on the backend, and abbreviating names and values stored in the cookie. Set expiration dates on your cookies, and make them as short as possible.

    18Host Static Content on a Different Top-Level Domain


    19Minify CSS


    20Use GET for XHR


    Iain Lamb did a deep study of how using POST for XMLHttpRequests is inefficient, especially in IE. His recommendation: “If the amount of data you have to send to the server is small (less than 2k), I suggest you design your webservice / client application to use GET rather than POST

    21Avoid IFrames


    Don’t use SRC (set it via JS instead). Each IFrame takes 20-50ms, even if it contains nothing

    22Optimize images




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lauer0246/p/1818053.html
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